Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Critical Race theory debunked Part 2 - the quotas of doom - nilevalleypeoples

Continuing with our series on some responses to "critical race theory" we look at popular right wing author Paul Craig Roberts and his article: “Racial Discrimination Against White Americans Has Been Institutionalized.”

Before we begin however let's state one thing clearly and put paid to the standard strawmen. No "endorsement" is made here of instances where ordinary white guys have been hurt by various "quota" schemes. There are such men and they deserve some sympathy and understanding rather that a sneeringly dismissive "welcome to the club." The dismal history of race relations is still yielding negative fallout decades or centuries later, as even these descendants of white folk long gone pay the price for the sins of their, or other fathers. Some of these males also are victims of "quick fixes" installed by those at the top, who installed discriminatory systems to begin with. For such controllers, policies such as "tokenism," where a few blacks are hired to make a lawsuit go away, or at times even a more detailed legal settlement or consent agreement to settle a lawsuit, presented an easy way out in the post Civil Rights Act landscape. "Quick fixes" can make legal headaches go away and can prevent too deep a scrutiny of entrenched segregationist or "good old boy" practices that have benefitted whites in the past, but their exposure can mean sacrifices as well lower down the line. Individual cases where unfairness has occurred indeed deserve consideration, but alas, such stories have too often been manipulated into a master narrative of evil blacks and massive oppression via punishing "quotas" against a pitiful WVG (White Victim Guy). The narrative is distorted for several reasons:

  • The primary beneficiaries of assorted "quotas" in the past were white but fast forward to the post-civil rights era and the same pattern reappears- primary gainers are again white, usually white women as shown by credible research.
  • So-called "quotas" also did not appear in a vacuum - they were enacted because of past and current discrimination. In fact, aside from routine discrimination in favor of whites into the early 1970s, as legal remedies they first appear in favor of 1930s white union members were discriminated against because of union membership. Courts realized that politely saying "please stop" was a waste of time, unless backed with measurable, specific actions to make whole victims of anti-union discrimination (See: Sowell, Thomas (1975) Affirmative Action Reconsidered. The Public Interest 3, pg 48-65).
  • As far as race, they first appeared substantially in the late 1960s (such as Nixon's Philadelphia Plan) and early 1970s. Far from their being a massive "wave of oppression" against WVGs (White Victim Guys), white courts have generally moved to limit their applicability and reduce their impact as ruling after ruling shows.

  • White Victim Guys (WVGs), far from being hapless victims, have actually posted numerous wins in court against "quotas", or limited their applicability, and often secured themselves individual relief. The famous Bakke case for example circa 1974, saw a win for WVG Allan Bakke, and limitations put on various "affirmative action" practices in higher education. Follow-up rulings (Gratz, Grutter, Fisher) have also brought whites individual relief, and even if not overturning specific AA schemes, saw their scope and application narrowed, meaning even fewer white people were affected by them. White Plaintiff Jennifer Gratz for example was victorious in her suit, which struck down a Univ. of Michigan AA admission scheme.  
  • Even when various AA plans are not struck down by lawsuits whites have often obtained alternative means to advance themselves in spite of the claimed "insurmountable" barriers to white folk due to "quotas." White plaintiff Amy Fisher for example who failed on her own merit to qualify for admission to the  premiere flagship Univ of Texas Law School, was offered a deal by the university where she could still get into the flagship school, if she attended a satellite campus for a set period and then transferred to the premiere institution- essentially giving her the slot she wanted. This deal was not a special case but was long an alternative entry means.
  • Where legal challenges fail they can still result in a narrowing restriction on AA subsequently via the political process.  White Plaintiff Barbara Grutter sued over an AA plan and won at the lower and appellate levels, before the Supreme Court declined to throw out the university's AA scheme as illegal. In response a 2006 Michigan political campaign heavily approved by white voters amended the state constitution to outlaw AA in education and public employment (the Michigan Proposal 2, Affirmative Action Initiative (2006). The same Supreme Court that declined to cancel the university upheld the constitutional amendment ban against AA. This again, was a victory for the white plaintiff if she had chosen to follow-up and attend school. Likewise in venues like fire or police departments- a hotbed of conflicts over quotas" - the record shows multiple white VICTORIES by WVGs.

