Recall the old saw- delivered in a tone of injured innocence: "why, some of my best friends are black"? Even HBDers these days play on the old routine. Racialist "heriditarian" stalwart John Derbyshire
for example, offers fulsome praise for one Jayman, a black "HBDer" from Jamaica -
waxing positively lyrical about the designated negro as, "a righteous"
blogger, supposedly "not afraid to speak the truth" (as long as
it follows the party line) and so on. The "Jahman" we are told in
gushing tones, produces "masterpieces of blogging", and he is "a
stone empiricist." And gasp! The
Derb even offers to buy the negro lunch if he is in town (though under some
"HBD" doctrine, it is lamentable that restaurant owners should not be
able to refuse service to negroes). HBD sympathizers like Dinesh Dsouza also lament such "oppression" on white citizens, and calls for a civil rights rollback- that is of the public accommodations provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in one of his books. Horrors, if there be a black man eating his hamburger two tables down from the better volk.. Presumably "our negro from Jamaica "
is now an "honorary white"- so "Jahman" gets a pass.
A rosy picture indeed, and he is supposedly fast friends with white female HBD blogger "hbdchick". My, my.. What better dodge to deflect scrutiny of the racialist foundations that energize the hereditarian project? What better way to meet charges of racism by saying "How can we be racist when we even have a negro who agrees with us"? Sort of like their own "affirmative action" token.. the spoo.. er Jamaican who sat by the door.. Tellingly, Derbyshire, aka "the Derb" assures his leaders that his Jamaican bright-boy is not fully negro, but some sort of multiracial mix - Chinese, negro, white.. Whew! Well that's comforting. The boy is not all bad then... though underAmerica 's
one drop rule, we "racial realists" KNOW what he is.... Just keep that boy away from our white wimmen...
A rosy picture indeed, and he is supposedly fast friends with white female HBD blogger "hbdchick". My, my.. What better dodge to deflect scrutiny of the racialist foundations that energize the hereditarian project? What better way to meet charges of racism by saying "How can we be racist when we even have a negro who agrees with us"? Sort of like their own "affirmative action" token.. the spoo.. er Jamaican who sat by the door.. Tellingly, Derbyshire, aka "the Derb" assures his leaders that his Jamaican bright-boy is not fully negro, but some sort of multiracial mix - Chinese, negro, white.. Whew! Well that's comforting. The boy is not all bad then... though under
As for the Jayman, he plays his role well, referring to his
own racial background for example in countering observations of the racist
arguments of assorted "HDB" scholars- providing a sort of "negro
inoculation" as needed. Jayman, like other white HBD types is given to
making sweeping pronouncements as if they were oracles from heaven, "the
truth" that "no one else dare say" and so on. But when closely
engaged he invariably folds and runs away. On his own blog he will delete dry,
factual comments- that question his claims- ducking and dodging questions that
expose his lack of logic or knowledge. On other blogs when contradicted he will
simply disappear, running away - rather than offer clear arguments addressing
the distortions and contradictions in their claims- another typical pattern of
white HBDers. Outside the echo chamber of "the faithful"- Jayman like
others of his ilk show distinct feet of clay.
Below are a few exchanges. Note the last one. The negro met
my observations questioning HBD dogma by touting himself as a countervailing
factor- a black HBDer. How could HBD be so racist if I am in the picture? Why, some of my best frens are.... He pulled the race card, not me. So I asked him what he thought of hereditarian
doctrine that labels people like him, indeed black Jamaican people as an
inferior subspecies of humanity? The negro promptly disappeared, like a chicken
thief in Spanish Town
(a place in Jamaica for those unfamiliar with it). Haven't heard from him since. But hey, isn't
that what "HBD" imagery would build up- cut to picture of the running negro... But let's see some examples below.
Before we start, Jayman is not the first so-called "black HBDer" I have run into. There is a female version (one "Jamila") who spouts all the standard talking points about "courageous folk saying what no one else dare say" and so on. "Her" website is now defunct: but it was interesting seeing the negro defend the vilest slanders against her own race. Some inconsistencies during our debate though make me suspect that the "black female HBDer" was bogus, a fake front, behind which some lame white guy retailed his dubious notions. A black female persona of course lends a kinder, gentler gloss to the racist nuggets and bomblets below the surface. Its like the ludicrously bogus "black militants" who conveniently show up on various web forums to spout rhetoric bout "the man" - appearances all too convenient, as the strawman points they set up are "refuted." In any event, the debate (and a thorough debunking) is shown here.
But on to our main event.
Jayman lists a number of HBD points but they are
typically weak. How so you ask? Read on..
The advice is that if we want HBD to gain widespread acceptance, we can’t be too “hard” with our claims, regardless of how true they actually are.
The advice is that if we want HBD to gain widespread acceptance, we can’t be too “hard” with our claims, regardless of how true they actually are.
Jayman sez:
single human behavioral trait is impacted by genes, usually considerably so.
course genes have an impact. Few people are "denying" this. The key point
at issue is not that genes have no impact, but rather the level and extent of
their impact, compared with other relevant factors that ALSO have an impact.'
you raise your kids has virtually no impact on how they turn out. That is,
nurture appears to matter little in the end.
actually. Nuture very much counts. Even JP Rushton notes the advantages of long
term planning, protective parenting etc in favorable outcomes for example.
that matter, contrary to what we’ve been told, it doesn’t look like peers
matter too much, either.
peers do have an impact as credible social scientists have shown for decades.
In fact assorted "HBD" writers note how peers can be advantageous-
collaborating fellow ethnic tribesmen for example that collectively improve
security for the group as a whole.
have been so far unable to find much of anything in the environment that leaves
a lasting impact on intelligence or behavioral traits.
again. Indeed, a number of HBD writers contradict Jayan's claim. Ruston ,
Lynn et al for example note the importance influence of climate.
this is largely true of health outcomes. “Lifestyle” (say diet and exercise)
doesn’t appear to be primarily responsible for differences in illness or
again. Actually lifestyle (a set of behavioral variables) do count. People who
ingest excessive amounts of salt for example, or who smoke for example, do show
impacts in illness or lifespan.
class of agents in the environment that the evidence does seem to be pointing
to that can impact health and behavior are pathogens, and many, if not most,
have yet to be discovered. These infections can cause chronic disease, like
cancer and perhaps heart disease, and can even alter behavior, most poignantly
in the case male homosexuality.
what pathogens promote male homosexuality? And if these pathogens do, isn't
that an example of an environmental influence that contradicts the notion of
genes being the primary driver?
we know the grand-scale environment can make a difference, as seen with rapid
secular changes, this seems to primarily occur because of alterations in the
incentive structure or through hitherto unavailable possibilities (e.g., cars,
internet, oral birth control). Changes here quite likely aren’t easy to execute
in a way that achieves controlled outcomes.
here again you contradict sweeping assertions earlier as to the primacy
of genes and the trivial impact of nature or nurture. Like many HBDers, you
seem not to realize you are advancing contradictory claims and models.
Rushton tried to do the same thing- pumping up the importance of genes but then
also trying to assert the environment at the same time- as in his "climate control" claims.
the high heritabilities of behavioral traits and the lack of clear
environmental mediators, differences in “culture” (especially within
a given time period) are largely due to genetic differences between people.
That is, differences between all human groups (races, ethnicities, social
classes, or whatever) are all to some degree due to genetics, and
perhaps mostly or almost entirely so.
credible data by credible scholars contradict this notion. But aside from that,
it is also contradicted by HBD arguments for environmental influences to
explain this or that pattern or outcome.
Social mobility, by in large, doesn’t exist.
again, as anyone with a modicum of knowledge on American ethnic groups can
attest. As conservative scholar Thomas Sowell shows in his numerous writings
such mobility DOES exist.
scales up to larger groups: the average intelligence and distribution of
behavioral traits of a nation or a race/ethnicity within a nation are
overwhelmingly the primary determinants of its outcome and social structure,
and not its resource wealth or historical circumstances (generally).
is a weak point that ignores the hard evidentiary record of history, again, as
conservative scholar Thomas Sowell shows in detail, and as conservative Ron Unz shows in his debunking of Lynn here.
these imply that all of human history is largely the result of the churning of
these behavioral and intellectual differences, enabled by technology (which
itself is a function of the people).
simplistic. There is more to human culture and history than behavioral traits
and intellectual differences as credible scholars like Sowell show, and "behavioral
traits and intellectual differences" are THEMSELVES in part products of
the environment.
In the exchange
below, Jayman "pulled the race card" - his Jamaican blackness as
counterpoint when hereditarianism was questioned. The designated negro frontman
went to bat, but ran away when HBD/”heriditarian” slanders against Jamaicans
and blacks were exposed
Never heard of you. But you’re in need of a JayMan
I never heard of you either and your alleged "smackdown"
is anything but..
Well, those researchers are flat out wrong!
As usual with many HDB types, you make sweeping statements of
messianic certainty. Yeah, everybody else is wrong and only you have discovered
"truth" - not realizing that some of your HBD messiahs have feet of
clay. You proffered your link, so here are a few that debunk numerous cherished
"HBD" notions, in addition to those already given.
Race and other misadventures: essays in honor of Ashley Montagu...
By Larry T. Reynolds, Leonard Lieberman
Race and intelligence: separating science from myth. By Jefferson M. Fish.
