A vast array of media talking heads wait with bated breath
for an expected IDF invasion of the Gaza Strip, and seem perturbed by the delay. The picture drawn in some
quarters seems to envisage the big kosher machine, covered by artillery and air
power, lumbering forward block by block, clearing buildings, flushing out
tunnels, rescuing hostages, and so on. It is a Hamaz dream. Welcome Israeli friends to our extensive tunnel network, our fulsome spread of mines and IEDs,
our suicide bombers rushing out in sacrificial strikes, and our cheery ambush
and sniper attacks from said tunnels, buildings and “the usual” bunkers,
pillboxes and fortified strong-points. Such a “mano-a-mano” scenario will play
well with the “
In the meantime, Hezbollah launches “the usual” barrages of
rockets on to Israeli territory in support, and with diversionary intent. Whether
martyrdom is the goal, or a body count that will make the Israelis both bleed
and blink from the casualties, or both, the street would understand and cheer,
and such an outcome is expected to lead to a ceasefire on somewhat favorable
terms- such as a massive prisoner swap, pressure from the Western and Arab powers
to put the brakes on Israel, and an end to the current Israeli blockade over
Gaza. We have already seen this movie before. Another plus for Hamas that its
standing might be enhanced vis a vis the rival PA (Palestinian Authority) on
The Japanese had a partially similar idea during WWII, hunkered down
in their isolated island garrisons, only there was no UN, Arab League.
Given the undoubted fighting spirit and sacrificial bravery
of some Hamas militants, why on earth should the IDF play their enemy’s attritional
“bleed and blink” game? Some have pointed to Hezbollah threats on the northern
border as a reason for an IDF ground offensive delay. This is certainly a factor,
but not of strategic significance. Secondary forces and airpower could be
allocated to contain that threat without seriously impacting the main show in
This scenario will involve targeting Hamaz command, control and communication nodes and leaders with precision fires: missiles, drones, “smart” bombs keyed to laser pinpointing, and accurate strikes by artillery. These fires will also expand to target Hamas infrastructure: roads, bridges, sewer systems, buildings, embedded bunkers tunnels and strongpoints, and other structures clearly used to shield military assets. It is hoped that demilitarized humanitarian safe zones and corridors should be expanded for civilians, and medical facilities and personnel are not targeted as charged by Amnesty International and the Goldstone Report in previous operations..
This approach essentially leaves Hamas with a lot of rubble
to rule over and “administer.” One wonders what it will have gained
significantly, after the dust settles. Stirring speeches of defiance- yes.
Surviving tunnels and bunkers- of course. But given the civilian and material
cost, is it worth it? Another end result of this latest conflict is that the
Israeli blockade of
Readers or collectors of the old Marvel Comics “Supervillian Team-up” series of the 1970s would recall the first issue where the sorcerer and master of alchemy, Diablo, seeks to force Doctor Doom to join him in a plan of world domination, by using an old time machine of Doom. The stick behind the carrot is a hostage scenario- a former girlfriend of Doom is held hostage by Diablo. Doom pretends to be interested initially, but subtly alters the time machine’s controls, then uses the time gained to rescue his ex, and attack the alchemist. Angered by Doom’s eventual rejection of his plan, Diablo seeks to banish the master of mayhem into the time-stream, but Doom’s “reverse alteration” of the time-machine instead sends Diablo himself hurtling into the void. The sorcerer materializes far into earth’s future, on to a devastated rubble-filled earth, where he truly will have obtained his fondest wish, to be earth’s ruler, forevermore.
Where’s the proof of concept you ask? Just look at the last few confrontations. In 2014, Israel passed on any substantial mass ground invasion during its “Protective Edge” operation, and also proved that its much touted aversion to casualties was overblown, provided that the IDF achieved tangible results against its enemies. As one analysis puts it:
Edge proved this assumption about casualty sensitivity incorrect.
--FROM: Cohen et al. From Cast Lead to Protective Edge:
Lessons From Israel’s Wars in

Tunnel? What tunnel homes?
And what would a ground invasion look like if it eventually happens? Don’t look
for a lumbering street by street, block by block slogging operation. Most
likely the IDF will drive quickly to seize certain key areas and logistical/communication
nodes, and then work OUTWARD from there to tackle only the most significant
zones in detail. Relatively small Special Forces can also be used as "ferret teams" to finger/ferret out opposition hideouts as targets, then sit back while "surround and pound" air and ground firepower is brought to bear, lessening IDF casualties, though not necessarily civilian ones. Relatively small combined arms raiding teams made up of armor, engineer and infantry elements, covered by lethal air and artillery, will also be deployed to hit specific objectives hard, rather than use lumbering street by street clearance columns. Will there be some hard fighting? Of course, but not every single tunnel or militant in
In the Pacific War the US learned to bypass numerous well defended Japanese-held islands and leap to areas offering more advantageous conditions for the next advance. The bypassed areas were left to "wither on the vine"- albeit with a steady diet of airpower and potential threat of sea invasion. In the Gaza case, its not "wither on the vine" but "rubble in place." The much talked about "ground invasion" may thus just be an ominous threat "in being," diverting media attention and demonstrating Israeli "restraint." Meanwhile the real lethal work is being done by the "rubble specialists" in Gaza. This of course does not rule out the mass introduction of ground forces, but as shown above, such mass movement is not necessary for Israel to accomplish many important objectives, including a territory wide smashing of Hamas and its assets, a gift and perfect excuse handed to it by Hamas leadership.
Did the Israelis not realize that their long blockade of the territory would yield negative results absent some sort of settlement? Did the deep-thinkers of Hamas not expect a massive, violent counter-reaction by Israel to mass attacks and mass kidnappings against their citizens, a reaction over and above the limited operations of Cast Lead (2008) and Protective Edge (2014)?? Thanks to such Hamas leadership decisions, the Israelis once again enjoy the upper hand in the attritional competition between the peoples. The "bargaining chip" hostages are actually a liability - they provide a convenient rationale for prolonging multiple agonies. The Israelis have not only devastated precious infrastructure, cowed the civilian population, and crippled important sets of fighting manpower, but now have yet another excuse to keep Gaza on a leash for years, allowing in only a trickle of material, to maintain subsistence levels. How is this outcome supposed to have benefitted the ordinary people of Gaza?
But perhaps ordinary people are merely pawns and cannon fodder to sacrifice for other egos and agendas. Yes, in due time, the diplomatic talking heads may eventually arrange for
multiple “ceasefires” until the next round. Stay tuned.. In the meantime, Hamas, is
kept hunkered down amidst its sad caliphate of rubble.
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Hereditarian's/HBD's "Great Black Hope"
The Balance sheet
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The Affirmative Action Propaganda Machine- part 1
Two rules for being "really" black- no white wimmen, no Republican
The Axial age reconsidered
Cannibal seasonings: dark meat on white
"Affirmative Action" in the form of court remedies has been around a long time- since the 1930s- benefiting white union workers against discrimination by employers
Mugged by reality 1: White quotas, special preferences and government jobs
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Social philosophy of Thomas Sowell

Additional gene flow data... :)
Race, IQ, and Wealth: What the facts tell us about a taboo subject By Ron Unz
![]() |
IQ claims and miscellaneous data
other links

"troubled youth..."
Misc data:
Data from the city of Minneapolis itself. The blacks were stopped almost 3 times the rate of whites, and were in higher crime hoods, yet whites stops yielded MORE contraband than blacks or Latinos..
Data on extremist murders of US police officers
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