  • Far from "quotas" swamping hapless white victims, as far as higher education for example, the percentage of blacks (between 4 and 8 percent) has barely budged in over 30 years at most big name Flagship campuses where most of the AA controversy rages. See (NY Times 2017- "Even With Affirmative Action, Blacks and Hispanics Are More Underrepresented at Top Colleges Than 35 Years Ago")

    Likewise AA critics Sanders and Taylor (2012) in their acclaimed book Mismatch: How Affirmative Action Hurts Students It's Intended to Help, and Why Universities Won't Admit It , show the black percentage hovering at around 5-6% for the last 30 years at the elite law schools examined- and some of that percentage was in place without needing any "quotas." Yet another review (Gurin et al 2003. How does Racial/Ethnic Diversity Promote Education? WJBS. 27:1) found that affirmative action exists primarily in highly selective colleges that barely have more than 8-10% black students. Such campuses are not where the vast majority, the OTHER 90-92% of black students attend. As far as college access, affirmative action is a minor player for blacks. 
  • Indeed the primarily white quota currently in operation- that of "legacy" admissions for the kids of former graduates, accounted  almost 30% of the admittees to elite Harvard, far dwarfing the small percentage of blacks. These affluent white "legacy" admits, typically have lower grades and performance, especially when compared to other minorities like Asians. See Daniel Golden-The Price of Admission_ How America’s Ruling Class Buys Its Way into Elite Colleges--and Who Gets Left Outside the Gates-Broadway Books (2007).

  • "Reverse discrimination" against whites, while occurring in some cases, is small potatoes in the overall  record according to serious studies of the issue. Per one researcher:
    "Reverse discrimination is rare both in absolute terms and relative to conventional discrimination. The most direct evidence for this conclusion comes from employment-audit studies. On every measured outcome, African-American men were much more likely than white men to experience discrimination, and Latinos were more likely than non-Hispanic men to experience discrimination (Heckman and Siegelman 1993, p. 218) Statistics on the numbers and outcomes of complaints of employment discrimination also suggest that reverse discrimination is rare.

    According to national surveys, relatively few whites have experienced reverse discrimination. Only 5 to 12 percent of whites believe that their race has cost them a job or promotion, compared to 36 percent of African Americans Alfred Blumrosen's (1996, pp. 5-6) exhaustive review of discrimination complaints filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission offers additional evidence that reverse discrimination is rare... [of cases] two percent were by white men charging sex, race or national origin discrimination (three-quarters of these charged sex discrimination) and 1.8 percent were by white women charging race discrimination (Blumrosen p. 5)"

    --Tracy E. Ore - 2005. The social construction of difference and inequality p. 390

  • In short, from the very inception of so-called "quota" plans, whites have carefully throttled them, and this is reflected in the record of court and executive decisions, legislative offerings and individual white victories in court or administrative proceedings. The same pattern appears in contract set-asides: these were gutted by the Croson and Adarand  Supreme Court cases, where white plaintiffs seeking to  block affirmative action (AA) in contracting were not only victorious, but established precedents sharply limiting AA. These cases were over 30 years ago, and had ripple effects across the board, calling into question laments about a vast veil of contemporary "oppression" against white people. Per one scholar:

    "Pressures for affirmative action by federal contractors waned during the 1980s. According to Jonathan Leonard, who has studied these issues extensively, ".. .affirmative action under the contract compliance program virtually ceased to exist in all but name after 1980."38
    --Ronald Ferguson 1995- Shifting Challenges-Fifty Years of Economic Change toward Black-White Earnings Equality. Daedalus; Boston Vol. 124, Iss. 1,  (Winter 1995): 37.

  • Finally, just because some white males were not hired does not automatically mean they are "victims" of some sort of nefarious "quota" as the WVG narrative would have it. In fact, the record often shows minority candidates in various places being MORE qualified than the white ones, but it took a lawsuit, or a new law, or a consent settlement or political pressure to finally get the MORE qualified minority the job. White talk about "merit" often had a hypocritical ring, when a black man showed up. Examples are legion in the legal and historical record- that of MORE qualified blacks frozen out until they applied or gained one or more of the pressuring actions above.