Routledge 2002. See Templeton’s detailed article referenced above also inside
the book
Race Matters debunked
---------------- -------
---------------- -------
HBD "selection" and evolution claims debunked- Sarich
and Miele’s “Race: the reality of Human Differences”
---------------- -------
“Racial evolution” debunked
--S OY Keita, R A Kittles, et al. "Conceptualizing human
variation," Nature Genetics 36, S17 - S20 (2004)
--S.O.Y. Keita and Rick Kittles. (1997) *The Persistence of Racial
Thinking and the Myth of Racial Divergence. American Anthropologist, 99:3
---------------- -------
What caused average IQs to
be different in the first place? Evolution. Just as evolution led to the
differences we see today, it led to the differences in the past (evolution
means that populations change over time).
^^lol.. OK, since the specific
question involved hbdchck’s posting of European IQs link, and your response is
to my specific response: How did “evolution” give those sterling Germanic folk
a higher IQ than southern Europeans? Do tell.. What are the different
“Evolutionary” pathways between them that led to this outcome? You have a page
full of links, do tell.. This I gotta hear..
So how does a Black HBD’er
fit into your equation?
lol black HBDers are just as full of
distortion and simplistic notions as white HBDers.. I will demonstrate that
right now, using typical HBD notions.
Since your blog proudly posts a
Jamaican flag and such, let me ask you:
1) Are higher levels of Jamaican
criminality and violence (compared to northern Europeans) due to “evolution?” If so, how? What
“evolutionary” pathway did Jamaicans or on a broader plane, blacks, take that
gives them lower IQs, and higher violence and criminality? HBD commenters on
assorted websites occasionally point to things such as high Jamaican murder
rates, and they are right, as far as the statistics go. But how did “evolution”
cause this to happen among your people, or among blacks? Did your black people
have a lower-level evolutionary pathway, somewhat lesser than those of more
refined Caucasoid stock?
2) HBDers (people like Richard Lynn
among them) also like to tout testosterone as one of those important variables
that make people like Jamaican blacks more over-sexed, violent and criminal. Does testosterone account for the violence of your black Jamaican
people and their less restrained sexual behavior, including relatively high
levels of out of wedlock births compared to mo virtuous white people?
And if the higher testosterone levels
of Jamaicans and other blacks is associated with violence, then how come
supposedly mo virtuous white “role models” with LOWER testosterone, perpetrated
the vicious mass murder of the Holocaust, or the tens of millions murdered in
Stalin’s gulags and collectives?
As a Jamaican or perhaps black HBDer,
you should be familiar with such arguments. So how does (a) evolution, and (b)
testosterone, make blacks, including Jamaicans, so violent and criminal?
At which point, faster than Usain Bolt, the negro promptly vanished, taking his
race card with him. Maybe "the Derb" will explain to "our man in Jamaica" why he is of inferior evolutionary stock over that lunch. Oh, did we mention that some heriditarians and libertarians find it "oppressive" that restaurants open to the public are "forced" to serve black people? But "the Derb" mayhaps would not be so gauche as bring that up, eh? And if perchance the negro suffer profiling on his way to that lunch- "driving while black"- surely da Derb, his good white buddy, will be able to put in a good word for him with the police, aye? "Why, officer, some of my best frens are black.."
And so it goes...
And so it goes...
The Teflon Don may reap benefit from Floyd protest violence and looting
Some gays find welcome home in the 'alt-right' as nationalist organizations step up recruitment
Racial discrimination is alive and kicking in employment, housing and credit markets
Sowell 3- new data shows backward tropical evolution? Wealth and Poverty- An International Perspective in Trump era
Sowell 2- Wealth, Poverty and Politics- International Perspective - Trump era to bring these issues into sharper focus?
Sowell- Liberal intellectuals and hard questions about race differences- Trump era may force them to focus?
Trump properties discriminated against black tenants lawsuit finds
Stealing credibility- Dinesh D'souza has prison epiphany- after hanging with the homies- Hallelujah Hilary!
Shame on you, and your guilt too- A review of Shelby Steele's 'Shame'
A review of Sowell's Wealth, Poverty and Politics: An International Perspective
Guilt3- Why the "white privilege industry" is not all there
Guilt2- Media collaborates with guilt mongers - or how to play the white victim card
How Obama plays on white guilt
Blacks oppose free speech- more ramshackle "research" from "the East"..
Hands off the Confederate flag
Despite much more wealth than blacks, whites collect about the same rate of welfare and are treated more generously
African "boat people" ushering in European demographic decline
The forgotten Holocaust- King Leopold's "Congo Free State" - 10 million victims
Are violent minorities taking over California and the West?
Presidential hopeful Ben Carson meets and Greeks
Contra "ISIS" partisans, there have been some beneficial effects of Christianity
The social construction of race, compared to biology- Graves
Why HBD or hereditarianism lacks credibility
Leading Scientists criticize hereditarian claims
Thai me down - Thais fall behind genetically related southern Chinese, Tibetans below genetically related East Asians like Koreans and other Chinese
Time for liberals to respect "the south" ... in a way of speaking.. the south of Egypt that is..
Irony 2: touted High IQ "G-men" cannot reproduce themselves
Unz and Sowell: Unz debunking Lynn's IQ and Wealth of Nations. Sowell debunking the Bell Curve
Irony 1: touted High IQ types are more homosexual, more atheist, and more liberal (HAL)
Elite white universities discriminate against Asians using reverse "affirmative action"
Deteriorating state of white America
Racial Cartels (The Affirmative Action Propaganda machine- part 2
Hereditarian's/HBD's "Great Black Hope"
Exploding nonsense: the 10,000 Year Explosion
We need "rational racism"- Convicted felon Dinesh Dsouza becomes his own test case
The Affirmative Action Propaganda Machine- part 1
Two rules for being "really" black- no white wimmen, no Republican
The Axial age reconsidered
Cannibal seasonings: dark meat on white
"Affirmative Action" in the form of court remedies has been around a long time- since the 1930s- benefiting white union workers against discrimination by employers
Mugged by reality 1: White quotas, special preferences and government jobs
Lightweight enforcement of EEO laws contradicts claims of "flood" of minorities "taking jobs"
Railroaded 3: white violence and intimidation imposed quotas
Railroaded 2: how white quotas and special preferences blockade black progress...
Railroaded 1: How white affirmative action and white special preferences destroyed black railroad employment...
Affirmative action: primary beneficiaries are white women
7 reasons certain libertarians and right-wingers are wrong about the Civil Right Act
Assorted "Role models" debunked- hypocritical heriditarianism
Social philosophy of Thomas Sowell
Rulers of Rubble- The Gaza ground invasion- Part 1
The Teflon Don- Covid-era approval rating may signal November success
Some gays find welcome home in the 'alt-right' as nationalist organizations step up recruitment
Racial discrimination is alive and kicking in employment, housing and credit markets
Sowell 3- new data shows backward tropical evolution? Wealth and Poverty- An International Perspective in Trump era
Sowell 2- Wealth, Poverty and Politics- International Perspective - Trump era to bring these issues into sharper focus?
Sowell- Liberal intellectuals and hard questions about race differences- Trump era may force them to focus?
Trump properties discriminated against black tenants lawsuit finds
Stealing credibility- Dinesh D'souza has prison epiphany- after hanging with the homies- Hallelujah Hilary!
Shame on you, and your guilt too- A review of Shelby Steele's 'Shame'
A review of Sowell's Wealth, Poverty and Politics: An International Perspective
Go with the flow 3- more DNA and cranial studies show ancient African migration to, or African presence in ancient Europe
Go with the flow 2- African gene flow into Europe in various eras
DNA studies show African movement to Europe from very ancient times
Go with the flow 2- African gene flow into Europe in various eras
Guilt3- Why the "white privilege industry" is not all there
Guilt2- Media collaborates with guilt mongers - or how to play the white victim card
How Obama plays on white guilt
Blacks oppose free speech- more ramshackle "research" from "the East"..
Hands off the Confederate flag
Despite much more wealth than blacks, whites collect about the same rate of welfare and are treated more generously
African "boat people" ushering in European demographic decline
The forgotten Holocaust- King Leopold's "Congo Free State" - 10 million victims
Are violent minorities taking over California and the West?
Presidential hopeful Ben Carson meets and Greeks
Contra "ISIS" partisans, there have been some beneficial effects of Christianity
The social construction of race, compared to biology- Graves
Why HBD or hereditarianism lacks credibility
Leading Scientists criticize hereditarian claims
Thai me down - Thais fall behind genetically related southern Chinese, Tibetans below genetically related East Asians like Koreans and other Chinese
Time for liberals to respect "the south" ... in a way of speaking.. the south of Egypt that is..
Irony 2: touted High IQ "G-men" cannot reproduce themselves
Unz and Sowell: Unz debunking Lynn's IQ and Wealth of Nations. Sowell debunking the Bell Curve
Irony 1: touted High IQ types are more homosexual, more atheist, and more liberal (HAL)
Elite white universities discriminate against Asians using reverse "affirmative action"
Deteriorating state of white America
Racial Cartels (The Affirmative Action Propaganda machine- part 2
Hereditarian's/HBD's "Great Black Hope"
Exploding nonsense: the 10,000 Year Explosion
We need "rational racism"- Convicted felon Dinesh Dsouza becomes his own test case
The Affirmative Action Propaganda Machine- part 1
Two rules for being "really" black- no white wimmen, no Republican
The Axial age reconsidered
Cannibal seasonings: dark meat on white
"Affirmative Action" in the form of court remedies has been around a long time- since the 1930s- benefiting white union workers against discrimination by employers
Mugged by reality 1: White quotas, special preferences and government jobs
Lightweight enforcement of EEO laws contradicts claims of "flood" of minorities "taking jobs"
Railroaded 3: white violence and intimidation imposed quotas
Railroaded 2: how white quotas and special preferences blockade black progress...