    Take the case of famous color barrier breaker Jackie Robinson. A superb athlete, Jackie (and numerous other black players from the "Negro Leagues) was BETTER than a lot of white players, but he/they were always frozen out of the game in favor of lesser qualified white males. What gave Jackie his chance was relentless political pressure in WW2 era New York (a major venue of the sport), including a new anti-discrimination state law passed in 1945.  There was even international pressure during the early Cold War era and the Soviets had a field day pointing out that the American "land of opportunity" was a hypocritical sham, when MORE qualified black players were denied a chance to play the "Great American Pastime." Even the Japanese during WW2 harped on white hypocrisy as regards baseball. See: (M. Klarman 1994 From Slavery to Civil Rights, or Martha Biondi 2003. To Stand and Fight: The Struggle for Civil Rights in New York. p 33-36). In view of this record, "cry quota" oppression narratives too often are suspect.


But of course, as far as a victim/oppression narrative, none of the above counts. In his article Paul Craig Roberts talks about the evil civil rights and affirmative action “privileges” enjoyed by blacks people- another standard conservative “race card” complaint. Turns out however that the biggest beneficiaries of either the Civil Rights Act of 1964, or later “quota” plans are white, white women to be precise, as demonstrated by most credible studies. And oh gosh! White people, who have approximately thirteen times the wealth assets of black people, and an income advantage some 40%-45% above blacks are the “real” ones, being “oppressed”?   Says Roberts- QUOTE:

 “As I pointed out 27 years ago in The New Color Line, the 1964 Civil Rights Act was stood on its head by the EEOC and turned into a vehicle for discriminating against white people and conveying privileges to blacks and people of color. Today white people live under a de facto Plessy ruling that not only permits separate treatment of races but also unequal treatment. Today white Americans live under “separate and unequal.”

The above is a standard talking point by many of today’s libertarians and right-wingers. But it is clear who the biggest beneficiaries are. The link below exposes some of the nonsense:

White women winners:  As credible scholars note- QUOTE:

"Even more striking is the rapid increase in white women’s access to managerial jobs after 1971. White women move from being underrepresented in managerial jobs by 70 percent to being underrepresented by only 12 percent at the turn of the century. While they have not yet reached parity, white women have made remarkable and consistent gains..

Most striking is that white men and white women are found in virtually all workplaces. In 1966, 11 percent of workplaces had no white women employed in them, but this had fallen to 3 percent by the early 1970s and about 1 percent currently. These patterns mean that even today when white men and women go to work they will often be employed in workplaces where there is not a single black male, black female, Hispanic male, Hispanic female, Asian male, or Asian female coworker. One of these groups will almost always be represented among their coworkers, but one or more groups may be entirely absent. While there has been clear progress in the desegregation of American private sector workplaces, substantial racial homogeneity remains common in many workplaces. 

"White women, however, showed rapid gains in access to white male jobs during this early period as well... Much more striking has been the rapidly declining workplace segregation between white men and women. In 1966, white men and women were nearly totally segregated at work, residing in separate and typically unequal work. While white sex segregation remains high today, it is now lower than white male–Asian male segregation and almost as low as white male segregation from other minority men. Researchers have routinely assumed that sex segregation was higher than race segregation. This was clearly true in 1966, but by the year 2002 it seems more reasonable to say that the workplace barriers between white men and white women are now equivalent to those between white men and minority men. White women have clearly benefited the most from the legal and institutional prohibitions against workplace segregation.

We also have a set of remarkable findings about the segregation patterns of white women. Across the entire post–Civil Rights Act period, white women have been rapidly integrating employment settings with white men, have slowly integrated with minority men, and are increasingly segregated from minority women... Overall, forty years after the law changed to make workplace segregation illegal, it remains high. Most whites work with other whites. Increasingly, white women work with white men. The big success story of the equal rights revolution in the private sector is the integration of white men and women. Cross-race progress among men stalled in the 1980s and among women has worsened since the mid-1970s."

[FROM: --Donald Tomaskovic-Devey and Kevin Stainback. 2007. Discrimination and Desegregation: Equal Opportunity Progress in U.S. Private Sector Workplaces since the Civil Rights Act. Ann Amer Academ PolSci 609:49-84]..

Welfare colors- whites collect more welfare in states where they are the majority. Speaking of white “oppression”, should it be mentioned that as regards welfare- white people are no paragons. Not only are their recipient numbers greater but despite being more affluent than poorer minorities, in states where there is heavy black population, welfare benefits are lower than where whites are a majority. From 1960 to 1990 for example, states with larger black welfare populations offered significantly LOWER welfare benefits, than in states with larger white populations. In essence, white welfare recipients saw greater amounts of aid given than blacks proportionately in said states, even though whites overall are better off than blacks, whether measured by income, or wealth/net worth.