Railroaded 1: How white affirmative action and white special preferences destroyed black railroad employment...
Affirmative action: primary beneficiaries are white women
7 reasons certain libertarians and right-wingers are wrong about the Civil Right Act
Assorted "Role models" debunked- hypocritical heriditarianism
Social philosophy of Thomas Sowell
Bogus "biodiversity" theories of Kanazawa, Ruston, Lynn debunked
In the Blood- debunking "HBD" and Neo-Nazi appropriation of ancient Egypt
Europeans and middle Easterners looked like Africans. Peoples returning
or "backflowing" to Africa would already be looking like Africans
Ancient Egypt: one of the world's most advanced civilizations- created by tropical peoples
Quotations from mainstream academic research on the Nile Valley peoples
Race, IQ, and Wealth: What the facts tell us about a taboo subject By Ron Unz
IQ claims and miscellaneous data
Race, IQ, and Wealth: What the facts tell us about a taboo subject By Ron Unz
Evolution, brain size, and the national IQ of peoples ... -
Jelte Wicherts 2010
Why national IQs do not support evolutionary theories of
intelligence - WIcherts, Borsboom and Dolan 2010
Personality and Individual Differences 48 (2010) 91-96
----------------------------- -------------
Are intelligence tests measurement invariant over time? by
JM Wicherts - ?2004
--Dolan, Wicherts et
al 2004. Investigating the nature of the Flynn effect. Intelligence 32 (2004)
---------------- -------
Race and other misadventures: essays in honor of Ashley
Montagu... By Larry T. Reynolds, Leonard Lieberman
Race and intelligence: separating science from myth. By Jefferson
M. Fish. Routledge 2002. See Templeton's detailed article referenced above also
inside the book
---------------- -------
Oubre, A (2011) Race Genes and Ability: Rethinking Ethnic
Differences, vol 1 and 2. BTI Press
For summary see:
---------------- -------
--S OY Keita, R A Kittles, et al. "Conceptualizing human
variation," Nature Genetics 36, S17 - S20 (2004)
--S.O.Y. Keita and Rick Kittles. (1997) *The Persistence ofRacial Thinking and the Myth of Racial Divergence. AJPA, 99:3
---------------- -------
Alan Templeton. "The Genetic and Evolutionary
significnce oF Human Races." pp 31-56. IN: J. FiSh (2002) Race and
Intelligence: Separating scinnce from myth.
IQ claims and miscellaneous data
J. FiSh (2002) Race
and Intelligence: Separating science from myth.
-------------------------------- ---------------------
Oubre, A (2011) Race Genes and Ability: Rethinking Ethnic
Differences, vol 1 and 2. BTI Press
Krimsky, S, Sloan.K (2011) Race and the Genetic Revolution:
Science, Myth, and Culture
Wicherts and Johnson, 2009. Group differences in the
heritability of items and test scores
--Joseph Graves, 2006. What We Know and What We Don’t Know:
Human Genetic Variation and the Social Construction of Race
J. Kahn (2013) How a Drug Becomes "Ethnic" - Yale
Journal of Health Policy, Law and Ethics, v4:1
------------------------------------ -----------------
-------------------------------------------- ----------------------------
other links
Evolution, brain size, and the national IQ of peoples ... -
Jelte Wicherts 2010
Why national IQs do not support evolutionary theories of
intelligence - WIcherts, Borsboom and Dolan 2010
Personality and Individual Differences 48 (2010) 91-96
----------------------------- -------------
Are intelligence tests measurement invariant over time? by
JM Wicherts - ?2004
--Dolan, Wicherts et
al 2004. Investigating the nature of the Flynn effect. Intelligence 32 (2004)
---------------- -------
Race and other misadventures: essays in honor of Ashley
Montagu... By Larry T. Reynolds, Leonard Lieberman
Race and intelligence: separating science from myth. By Jefferson
M. Fish. Routledge 2002. See Templeton's detailed article referenced above also
inside the book
---------------- -------
Oubre, A (2011) Race Genes and Ability: Rethinking Ethnic
Differences, vol 1 and 2. BTI Press
For summary see:
---------------- -------
--S OY Keita, R A Kittles, et al. "Conceptualizing human
variation," Nature Genetics 36, S17 - S20 (2004)
--S.O.Y. Keita and Rick Kittles. (1997) *The Persistence ofRacial Thinking and the Myth of Racial Divergence. AJPA, 99:3
---------------- -------
Alan Templeton. "The Genetic and Evolutionary
significnce oF Human Races." pp 31-56. IN: J. FiSh (2002) Race and
Intelligence: Separating scinnce from myth.
J. FiSh (2002) Race
and Intelligence: Separating science from myth.
-------------------------------- ---------------------
Oubre, A (2011) Race Genes and Ability: Rethinking Ethnic
Differences, vol 1 and 2. BTI Press
Krimsky, S, Sloan.K (2011) Race and the Genetic Revolution:
Science, Myth, and Culture
Wicherts and Johnson, 2009. Group differences in the
heritability of items and test scores
--Joseph Graves, 2006. What We Know and What We Don’t Know:
Human Genetic Variation and the Social Construction of Race
J. Kahn (2013) How a Drug Becomes "Ethnic" - Yale
Journal of Health Policy, Law and Ethics, v4:1
------------------------------------ -----------------
-------------------------------------------- ----------------------------
Side note: Some statistics show whites MORE likely to be carrying weapons and contraband than blacks, but its blacks arrested and profiled more.
Strangely, data from both NY and Minnesota show blacks having LESS weapons or contraband on them than whites when stopped by police, yet they are targeted more and have force used against them to a greater extent.

And here's data direct from City of Minneapolis. The blacks were stopped almost 3 times as much as whites, and in addition, many of the blacks were stopped in higher crime hoods. Yet with the deck stacked in every way against the negro, it turns out that the whites stopped were carrying MORE contraband than Blacks or Latinos.
South Africa's "white socialism" in favor of whites.
Strangely, data from both NY and Minnesota show blacks having LESS weapons or contraband on them than whites when stopped by police, yet they are targeted more and have force used against them to a greater extent.

And here's data direct from City of Minneapolis. The blacks were stopped almost 3 times as much as whites, and in addition, many of the blacks were stopped in higher crime hoods. Yet with the deck stacked in every way against the negro, it turns out that the whites stopped were carrying MORE contraband than Blacks or Latinos.
Right wingers oft rail against "socialism", but have little to say when its whites who are profiting. In apartheid South Africa, the highest rate of nationalization of industries anywhere outside the Communists' bloc. Why all this government control? To provide Boer whites jobs, with said whites having a government employment rate of about 40%. QUOTE:
"The origins of apartheid go back to the early years of the twentieth century, when large numbers of white farmers began moving into South Africa’s growing cities. There they discovered, to their horror, that they did not automatically earn higher wages than other races. But they had the right to vote—and non-whites did not. And so the South African government instituted “job-reservation” laws designed to ensure that only whites got jobs that paid well. The government also set about creating jobs for whites in government-owned industries. As Allister Sparks notes in The Mind of South Africa (1990), in its efforts to provide high-paying jobs for whites, the country “eventually acquired the largest amount of nationalized industry of any country outside the Communist bloc.” In other words, racial discrimination was possible because it was backed by the power of the government, which prevented markets from following their natural course."
--FROM: Ray and Anderson. 2011. Krugman's Economics for AP. pp. 715
1) Black progress is a long-standing trend, well before any significant influence by affirmative action quota programs of the 1970s. In fact, long before any "affirmative action" quotas in the 1970s, or under Nixon's famous "Philadelphia Plan" of 1969 to counteract union discrimination against blacks, a majority of said blacks had already pulled themselves above the poverty line, as shown by scholars like Thomas Sowell (2004, 1994, 1981.) Black managerial, professional, technical and higher end skilled employment was ALREADY well on the upswing PRIOR to AA quotas. In The Economics and Politics of Race, (1983), Ethnic America (1981), Affirmative Action (2004), and other books, Sowell shows that in the five years prior to the 1964 Civil Rights Act black gains in employment and education were actually higher than in the five years after.
Black progress in employment and education was a long-standing trend from the WWII era, almost two decades before the 1964 law, and before the era of affirmative action in the mid 1970s. Black gains in education and employment after 1964, Sowell demonstrates, continued this upward movement in the booming postwar economy. The passage of the race-neutral Civil Rights Act of 1964 complemented this upward swing and, by removing unjust legal barriers, provided significant equal opportunity. Sowell sharply contrasts equal opportunity (fair treatment across the board regardless of race) with the disguised or open race quotas and head counts of affirmative action. Thus prior to the 1964 Act, when few welfare or transfer payment programs as such were in place, blacks were already moving forward IN SPITE of open hostility from many whites and open segregation and discrimination in job and housing markets.
Black education likewise shows the same pattern, with an upward swing of college admissions due to things like the race-neutral GI Bill, not the "diversity" programs of white liberals. And most blacks in college do not rely on "affirmative action"- the many in Historically black colleges don't, nor do the many in regular degree programs at various state colleges, nor do a substantial number at the more elite institutions.
In short, Coulter is simply regurgitating long debunked right-wing talking points, and is undermined by the very scholar (Sowell) she uses to buttress her claims. Then there is the case of white affirmative action- but that's another tale, also skipped over by Coulter.