 Far from “undue” black benefit, white people got higher welfare payments in many locales where they were the majority welfare population, while the black share was cut where they were the majority. We keep hearing about massive legions of “undeserving” blacks on welfare, but the bottom line is that better off whites, proportionately, are feeding more extensively and profitably from the welfare trough than blacks.


“Hostility to blacks is obviously more serious than hostility to Hispanics, and extends to the under-provision of such public goods as sewers and police in counties with high average incomes in the black population.. the percentage of blacks who are poor is positively associated with the number of welfare recipients and negatively associated with the average payment (indicating lower per recipient payments to blacks than to other groups."

 --Roger D. Masters Why Welfare States Rise- and Fall.. in K. Salter (ed) Welfare, Ethnicity and Altruism: 2013. 273-275


 "The percentage of African-American population had a negative effect on the average monthly grant. Therefore those states with higher African-American populations, especially the South, had lower monthly grant amounts.. Grant amounts for African- Americans in the South were significantly lower that those for whites, ranging from 7.3 percent less in Washington. D.C. to 37.6 percent less in South Carolina."

--Deborah Ward. 2009. The White Welfare State, p 77. 121


WW2- production urgently needed for the front. Oh did we mention.. no blacks need apply?

More standard right-wing distortions by Roberts – oppressed white people can’t even be hired or promoted anymore. Zounds!

 “Everywhere white people are demonized and said to have “white privilege,” but it is only whites who are indoctrinated against themselves by private and public employers in mandatory racial sensitivity training classes. It is only white males who cannot be hired and promoted in universities, corporations, and the US military until race and gender balance is achieved.”

 Actually employers make ALL employees in a department or section attend sensitivity training, the black ones included. And who says white males “cannot be hired” or promoted until there is “race and gender balance”? Under a small number of AA plans perhaps, but as part of any massive pattern, this would be news to the over 50,000 backlogged cases before the EEOC based on race discrimination against minorities, some of which involve white males being hired and  promoted AHEAD of More qualified minorities. See for example details of the EEOC’s own reports below..

Significant EEOC Race-Color Cases- Covering Private and Federal Sectors

Individual losses, broader context white wins. There are "quota" cases where employers prioritized minorities and white women over white males. Few deny this, but again, such cases came about in response to discrimination against blacks in the first place.  For example, it took almost until 1990, some 26 years AFTER the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for state governments like the Alabama State Police to finally begin hiring qualified blacks in meaningful numbers, and even this was due to a court decision where a federal judge, tired of white stonewalling, simply ordered the hiring of qualified blacks, including those who had been turned away for years. This was an ugly solution, but the judge had before given YEARS of leeway for white bosses to voluntarily recruit qualified blacks. As one popular pro-conservative writer notes:
"Alabama, attracted the wrath of the Supreme Court in 1987. In United States v. Paradise, the Alabama State Department of Public Safety had thumbed its nose at a 1970 federal court ruling ordering an end to its systematic discrimination against black state troopers. At the time of that ruling, there was not a single black on the force. Twelve years after the federal court ruling, no black state trooper had been advanced beyond entry level. In response, the federal court ordered racial quotas to end the "pervasive, systematic and obstinate discriminatory exclusion of blacks."
--Phil Valentine. 2016. The Conservatives Handbook: Defining the Right Position on Issues from A to Z

Likewise President Richard Nixon met huge obstructionism and delay when he attempted to persuade some white unions to start complying with basic civil rights laws in the late 1960s. They ignored or stonewalled him to the point that an exasperated Secretary of Labor, George Schulz, finally ordered the unions benefitting from federal construction funds to hire qualified blacks, or the federal money would cease. Where polite appeals for fairness failed, the rough club of withheld funds worked. This was the background of the famous, (or infamous) landmark "affirmative action" Philadelphia Plan, that successfully forced racist white unions to open up previously "reserved" jobs for whites, with important spillover effects to numerous other areas into the 1970s. (See Kevin L. Yuill. 2006. Richard Nixon and the Rise of Affirmative Action.)
Other plans followed: See Black DEA Agents discriminated against Segar v. Civiletti 1981; or almost 20 years later the Justice Dept. and black agents agreeing to a $5 million settlement. Potter v. Reno, 1998; and thousands more in the record. And this was just in the public sector where use of government funds raised the bar as far as scrutiny of hiring practices. Black taxpayers had contributed to some of those very same funds, yet they were frozen out of jobs using those monies or parts thereof.