2) "Affirmative Action" is a term appearing as far back as the 1930s when it was used in legal cases of courts granting relief to white union members discriminated against because of their union membership. Said white unionists got court ordered remedies, including back-pay for discriminatory treatment, not mere toothless "cease and desist" orders. Again, conservative scholar Sowell debunks Coulter. QUOTE:
"The general principle behind "affirmative action" is that a court order to "cease and desist" from some discriminatory practice may not be sufficient to undo the harm already done, or even to prevent additional harm as the result of a pattern of events set in motion by the prior illegal activity. This general principle goes back much further than the civil-rights legislation of the 1960's, and extends well beyond questions involving ethnic minorities or women. In 1935, the Wagner Act prescribed "affirmative action" as well as "cease and desist" remedies against employers whose anti-union activities had violated the law. Thus, in the landmark Jones and Laughlin Steel case which established the constitutionality of the Act, the National Labor Relations Board ordered the company not only to stop discriminating against those of its employees who were union members, but also to post notices to that effect in conspicuous places and to reinstate unlawfully discharged workers, with back pay. Had the company merely been ordered to "cease and desist" from economic (and physical) retaliation against union members,the future effect of its past intimidation would have continued to inhibit the free-choice elections guaranteed by the National Labor Relations Act.
Racial discrimination is another obvious area where merely to "cease and desist" is not enough. If a firm has engaged in racial discrimination for years, and has an all-white work force as a result, then simply to stop explicit discrimination will mean little as long as the firm continues to hire by word-of-mouth referrals to its current employees' friends and relatives. (Many firms hire in just this way, regardless of their racial policies.) Clearly, the area of racial discrimination is one in which positive or affirmative steps of some kind seem reasonable-which is not to say that the particular policies actually followed make sense."
--Sowell, Thomas (1975) Affirmative Action Reconsidered. The Public Interest 3, pg 48-65
3) Coulter also laments heavy black representation in government employment (another boilerplate talking point) but such representation among WHITES is nothing unusual, and nothing new, and nothing special. But it seems to be a "problem" for Coulter. Conveniently, she forgets to mention heavy WHITE representation as with the white Irish and white Southerners in government jobs as Sowell (1981, 2005) shows. Her convenient miss is similar to the hypocritical Dinesh Dsouza, who only finds it a "parasitic" when black folk are getting a piece of the government action (See his "End of Racism" for example). Ironically, the Bombay-born D'souza himself grew up in a country where many have made a nice living off government jobs. But that's OK you see- they ain't black.
But the blunt fact is that whites have been feeding deeply and heavily from the government bucket and indeed used their control of that bucket to move themselves up economically. Government jobs were crucial in the economic and social progress of white Irish Americans for example, who manipulated that control to discriminate against other Americans. Take away the discriminatory manipulation and domination and the point still holds. Taking any opportunity open- including government jobs- is nothing special among US ethnic groups. It is only when a black man shows up that that it becomes "deplorable." Apparently only those under paler quotas are virtuous, and need apply. Let's look at how the white Irish benefited from and used government jobs:
"In the city's building trades such as plumbers and the masons, Irish-dominated unions adopted nepotistic membership requirements that kept out new arrivals... Similarly the Irish used their political connections to entrench themselves in both skilled and unskilled city government jobs for policemen, firefighters, rapid transit workers and school teachers, even before these workers had their unions recognized."
"nepotistic membership requirements that kept out new arrivals... Similarly the Irish used their political connections to entrench themselves in both skilled and unskilled city government jobs for policemen, firefighters, rapid transit workers and school teachers, even before these workers had their unions recognized."
"The work taken by Irish men differed from that of Irish women in some respects, however. Irish men were heavily tied up with the political machine. They could secure employment in municipal services, with the machine a powerful intermediary. This is not to say that Irish women had no connection with the machines in their search for bread. Some Irish women, usually American-born daughters of Irish immigrants were able to teach school through the help of the machine, and as the city expanded its educational services, these women benefited... But for men, connections to politicians, the ability to trade a vote for a job, helped them secure employment on large-scale construction projects, a labor sector that supported many New York Irish families. When in 1865 the New York State Supreme Court building was being constructed, Irish men made up the vast majority of those drawing a paycheck. Other heavily Irish male occupations also depended on the machine and on the governmental process.
As early as 1855 Irish men were the largest group of the cartmen of New York, including those that specialized in doing city work on sanitation, landfill road projects and the like. To be a private cartman one required a license; to work for the municipal government in particular one needed good connections. Even before the massive influx of the feminine Irish in 1843, the Democrat-dominated Common Council gave a large number of market licenses to Irish men, much to the chagrin of native American entrepreneurs."
--FROM: Bayor and Meagher 1996, The New York Irish, 96-97
"As a consequence, the public sector employed a full one-third of first, second and third-generation Irish Americans in 1930 compared with just 6 percent in 1900. This patronage helped produce a heavy concentration of Irish in jobs on the fire and police departments and in municipally owned subways, streetcars, waterworks and port facilities. Many of the city's Irish middle class worked on the public payroll, especially in the public schools, and thousands of others labored in construction jobs tied to city expenditures. For second-generation Irish-American women, jobs as schoolteachers were the most sought-after career. Such patronage policies would help to bind the Irish working class and much of the middle class Tammany Hall for another generation."
--Bayor and Meagher 1996. The New York Irish, p. 313
4a) She also doesn't mention the fine "free market" paragons of white South Africa, whose apartheid system produced the highest rate of government nationalization of business outside the communist bloc, so as to provide jobs for whites.
4b) On the crime front, the same double standards are used by Coulter- oh so virtuous white people compared to evil minorities. But the reality is different. As regards the 2011 black homicide rate of 17.51 per thousand this is high, but often surpassed by whites- it just depends on the time period you want to study. The supposedly more self-restrained Dutch of Amsterdam posted a whopping 47 per 100,000 in the 16th century, higher than any rate ever recorded for New York City, Irish and all. (Epstein and Gang 2010. Migration and Culture, Vol 8) In Maryland the rate at which unrelated European adults killed was 29 per 100,000 adults per year in the mid 1600s. In white Virginia it was 37 per 100,000. The supposedly more virtuous Yankee peoples in colonial America in the Chesapeake posted a rate of 12 per 100,000.
In some decades of the 1800s, white San Francisco posted rates well above 17.5. Even allegedly milder white Oregon posted a rate around 30 per 100,000. (Randolph Roth- Homicide Rates in the American West) Using modern FBI formulas, mostly white Los Angeles County in the 19th century ran up a body count of about 414 homicides per 100,000. (McKanna 2002. Race and Homicide in 19th Century California). Nor is the West unique. Studies show the heavily white Scotch-Irish Kentucky-Tennessee borderlands posting a rate of 24 per 100,000 starting in the 1850s. ( –Randolph Roth, 2009. American Homicide). In a study of homicides in white Russia, it was found that in 1998, the homicide victimization rate was 23.9 per 100,000. The 1999 homicide figures were substantially up over those for 1998.” –Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment, Vol 1. 2002 (David Levinson ed) p. 1426.
6) But some may say- are white people the only massive tax-eaters? What about Asians? Well Asians are themselves trough feeders par excellence- in fact they pioneered several aspects of heavy handed and oppressive government bureaucracy. It was Asians that pioneered one of the world’s first comprehensive, massive bureaucratic systems- notably the Confucianist flavored civil service system in China. And today Asians continue that tradition with the most massive parasitical bureaucracy in the world- numbering in the tens of millions. It is called the Chinese Communist Party.
What about other Asians? Let’s take India- a land known for its massive parasitical bureaucracy. Indians themselves are critical of it.. As one Indian study says: ”India’s massive bureaucracy is maintained at a huge cost to the country’s taxpayer, whose average income is among the lowest in the world.”
Black progress in employment and education was a long-standing trend from the WWII era, almost two decades before the 1964 law, and before the era of affirmative action in the mid 1970s. Black gains in education and employment after 1964, Sowell demonstrates, continued this upward movement in the booming postwar economy. The passage of the race-neutral Civil Rights Act of 1964 complemented this upward swing and, by removing unjust legal barriers, provided significant equal opportunity. Sowell sharply contrasts equal opportunity (fair treatment across the board regardless of race) with the disguised or open race quotas and head counts of affirmative action. Thus prior to the 1964 Act, when few welfare or transfer payment programs as such were in place, blacks were already moving forward IN SPITE of open hostility from many whites and open segregation and discrimination in job and housing markets.
Black education likewise shows the same pattern, with an upward swing of college admissions due to things like the race-neutral GI Bill, not the "diversity" programs of white liberals. And most blacks in college do not rely on "affirmative action"- the many in Historically black colleges don't, nor do the many in regular degree programs at various state colleges, nor do a substantial number at the more elite institutions.
In short, Coulter is simply regurgitating long debunked right-wing talking points, and is undermined by the very scholar (Sowell) she uses to buttress her claims. Then there is the case of white affirmative action- but that's another tale, also skipped over by Coulter.

2) "Affirmative Action" is a term appearing as far back as the 1930s when it was used in legal cases of courts granting relief to white union members discriminated against because of their union membership. Said white unionists got court ordered remedies, including back-pay for discriminatory treatment, not mere toothless "cease and desist" orders. Again, conservative scholar Sowell debunks Coulter. QUOTE:
"The general principle behind "affirmative action" is that a court order to "cease and desist" from some discriminatory practice may not be sufficient to undo the harm already done, or even to prevent additional harm as the result of a pattern of events set in motion by the prior illegal activity. This general principle goes back much further than the civil-rights legislation of the 1960's, and extends well beyond questions involving ethnic minorities or women. In 1935, the Wagner Act prescribed "affirmative action" as well as "cease and desist" remedies against employers whose anti-union activities had violated the law. Thus, in the landmark Jones and Laughlin Steel case which established the constitutionality of the Act, the National Labor Relations Board ordered the company not only to stop discriminating against those of its employees who were union members, but also to post notices to that effect in conspicuous places and to reinstate unlawfully discharged workers, with back pay. Had the company merely been ordered to "cease and desist" from economic (and physical) retaliation against union members,the future effect of its past intimidation would have continued to inhibit the free-choice elections guaranteed by the National Labor Relations Act.
Racial discrimination is another obvious area where merely to "cease and desist" is not enough. If a firm has engaged in racial discrimination for years, and has an all-white work force as a result, then simply to stop explicit discrimination will mean little as long as the firm continues to hire by word-of-mouth referrals to its current employees' friends and relatives. (Many firms hire in just this way, regardless of their racial policies.) Clearly, the area of racial discrimination is one in which positive or affirmative steps of some kind seem reasonable-which is not to say that the particular policies actually followed make sense."
--Sowell, Thomas (1975) Affirmative Action Reconsidered. The Public Interest 3, pg 48-65
3) Coulter also laments heavy black representation in government employment (another boilerplate talking point) but such representation among WHITES is nothing unusual, and nothing new, and nothing special. But it seems to be a "problem" for Coulter. Conveniently, she forgets to mention heavy WHITE representation as with the white Irish and white Southerners in government jobs as Sowell (1981, 2005) shows. Her convenient miss is similar to the hypocritical Dinesh Dsouza, who only finds it a "parasitic" when black folk are getting a piece of the government action (See his "End of Racism" for example). Ironically, the Bombay-born D'souza himself grew up in a country where many have made a nice living off government jobs. But that's OK you see- they ain't black.
But the blunt fact is that whites have been feeding deeply and heavily from the government bucket and indeed used their control of that bucket to move themselves up economically. Government jobs were crucial in the economic and social progress of white Irish Americans for example, who manipulated that control to discriminate against other Americans. Take away the discriminatory manipulation and domination and the point still holds. Taking any opportunity open- including government jobs- is nothing special among US ethnic groups. It is only when a black man shows up that that it becomes "deplorable." Apparently only those under paler quotas are virtuous, and need apply. Let's look at how the white Irish benefited from and used government jobs:
"In the city's building trades such as plumbers and the masons, Irish-dominated unions adopted nepotistic membership requirements that kept out new arrivals... Similarly the Irish used their political connections to entrench themselves in both skilled and unskilled city government jobs for policemen, firefighters, rapid transit workers and school teachers, even before these workers had their unions recognized."
"nepotistic membership requirements that kept out new arrivals... Similarly the Irish used their political connections to entrench themselves in both skilled and unskilled city government jobs for policemen, firefighters, rapid transit workers and school teachers, even before these workers had their unions recognized."
"The work taken by Irish men differed from that of Irish women in some respects, however. Irish men were heavily tied up with the political machine. They could secure employment in municipal services, with the machine a powerful intermediary. This is not to say that Irish women had no connection with the machines in their search for bread. Some Irish women, usually American-born daughters of Irish immigrants were able to teach school through the help of the machine, and as the city expanded its educational services, these women benefited... But for men, connections to politicians, the ability to trade a vote for a job, helped them secure employment on large-scale construction projects, a labor sector that supported many New York Irish families. When in 1865 the New York State Supreme Court building was being constructed, Irish men made up the vast majority of those drawing a paycheck. Other heavily Irish male occupations also depended on the machine and on the governmental process.
As early as 1855 Irish men were the largest group of the cartmen of New York, including those that specialized in doing city work on sanitation, landfill road projects and the like. To be a private cartman one required a license; to work for the municipal government in particular one needed good connections. Even before the massive influx of the feminine Irish in 1843, the Democrat-dominated Common Council gave a large number of market licenses to Irish men, much to the chagrin of native American entrepreneurs."
--FROM: Bayor and Meagher 1996, The New York Irish, 96-97
"As a consequence, the public sector employed a full one-third of first, second and third-generation Irish Americans in 1930 compared with just 6 percent in 1900. This patronage helped produce a heavy concentration of Irish in jobs on the fire and police departments and in municipally owned subways, streetcars, waterworks and port facilities. Many of the city's Irish middle class worked on the public payroll, especially in the public schools, and thousands of others labored in construction jobs tied to city expenditures. For second-generation Irish-American women, jobs as schoolteachers were the most sought-after career. Such patronage policies would help to bind the Irish working class and much of the middle class Tammany Hall for another generation."
--Bayor and Meagher 1996. The New York Irish, p. 313
4a) She also doesn't mention the fine "free market" paragons of white South Africa, whose apartheid system produced the highest rate of government nationalization of business outside the communist bloc, so as to provide jobs for whites.
Impossible you say. What about all those tax eating blacks, who conservative pundit Dinesh Dsouza notes in his book, the "End of Racism" (1996) as "parasitical"- depending heavily on jobs from government rather than noble "free markets"?
Alack and alas. As already noted above, a full one-third of all white Irish employment as late as the 1940s was in government (Bayor and Meagher 1996). And as for "government socialism", right wingers like Dsouza have little to say when its whites who are profiting. In apartheid South Africa, the highest rate of nationalization of industries anywhere outside the Communists' bloc. Why all this government control you ask? To provide Boer whites jobs, with said whites having a government employment rate of about 40%. QUOTE:
"The origins of apartheid go back to the early years of the twentieth century, when large numbers of white farmers began moving into South Africa’s growing cities. There they discovered, to their horror, that they did not automatically earn higher wages than other races. But they had the right to vote—and non-whites did not. And so the South African government instituted “job-reservation” laws designed to ensure that only whites got jobs that paid well. The government also set about creating jobs for whites in government-owned industries. As Allister Sparks notes in The Mind of South Africa (1990), in its efforts to provide high-paying jobs for whites, the country “eventually acquired the largest amount of nationalized industry of any country outside the Communist bloc.”
--FROM: Ray and Anderson. 2011. Krugman's Economics for AP. pp. 715
4b) On the crime front, the same double standards are used by Coulter- oh so virtuous white people compared to evil minorities. But the reality is different. As regards the 2011 black homicide rate of 17.51 per thousand this is high, but often surpassed by whites- it just depends on the time period you want to study. The supposedly more self-restrained Dutch of Amsterdam posted a whopping 47 per 100,000 in the 16th century, higher than any rate ever recorded for New York City, Irish and all. (Epstein and Gang 2010. Migration and Culture, Vol 8) In Maryland the rate at which unrelated European adults killed was 29 per 100,000 adults per year in the mid 1600s. In white Virginia it was 37 per 100,000. The supposedly more virtuous Yankee peoples in colonial America in the Chesapeake posted a rate of 12 per 100,000.
In some decades of the 1800s, white San Francisco posted rates well above 17.5. Even allegedly milder white Oregon posted a rate around 30 per 100,000. (Randolph Roth- Homicide Rates in the American West) Using modern FBI formulas, mostly white Los Angeles County in the 19th century ran up a body count of about 414 homicides per 100,000. (McKanna 2002. Race and Homicide in 19th Century California). Nor is the West unique. Studies show the heavily white Scotch-Irish Kentucky-Tennessee borderlands posting a rate of 24 per 100,000 starting in the 1850s. ( –Randolph Roth, 2009. American Homicide). In a study of homicides in white Russia, it was found that in 1998, the homicide victimization rate was 23.9 per 100,000. The 1999 homicide figures were substantially up over those for 1998.” –Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment, Vol 1. 2002 (David Levinson ed) p. 1426.
5) The white Irish also figured prominently in establishment of corrupt urban political machines – a development that poisioned America's civil life- from Daley in Chicago , to Frank Hague in Jersey City , and numerous places in between.
Let’s look at white Irish boss Frank Hague. Hague has a widely known reputation for corruption and bossism and has been called “the granddaddy of Jersey bosses.” By the time he left office in 1947, he enjoyed palatial homes, European vacations, and a private suite at the Plaza Hotel. His wealth has been estimated to have been over $10 million at the time of his death, although his City salary never exceeded $8,500 per year and he had no other legitimate source of income.
During the height of his power Hague’s political machine, known as “the organization,” was one of the most powerful in the United States controlling politics on local, county, and state levels. Hague’s personal influence extended to the national level, influencing federal patronage and Presidential campaigns. The Irish also greatly increased voter fraud in running America ' big cities- making the shenanigans of many modern urban mayors seem like Boy Scouts at play.. Under Irish boss Hague for example, Jersey City had 160,050 registered voters, but only 147,000 people who were at least 21 years old—the legal voting age.
(Sources: Jersey City 's Mayor Hague: Last of the Bosses...". Life. 1938-02-07. p. 45; Hague's End", TIME, 1949-05-23).
White politicians like Hague caused massive tax burdens to be laid on hard-working white people, from Boston to Jersey . Indeed some of these taxes bankrupted certain businesses. (Jersey City 's Mayor Hague: Last of the Bosses...". Life. 1938-02-07) Other notorious white public feeders – some of the worse leaders in America - include Chicago’s “Big Bill” Thompson, and James Curley of Boston . But not to worry. In their footsteps followed people like Richard Daley and Governor Rod Blagojevich, now doing 14 years in prison. (See book- Gerald Leinwand 2004. Mackerels in the Moonlight: Four Corrupt American Mayors.)