Ironically, the legal record shows not simply losses, but many rulings Favorable to white males (See Americans for Effective Law Enforcement, Inc. (AELE) Case Law Summaries 2018 for example ): such as:
(a) male firefighters or police suing and winning against such quotas and being subsequently hired/promoted,
(b) courts rejecting various "quota" plans that hurt said males, or
(c) courts upholding AA plans, just as they have upheld white union AA plans, where such are narrowly tailored to remedying past discrimination- i.e.  white women being denied promotion for years in favor of men. 
This context and history behind why AA plans exist at all is important to remember amid breathless fulminations re "liberals judges" simply decreeing "quotas" out of the blue. Hence to note:

Far from the "quota doom" narrative, white males have been winning a fair amount in legal AA disputes. See: Cleveland Firefighters for Fair Hiring Practices v. City of Cleveland, 2012; Quinn v. City of Boston, 2003;  Lalla v. City of New Orleans, 1999; Ashton v. Memphis, 1999; Abban v. Boston Police, Mass. Civ. Serv. 1998; Dallas Fire Fighters Assn. v. City of Dallas 1998, Dallas Fire Fighters v. Dallas, 1995; or  a white male police applicant winning reverse discrimination suit; city's affirmative action plan was deficient. Lilly v. City of Beckley, 1985, etc.

See also examples of "quota" plans struck down or limited when white males sued: Biondo v. City of Chicago, 2004; Arrington v. Wilks and Martin v. Wilks, 1995, and victories posted by white male Maryland state troopers, who successfully challenged an affirmative action promotional plan, sharing a $243,000 settlement approved in federal court. Md. Trprs. Assn. v. Evans, 1993; Liebno v. Md. St. Pol., and Barker v. Md. St. Pol., 1995; or federal court rejecting a D.C. fire dept. affirmative action plan, after firefighters' union and justice dept. object. Hammon v. Barry, 1985, 1987. See also the use of special collateral attacks or multiple new indirect attacks against settled or agreed to affirmative action consent degrees- which have had some success in delaying or undercutting such decrees. 

And assorted claims of swarms of minorities "under quotas" allegedly swamping supposedly more virtuous white people are dubious as well. The percent increase of black officers hired in cities with consent decrees ("quotas" in the narrative) for example was a mere 2.5 percentage points more than in cities without AA consent decrees, contradicting the distorted doom and gloom narratives. (US Dept of Justice, "Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics" Reports(LEMAS) 1987, 1990 and 1993.)

In short, claims of a vast wasteland of oppression where white males can't get a break in hiring or promotion are dubious and exist primarily, again, in Disney-like fantasy, or in the fulminations of those who allege reverse discrimination when they are disappointed at not getting something. On balance, the legal system as far as race "quotas" has delivered several Victories to white males, and has also struck down or limited various AA plans that hurt such males as a class. The real world balance sheet is far from the propaganda narrative of doom pushed in many quarters. 

Oh would it be gauche to mention that the EEOC has a backlog of tens of thousands of cases,
and is hardly the fount of oppression Roberts makes out? And that a majority of "reverse discrimination" cases involve white females? (Ore 2005, Blumrosen 1996)

 But anyhow: Where are these mystical white males who face this total freeze-out in hiring or promotion? Intelligent Black and White folk are scratching their heads. But with Disney’s Fantasia, it all makes sense..

Biden won, get over it, but can he breakout in Covid era?

The Teflon Don may reap benefit from Floyd protest violence and looting

The Teflon Don- Covid-era approval rating may signal November success

Would a Biden win be any big loss for Republicans?

Tchalla's "Wakanda First" philosophy looks a bit like Donald Trump's "America First" approach

Significant EEOC Race-Color Cases- Covering Private and Federal Sectors

'AsiaRate' Lawsuit against Harvard shows dirty little secret- white quotas used at elite universities

Some gays find welcome home in the 'alt-right' as nationalist organizations step up recruitment

Racial discrimination is alive and kicking in employment, housing and credit markets 

Sowell 3- new data shows backward tropical evolution? Wealth and Poverty- An International Perspective in Trump era

Sowell 2- Wealth, Poverty and Politics- International Perspective - Trump era to bring these issues into sharper focus?