The white Irish also pioneered "official" or "legal" thuggery and abuse of civil liberties in running America ' cities. Irish boss Hague for had a law passed requiring making political speeches to obtain clearance from the chief of police. A 1930 ordinance gave the public safety commissioner—Hague himself—the power to turn down permits for meetings if he felt it necessary to prevent "riots, disturbances or disorderly assemblage." The latter ordinance was struck down as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of the United States , but continued to be enforced for several years after that decision. The police were also allowed to stop and search anyone without probable cause or a warrant after 9 pm. (Sources: Jersey City 's Mayor Hague: Last of the Bosses...". Life. 1938-02-07. p. 45; Hague's End", TIME, 1949-05-23).
6) But some may say- are white people the only massive tax-eaters? What about Asians? Well Asians are themselves trough feeders par excellence- in fact they pioneered several aspects of heavy handed and oppressive government bureaucracy. It was Asians that pioneered one of the world’s first comprehensive, massive bureaucratic systems- notably the Confucianist flavored civil service system in China. And today Asians continue that tradition with the most massive parasitical bureaucracy in the world- numbering in the tens of millions. It is called the Chinese Communist Party.
What about other Asians? Let’s take India- a land known for its massive parasitical bureaucracy. Indians themselves are critical of it.. As one Indian study says: ”India’s massive bureaucracy is maintained at a huge cost to the country’s taxpayer, whose average income is among the lowest in the world.”
A biased Western view you say? Not at all. Indians themselves are critical- quote:” [the public perception is that they are ‘burdensome low performers’ heading a highly bloated bureaucracy that is often perceived to be corrupt and inefficient.. lack of professionalism and poor capacity building, inefficient incentive systems that do not appreciate upright and outstanding civil servants but reward the corrupt and the incompetent..”
(Sabharwa and Berman 2013, Public Administration in South Asia)
7) As regards welfare- white people are no paragons. Not only are their recipient numbers greater but despite being more affluent than poorer minorities, in states where there is heavy black population, welfare benefits are lower than where whites are a majority. From 1960 to 1990 for example, states with larger black welfare populations offered significantly LOWER welfare benefits, than in states with larger white populations. In essence, white welfare recipients saw greater amounts of aid given than blacks proportionately in said states, even though whites overall are better off than blacks, whether measured by income, net worth or family structure.
Far from “undue” black benefit, white people got higher welfare payments in many locales where they were the majority welfare population, while the black share was cut where they were the majority. We keep hearing about massive legions of “undeserving” blacks on welfare, but the bottom line is that better off whites, proportionately, are feeding more extensively and profitably from the welfare trough than blacks. TE:
"The percentage of African-American population had a negative effect on the average monthly grant. Therefore those states with higher African-American populations, especially the South, had lower monthly grant amounts.. Grant amounts for African- Americans in the South were significantly lower that those for whites, ranging from 7.3 percent less in Washington. D.C. to 37.6 percent less in South Carolina."
--Deborah Ward. 2009. The White Welfare State, p 77. 121
Another reason for black representation in government is that, relatively speaking, available jobs were more visible in government, which by law, HAS to openly advertise at least SOME available openings, as compared to the vast "hidden jobs" pool (read- white only for white cronies and relatives). Hence as early as the 1950s black employment in federal government was more than their statistical proportion of the general population. This was well before any "affirmative action" quotas. Said blacks learned about job openings, took the requisite civil service tests and earned placement- discriminatory placement sometimes up until the 1970s, but placement nevertheless. In short, when the playing field was made a bit more level- black folk could compete for available jobs actually made known- versus the "hidden" white-network, word of mouth, buddy-system white crony and relative placement.
Another dodge of those who project a perfect world of "merit" is to minimize the fact that workplace discrimination is alive and well. As one news article notes:
"Research buttresses this evidence of wage discrimination with findings of significant race- and gender-based discrimination in hiring. For example, Harvard University researchers found that résumés with “white-sounding” names such as “Emily” are 50 percent more likely to elicit interviews than equivalent résumés with “black-sounding” names such as “Lakisha” (Bertrand and Mullainathan 2004). In addition, a multi-year, national study on race and sex discrimination in large and midsized private businesses found that intentional discrimination exists in every region of the country and in each of nine occupational categories, and it “is so pervasive that affirmative action programs continue to be necessary” (Blumrosen and Blumrosen 2002). Even as recently as this year, the U.S. Department of Labor Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs found that FedEx engaged in discrimination against 21,000 applicants in 15 states (U.S. Department of Labor 2012). In short, although the American ideal may be to judge individuals by the content of their character, we have not yet guaranteed equal opportunity in all cases."
Source: Economic Policy Institute (2012) The Public Sector jobs crisis.
Women by the way (a majority white as far as the workforce) are also heavily represented in government employment, but see, that's OK. It's only when black folk show up to get a share of the pie that the boosters of "merit," hitherto mysteriously silent, launch into paeans about the "problematic." As the EPI think tank notes in its comparison of blacks and women:
" 2011 women comprised 48.3 percent of overall employment, yet accounted for 59.5 percent of employment in state and local government, significantly higher than their 46.7 percent share of private-sector employment.. in 2011, African Americans accounted for 10.9 percent of overall employment, yet held 12.8 percent of state and local public-sector jobs and 10.3 percent of private-sector jobs.."
Source: Economic Policy Institute (2012) The Public Sector jobs crisis.
Note above that blacks, as a proportion of their overall population, are not "massively overrepresented" in the public sector. Yes public sector employment is prominent, but hardly earth-shattering. Blacks make up a bit over 13% of the population, and hold roughly the same percentage weight in public sector job- 12.8%. In the private sector the proportion is about the same- 10.9%. Compared to white women, (who ALSO are overrepresented) the weights are roughly in the same range. Also compare to the white Irish, who in some decades posted a full ONE-THIRD of the working population in government employment ( Bayor and Meagher 1996 ). The selective, high dudgeon in some quarters about "the coloreds" suggests that the REAL problem there is that black folk are getting a piece of the action- which is no longer "reserved" for certain paler types.
Hypocritical "heriditarian" types like to lecture about "merit," but the record shows that in numerous instances, alleged white "role models" secured their positions not by "merit" and skill, but by political activity, uncompetitive crony/nepotistic networks, corruption and manipulation, feeding heavily from the taxpayer purse. Decades of such manipulation and corruption enabled them to lock out other Americans while they moved up the occupational ladder.
(Sabharwa and Berman 2013, Public Administration in South Asia)
7) As regards welfare- white people are no paragons. Not only are their recipient numbers greater but despite being more affluent than poorer minorities, in states where there is heavy black population, welfare benefits are lower than where whites are a majority. From 1960 to 1990 for example, states with larger black welfare populations offered significantly LOWER welfare benefits, than in states with larger white populations. In essence, white welfare recipients saw greater amounts of aid given than blacks proportionately in said states, even though whites overall are better off than blacks, whether measured by income, net worth or family structure.
Far from “undue” black benefit, white people got higher welfare payments in many locales where they were the majority welfare population, while the black share was cut where they were the majority. We keep hearing about massive legions of “undeserving” blacks on welfare, but the bottom line is that better off whites, proportionately, are feeding more extensively and profitably from the welfare trough than blacks. TE:
Hostility to blacks is obviously more serious than hostility to Hispanics, and extends to the under-provision of such public goods as sewers and police in counties with high average incomes in the black population.. the percentage of blacks who are poor is positively associated with the number of welfare recipients and negatively associated with the average payment (indicating lower per recipient payments to blacks than to other groups."
--Roger D. Masters Why Welfare States Rise- and Fall.. in K. Salter (ed) Welfare, Ethnicity and Altruism: 2013. 273-275
"The percentage of African-American population had a negative effect on the average monthly grant. Therefore those states with higher African-American populations, especially the South, had lower monthly grant amounts.. Grant amounts for African- Americans in the South were significantly lower that those for whites, ranging from 7.3 percent less in Washington. D.C. to 37.6 percent less in South Carolina."
--Deborah Ward. 2009. The White Welfare State, p 77. 121
Another reason for black representation in government is that, relatively speaking, available jobs were more visible in government, which by law, HAS to openly advertise at least SOME available openings, as compared to the vast "hidden jobs" pool (read- white only for white cronies and relatives). Hence as early as the 1950s black employment in federal government was more than their statistical proportion of the general population. This was well before any "affirmative action" quotas. Said blacks learned about job openings, took the requisite civil service tests and earned placement- discriminatory placement sometimes up until the 1970s, but placement nevertheless. In short, when the playing field was made a bit more level- black folk could compete for available jobs actually made known- versus the "hidden" white-network, word of mouth, buddy-system white crony and relative placement.
Another dodge of those who project a perfect world of "merit" is to minimize the fact that workplace discrimination is alive and well. As one news article notes:
"Research buttresses this evidence of wage discrimination with findings of significant race- and gender-based discrimination in hiring. For example, Harvard University researchers found that résumés with “white-sounding” names such as “Emily” are 50 percent more likely to elicit interviews than equivalent résumés with “black-sounding” names such as “Lakisha” (Bertrand and Mullainathan 2004). In addition, a multi-year, national study on race and sex discrimination in large and midsized private businesses found that intentional discrimination exists in every region of the country and in each of nine occupational categories, and it “is so pervasive that affirmative action programs continue to be necessary” (Blumrosen and Blumrosen 2002). Even as recently as this year, the U.S. Department of Labor Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs found that FedEx engaged in discrimination against 21,000 applicants in 15 states (U.S. Department of Labor 2012). In short, although the American ideal may be to judge individuals by the content of their character, we have not yet guaranteed equal opportunity in all cases."