Sowell- Liberal intellectuals and hard questions about race differences- Trump era may force them to focus?

Trump properties discriminated against black tenants lawsuit finds

Stealing credibility- Dinesh D'souza has prison epiphany- after hanging with the homies- Hallelujah Hilary!

Shame on you, and your guilt too- A review of Shelby Steele's 'Shame'

Go with the flow 2- African gene flow into Europe in various eras

DNA studies show African movement to Europe from very ancient times

Guilt3- Why the "white privilege industry" is not all there

Guilt2- Media collaborates with guilt mongers - or how to play the white victim card

How Obama plays on white guilt

Blacks oppose free speech- more ramshackle "research" from "the East"..

Hands off the Confederate flag

Despite much more wealth than blacks, whites collect about the same rate of welfare and are treated more generously

African "boat people" ushering in European demographic decline

The forgotten Holocaust- King Leopold's "Congo Free State" - 10 million victims

Are violent minorities taking over California and the West?

Presidential hopeful Ben Carson meets and Greeks

Contra "ISIS" partisans, there have been some beneficial effects of Christianity

The social construction of race, compared to biology- Graves

Why HBD or hereditarianism lacks credibility

Leading Scientists criticize hereditarian claims

Thai me down - Thais fall behind genetically related southern Chinese, Tibetans below genetically related East Asians like Koreans and other Chinese

Time for liberals to respect "the south" ... in a way of speaking.. the south of Egypt that is..

Irony 2: touted High IQ "G-men" cannot reproduce themselves

Unz and Sowell: Unz debunking Lynn's IQ and Wealth of Nations. Sowell debunking the Bell Curve

Irony 1: touted High IQ types are more homosexual, more atheist, and more liberal (HAL)

Elite white universities discriminate against Asians using reverse "affirmative action"

Deteriorating state of white America

Racial Cartels (The Affirmative Action Propaganda machine- part 2

Hereditarian's/HBD's "Great Black Hope"

The Balance sheet

Exploding nonsense: the 10,000 Year Explosion

We need "rational racism"- Convicted felon Dinesh Dsouza becomes his own test case

The Affirmative Action Propaganda Machine- part 1

Two rules for being "really" black- no white wimmen, no Republican

The Axial age reconsidered

Cannibal seasonings: dark meat on white

"Affirmative Action" in the form of court remedies has been around a long time- since the 1930s- benefiting white union workers against discrimination by employers

Mugged by reality 1: White quotas, special preferences and government jobs

Lightweight enforcement of EEO laws contradicts claims of "flood" of minorities "taking jobs"

Railroaded 3: white violence and intimidation imposed quotas

Railroaded 2: how white quotas and special preferences blockade black progress...

Railroaded 1: How white affirmative action and white special preferences destroyed black railroad employment...

oh did we mention that the primary beneficiaries of Affirmative Action are white..

Affirmative action: primary beneficiaries are white women

7 reasons certain libertarians and right-wingers are wrong about the Civil Right Act

Assorted "Role models" debunked- hypocritical heriditarianism

Social philosophy of Thomas Sowell

Additional gene flow data... :)

Bogus "biodiversity" theories of Kanazawa, Ruston, Lynn debunked

JP Rushton, Michael Levin, Richard Lynn debunked. Weaknesses of Jared Diamond's approach.

In the Blood- debunking "HBD" and Neo-Nazi appropriation of ancient Egypt

early Europeans and middle Easterners looked like Africans. Peoples returning or "backflowing" to Africa would already be looking like Africans

 Ancient Egypt: one of the world's most advanced civilizations- created by tropical peoples

Playing the "Greek defence" -debunking claims of Greeks as paragons of virtue or exemplars of goodness

Quotations from mainstream academic research on the Nile Valley peoples

Race, IQ, and Wealth: What the facts tell us about a taboo subject By Ron Unz

Evolution, brain size, and the national IQ of peoples ... - Jelte Wicherts 2010

Why national IQs do not support evolutionary theories of intelligence - WIcherts, Borsboom and Dolan 2010
Personality and Individual Differences 48 (2010) 91-96
----------------------------- -------------

Are intelligence tests measurement invariant over time? by JM Wicherts - ?2004
 --Dolan, Wicherts et al 2004. Investigating the nature of the Flynn effect. Intelligence 32 (2004) 509-537