Source: Economic Policy Institute (2012) The Public Sector jobs crisis.
Women by the way (a majority white as far as the workforce) are also heavily represented in government employment, but see, that's OK. It's only when black folk show up to get a share of the pie that the boosters of "merit," hitherto mysteriously silent, launch into paeans about the "problematic." As the EPI think tank notes in its comparison of blacks and women:
" 2011 women comprised 48.3 percent of overall employment, yet accounted for 59.5 percent of employment in state and local government, significantly higher than their 46.7 percent share of private-sector employment.. in 2011, African Americans accounted for 10.9 percent of overall employment, yet held 12.8 percent of state and local public-sector jobs and 10.3 percent of private-sector jobs.."
Source: Economic Policy Institute (2012) The Public Sector jobs crisis.
Note above that blacks, as a proportion of their overall population, are not "massively overrepresented" in the public sector. Yes public sector employment is prominent, but hardly earth-shattering. Blacks make up a bit over 13% of the population, and hold roughly the same percentage weight in public sector job- 12.8%. In the private sector the proportion is about the same- 10.9%. Compared to white women, (who ALSO are overrepresented) the weights are roughly in the same range. Also compare to the white Irish, who in some decades posted a full ONE-THIRD of the working population in government employment ( Bayor and Meagher 1996 ). The selective, high dudgeon in some quarters about "the coloreds" suggests that the REAL problem there is that black folk are getting a piece of the action- which is no longer "reserved" for certain paler types.
Hypocritical "heriditarian" types like to lecture about "merit," but the record shows that in numerous instances, alleged white "role models" secured their positions not by "merit" and skill, but by political activity, uncompetitive crony/nepotistic networks, corruption and manipulation, feeding heavily from the taxpayer purse. Decades of such manipulation and corruption enabled them to lock out other Americans while they moved up the occupational ladder.
South African notes or heriditarian hypocrisy--
8B. Critics of allegedly “Extreme” Affirmative Action in South Africa fail to note that much of the job transfers t blacks are part of Normal Political Spoils, Partly The Removal Of Less Productive Or Competitive Whites Who Were Sheltered By Apartheid Color Bars.
The “extreme affirmative action” lament by such white critics like I. Mercer is also dubious. First some of what she claims to be “unjust” affirmative action is simply what happens when another political party takes office- it distributes SOME spoils to supporters. White people in the US do it all the time-just read about the white political machines in urban America . This is old fashioned politics. For someone who styles herself as bringing "lessons for America," Mercer seems strangely clueless to this basic fact of US life.Second a substantial proportion of less competitive, less productive whites were sheltered with privileged “color bar” sinecures under apartheid. With the end of that artificial shelter, it is inevitable that black alternatives fill the gap- whether in terms of less expensive labor, or more productive labor. Why should a company keep paying inflated white union benefits and wages when cheaper, more productive or motivated black labor can get the same job done? What is a libertarian like Mercer complaining about? Isn't this how the much touted "free market" is supposed to work? Or does that much hailed shiny model suddenly change when a black man shows up?
Mercer is careful to avoid discussing such issues in detail. In fact the removal of apartheid revealed South Africa ’s dirty little secret. Mercer paints a picture of virtuous, productive white people, but the end of the Apartheid color-bar showed that many whites were not all the virtuous workers she touts, but too often, a sheltered, protected pampered class. In the US there are now numerous white South African immigrants and one sees them hustling on the job or to find work. Some Americans have little sympathy. Their response is: “You are no longer in your little sheltered race cocoon. Get out there and hustle like the rest of us Yanks. Welcome to the club.”
8c. Short-Sighted Black Quotaism Will Harm Long Term Prospects If The *Most Productive* Whites Go, But Normal Democratic Spoils And Normal Use Of Cheaper More Productive Black Labor Meant SOME Whites Would Inevitably Be Losers.
Mercer’s claim that massive white job losses are due to sweeping “affirmative action quotas” is dubious. Even if there were no black animosity in today’s South Africa and blacks loved all white people, that still would not mean that (a) politicians would not reward their supporters as in any democracy and (b) economic efficiencies would not cause the use of cheaper, more productive black labor. There two things are inevitable. It does not all boil down to Mercer’s simplistic complaint about “affirmative action.”
8d. South African whites got a sweet job-protection racial quota deal in the transition to black majority rule, circa 1994. As the price for white cooperation, Mandela and his people had to agree to a 10-year job protection plan for whites in the civil service and military. Since 40% of the white Boer population worked in government, this racial quota was a massive benefit for them. The quota also mean that normal spoils employment, which is the prerogative of every political party, was hindered where blacks were concerned. In addition, as discussed below, whites got to keep all the land they had unjustly appropriated from blacks, as in the Native Land Act and other similar legislation and executive action. Such special privileges carved out for whites, on top of their already massive benefits in every significant area, such as land ownership, exposes Mercer's dishonest narrative of white suffering and disadvantage.
9) Far from being woeful victims pushed off their land like 19th and 20th century blacks, South Africa's whites get to keep all the land they expropriated in the past. Blacks by contrast get little to no compensation. To be sure, one can appreciate the sensitivity of the land issue and the cynical political realities that needed to be covered to ensure a transition to black government. It will take more decades for the land issue to be sorted, but the point is to expose the propaganda drumbeat of Mercer and others regarding so called white suffering and "genocide." Really? How much can you be suffering, and where is this so-called "genocide," when you get to keep almost all of the land you stole in the past, and if you decide to part with any of it, you get paid full price, while black folk mostly get nothing or pittances? This is "suffering"?
When African tribes were defeated, or simply, when greedy whites coveted the land, cattle and other resources of peaceful black tribal people, both Briton and Boer decreed and implemented massive land confiscations, forcing blacks to become a rootless, landless, rightless proletariat- strangers on their own land, permitted only by sufferance of the new white overlords and landlords. On top of that they piled on various coercive measures to get black labor as cheaply as possible- from wage fixing at the mines, to so-called "tax collection' sweeps that amounted to little more than large-scale armed white thuggery and robbery of poor black people, seizing what little cattle they had left. Indeed it was common practice for Boers to keep black children seized in various wars in conditions of semi-slavery, the so-called "black apprentices."
And when blacks attempted to develop a "free market" peasant class of farmers using sharecropped or rented land, greedy whites moved to shut down even that, via numerous measures, including the so-called "Native Land Act" which reserved 87% of the land for whites while fobbing off the remaining 13% (much of it marginal) to blacks. See Colin Bundy's classic 1972 study: The Emergence and Decline of A South African Peasantry. African Affairs, Vol. 71, No. 285 (Oct., 1972), pp. 369-388.
And the final insult: even after their defeat by the white British during the Boer war, the white South Africans got their lands and overlordships restored to them. Tens of thousands of blacks who aided the British cause were betrayed by white perfidy. On top of that, almost as many blacks as Boers died in the British "relocation" camps, but their stories receive comparatively little attention. When blacks were defeated massive amounts of their land was confiscated and turned over to whites. When the Boer whites were defeated, they got most of the land and rights handed back to them. The treacherous white British even disarmed blacks after the war, while making sure the white Boers kept their weapons. As one detailed academic history notes, many blacks who aided their "white friends," the British against the Boers during the war were betrayed, and got nothing for the assistance they rendered. QUOTE:
"Meanwhile across the Protectorate’s southern border in the settler state of the Cape Colony the Tshidi-Barolong were unable to gain any advantages of substance from their assistance to the British. Although their support for Baden-Powell’s force was crucial to the British army’s success in holding Mafeking against all odds, they received almost nothing in return. They lost property, cattle and their firearms, hundreds of Barolong lost their lives, they received only minimal compensation, and were never granted land or any other tangible economic rewards for their participation in the struggle. After the war ordinary members of the Barolong community were less able than before to withstand pressures to work for white farmers or to enlist as migrant labourers on the Rand...
As soon as local military forces [Boer] were withdrawn the system of social control in the Rustenburg-Marico region collapsed, enabling the Kgatla to entrench themselves on white farms and effectively closing down the land area over which the guerrillas could operate and safely draw supplies. Once the war was over, however, the power of the new British-controlled state in the Transvaal was put behind the Boer farming community in re-establishing families on their former lands. Kgatla hopes were dashed of permanently securing more land by right of conquest to cultivate on their own behalf."
--Peter Warwick. 1983. Black People and the South African War 1899-1902
But that's not all. As credible histories show, not only did the white Boers get back their land and overlordship, but the white British supplied them with millions of pounds in financial assistance to rebuild. Says one modern textbook:
"Thus the Africans were the real losers in the war. In rural areas the British relocated Afrikaner farmers to their prewar farms, pushing aside Africans who had worked the land during the war. The British also provided white farmers with millions of pounds sterling in financial assistance and set about modernizing agricultural production. Little was done to aid African farmers."
--Roger Beck 2013. The History of South Africa: 2nd ed. p. 106
Free markets for me negro, but not for thee. Oh, and did we mention the massive bounties for white benefit in the mining industry, including black wages fixed at low levels, forced labor regimes and "pass laws" designed to keep blacks corralled in "native reserves" as a cheap pool or exploited migrant labor for white benefit? Then there is white manipulation of "free markets" to blockade black progress. As Bundy's classic study shows, in several areas black farmers were adapting quite well to the "free market"- and were sometimes more competitive with white farmers. What was the primary white response to "free markets"? The 1913 "Native Land Act" that reserved almost 90% of the land for white people. Other measures included raising taxes on blacks such as the 1908 "Natives tax Act" and heavy-handed white regime policies forcing out, or discouraging black farmers from getting land. White greed reduced much of the rising black peasant class to that of landless migrant laborer. Part of the white benefit package included such things as the Identification of Native Servants Act (1901), its amendment (1904), the amended Masters and Servants Act (1901), the amended Squatters' Rent Act (1903), etc etc- all designed to suppress black progress and increase white profits and wealth.
Yes, white people have been doing well, very, very very well in South Africa for a long time, rigging the game repeatedly for their own benefit over centuries. And they get to keep all those accumulated locked in advantages in wealth, land and other things, even after the Mandela transition. In the matter of land for example, Section 25 of the 1994 Mandela/DeKlerk constitution confirmed whites in full possession of all their previously claimed property, no matter how dubiously some of it might have been attained. In exchange blacks and others were "promised" land reform. Fast forward 20 years and little has changed. Land reform moves at a glacial pace for blacks.
Free markets for me negro, but not for thee. Oh, and did we mention the massive bounties for white benefit in the mining industry, including black wages fixed at low levels, forced labor regimes and "pass laws" designed to keep blacks corralled in "native reserves" as a cheap pool or exploited migrant labor for white benefit? Then there is white manipulation of "free markets" to blockade black progress. As Bundy's classic study shows, in several areas black farmers were adapting quite well to the "free market"- and were sometimes more competitive with white farmers. What was the primary white response to "free markets"? The 1913 "Native Land Act" that reserved almost 90% of the land for white people. Other measures included raising taxes on blacks such as the 1908 "Natives tax Act" and heavy-handed white regime policies forcing out, or discouraging black farmers from getting land. White greed reduced much of the rising black peasant class to that of landless migrant laborer. Part of the white benefit package included such things as the Identification of Native Servants Act (1901), its amendment (1904), the amended Masters and Servants Act (1901), the amended Squatters' Rent Act (1903), etc etc- all designed to suppress black progress and increase white profits and wealth.
Yes, white people have been doing well, very, very very well in South Africa for a long time, rigging the game repeatedly for their own benefit over centuries. And they get to keep all those accumulated locked in advantages in wealth, land and other things, even after the Mandela transition. In the matter of land for example, Section 25 of the 1994 Mandela/DeKlerk constitution confirmed whites in full possession of all their previously claimed property, no matter how dubiously some of it might have been attained. In exchange blacks and others were "promised" land reform. Fast forward 20 years and little has changed. Land reform moves at a glacial pace for blacks.
As on authoritative publication puts it:
"In the process of trying to remedy inequality, the ANC has instead exacerbated it. The apartheid government often took land from black communities without just compensation and transferred it at nominal cost to white farmers. If the anc decides to return a particular parcel of land to a dispossessed black community while the white farmer to whom the apartheid government sold it is still alive, the state is constitutionally mandated to pay the farmer just compensation, despite the unfair circumstances under which the farmer acquired the land in the first place.Yet blacks do not get just compensation for land previous governments stole from them. The constitution states that South Africans whose property was dispossessed after 1913 as a result of racially discriminatory business practices are entitled "either to restitution of that property or to equitable redress." By 2008, however, 70 percent of the beneficiaries of the land restitution program had received no land at all, only small, symbolic financial awards that bore no relation to the past or current market value of their confiscated property. This is not equitable redress.
"In the process of trying to remedy inequality, the ANC has instead exacerbated it. The apartheid government often took land from black communities without just compensation and transferred it at nominal cost to white farmers. If the anc decides to return a particular parcel of land to a dispossessed black community while the white farmer to whom the apartheid government sold it is still alive, the state is constitutionally mandated to pay the farmer just compensation, despite the unfair circumstances under which the farmer acquired the land in the first place.Yet blacks do not get just compensation for land previous governments stole from them. The constitution states that South Africans whose property was dispossessed after 1913 as a result of racially discriminatory business practices are entitled "either to restitution of that property or to equitable redress." By 2008, however, 70 percent of the beneficiaries of the land restitution program had received no land at all, only small, symbolic financial awards that bore no relation to the past or current market value of their confiscated property. This is not equitable redress.
For instance, the Land Restitution Commission paid each dispossessed landowner in Paarl, a scenic town in the Western Cape's wine country, 40,000 rand (about $5,700), whereas it paid six current landowners in the same province 14.5 million rand (about $2 million) for about 250 acres of land. From its inception in 1995 through March 2008, the commission spent 7.8 billion rand (about $1.1 billion) to acquire property for land reform, which was paid mostly to white farmers, but only 4.9 billion rand (approximately $700 million) to distribute as financial compensation, which was paid primarily to dispossessed blacks...
The example of the Popela community in the northern Limpopo Province is a case in point. The Popela community is resource poor, and its land rights were progressively eroded under colonialism and apartheid. The community had full rights to use its ancestral land until 1889, when the British expropriated it and gave title to a white settler who forced community members to provide free labor if they wanted to remain there. In 1969, the community was stripped of all its formal rights to use the land. In a landmark decision delivered in June 2007, the South African Constitutional Court ruled that certain community members were entitled to restitution of their land rights. Four years later, however, the Land Restitution Commission, which was charged with implementing the court's decision, has yet to purchase the land as mandated by the court. "
--SOURCE: Atuahene, Bernadette. 2011. South Africa's Land Reform Crisis: Eliminating the Legacy of Apartheid. Foreign Affairs 90.4 (Jul/Aug 2011): 121-129.^^Note above the foot-dragging of the ANC in funding land reform efforts and accelerating them. It is not savage segregationists sandbagging the effort, but the entrenched ANC party bosses and hacks, who while trading on their "revo creds" from 30 years ago, pay little price for their inaction. Again the issue may take decades to sort and cynical compromises had to be made 20 years ago to do a deal, but stop with the dishonest propaganda about all this "suffering and genocide."
Another interesting irony: the end of apartheid has also achieved one of the major objectives of apartheid- that of raising white Boer economic status relative to English background whites.
After the 1994 Mandela deal, big white SA companies were overjoyed in that it freed them from the currency controls imposed by the apartheid regime, and international sanctions. They promptly took advantage of this to sell off less profitable enterprises and invest in more lucrative opportunities overseas. They was much self-serving publicity regarding "black empowerment" but what the big boys were doing was unloading their LESS PROFITABLE, NON CORE operations into black hands. The "empowered" blacks had to struggle to get financing to keep these unbundled enterprises afloat, while the white big boys walked away with the freed up cash. In in some cases, they later turned around and parlayed the more lucrative out-of-country investments back into South Africa to BUY BACK the assets they unloaded, at a nice discount. Sweet!
As many Anglo dominated corporations unbundled and divested under the Mandela deal that freed up their cash, white Boer South Africans also were able to buy up a number of assets, and thus make relative gains, in comparison to English South Africans. Hence the dismantling of apartheid actually helped along one of the aims of apartheid- to increase white Boer wealth. As one detailed scholarly study notes:
"Afrikaner businessmen with pre-existing capital were less exposed to the consequences of rising interest rates.Consequently, their ownership share of the JSE rose from 24 to 36 percent from 1996–1999 as large-scale Anglophone capital divested.87 Thus, paradoxically, one of the objectives of apartheid – raising Afrikaners to a position of economic parity with English-speaking whites – is being furthered by its demise."
--SOURCE: Padraig Carmody. 2002. Between Globalisation and (Post Apartheid: the Political Economy of Restructuring in South Africa. Journal of Southern African Studies, Volume 28, Number 2, June 2002
High IQ's so good and precious? Top Bosses of the SS murder squad system were high IQ men with doctorates, and they received fulsome cooperation from Wehrmacht officers in high places: cooperation that was vital to mass killing effectiveness. As one sobering study puts it:
"Heydrich not only supervised the negotiations that granted his special units broad authority as well as logistic support from the army but also initiated the process of selecting and training suitable leaders. Four Einsatzgruppen composed of between six hundred and one thousand men each, further subdivided into Einsatzkommandos and Sonderkommandos, would accompany the army into Russia. For the most part, the commanders of these various units came from educated backgrounds, with academics, lawyers, economists, civil servants, an opera singer.. three of the four Einsatzgruppen commanders, in fact, totaled four doctorates among them."
-- --FROM: Stephen Fritz 2011. Ostkrieg- Hitler's War of Extermination in the East. p. 109
"The presence of SS personnel was also revealing, confirming as it did the reports of excellent cooperation between the army and the death squads. This cooperation, at a minimum, involved providing the Einsatzgruppen with equipment, supplies, ammunition, transport, and housing. Without the logistic and administrative support provided by the Wehrmacht, murder on such a large scale would hardly have been possible. At times, army units played a more active role, helping set up ghettos, identifying and guarding the victims, and participating in the shootings themselves.. The major concern of officers, in fact, seemed to be the often overenthusiastic participation of Wehrmacht soldiers in the shootings as well as the chronic problem of “execution tourism” as soldiers would often flock to scenes of executions and snap photographs."
--FROM: Stephen Fritz 2011. Ostkrieg- Hitler's War of Extermination in the East. p. 149-152
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