---------------- -------


Race and other misadventures: essays in honor of Ashley Montagu... By Larry T. Reynolds, Leonard Lieberman

Race and intelligence: separating science from myth. By Jefferson M. Fish. Routledge 2002. See Templeton's detailed article referenced above also inside the book
---------------- -------

Oubre, A (2011) Race Genes and Ability: Rethinking Ethnic Differences, vol 1 and 2. BTI Press
For summary see:
---------------- -------


--S OY Keita, R A Kittles, et al. "Conceptualizing human variation," Nature Genetics 36, S17 - S20 (2004)

--S.O.Y. Keita and Rick Kittles. (1997) *The Persistence ofRacial Thinking and the Myth of Racial Divergence. AJPA, 99:3
---------------- -------

Alan Templeton. "The Genetic and Evolutionary significnce oF Human Races." pp 31-56. IN: J. FiSh (2002) Race and Intelligence: Separating scinnce from myth.

IQ claims and miscellaneous data
 J. FiSh (2002) Race and Intelligence: Separating science from myth.


-------------------------------- ---------------------

Oubre, A (2011) Race Genes and Ability: Rethinking Ethnic Differences, vol 1 and 2. BTI Press

Krimsky, S, Sloan.K (2011) Race and the Genetic Revolution: Science, Myth, and Culture

Wicherts and Johnson, 2009. Group differences in the heritability of items and test scores


--Joseph Graves, 2006. What We Know and What We Don’t Know: Human Genetic Variation and the Social Construction of Race

J. Kahn (2013) How a Drug Becomes "Ethnic" - Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law and Ethics, v4:1

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Nubian_Egyptian_AfricanAmerican_black_limb_proportions_Niespodziewanski _2014

other links 

Evolution, brain size, and the national IQ of peoples ... - Jelte Wicherts 2010

Why national IQs do not support evolutionary theories of intelligence - WIcherts, Borsboom and Dolan 2010
Personality and Individual Differences 48 (2010) 91-96
----------------------------- -------------

Are intelligence tests measurement invariant over time? by JM Wicherts - ?2004
 --Dolan, Wicherts et al 2004. Investigating the nature of the Flynn effect. Intelligence 32 (2004) 509-537

---------------- -------


Race and other misadventures: essays in honor of Ashley Montagu... By Larry T. Reynolds, Leonard Lieberman

Race and intelligence: separating science from myth. By Jefferson M. Fish. Routledge 2002. See Templeton's detailed article referenced above also inside the book
---------------- -------

Oubre, A (2011) Race Genes and Ability: Rethinking Ethnic Differences, vol 1 and 2. BTI Press
For summary see:
---------------- -------


--S OY Keita, R A Kittles, et al. "Conceptualizing human variation," Nature Genetics 36, S17 - S20 (2004)

--S.O.Y. Keita and Rick Kittles. (1997) *The Persistence ofRacial Thinking and the Myth of Racial Divergence. AJPA, 99:3
---------------- -------

Alan Templeton. "The Genetic and Evolutionary significnce oF Human Races." pp 31-56. IN: J. FiSh (2002) Race and Intelligence: Separating scinnce from myth.

 J. FiSh (2002) Race and Intelligence: Separating science from myth.


-------------------------------- ---------------------

Oubre, A (2011) Race Genes and Ability: Rethinking Ethnic Differences, vol 1 and 2. BTI Press

Krimsky, S, Sloan.K (2011) Race and the Genetic Revolution: Science, Myth, and Culture


Wicherts and Johnson, 2009. Group differences in the heritability of items and test scores


--Joseph Graves, 2006. Wha
t We Know and What We Don’t Know: Human Genetic Variation and the Social Construction of Race

J. Kahn (2013) How a Drug Becomes "Ethnic" - Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law and Ethics, v4:1

------------------------------------ -----------------

Other notes- Africa, Nile Valley- DNA- agriculture, gall, etc

"troubled youth..."

Misc data:

Data from New York and Minnesota show that blacks stopped had LESS weapons or contraband on them than whites, yet blacks were disproportionately stopped, searched and experienced more use of police force against them. 

Data from the city of Minneapolis itself. The blacks were stopped almost 3 times the rate of whites, and were in higher crime hoods, yet whites stops yielded MORE contraband than blacks or Latinos..

Data on extremist murders of US police officers
Most murders of law enforcement by domestic extremists are by white right-wing groups

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