What happens when 'hereditarianism' and 'biodiversity' notions are applied CONSISTENTLY across the board?
This page addresses and debunks certain racist, biased and/or
anti-Semitic writings and scholars, and of necessity must repeat a
number of their arguments, and discuss the methodology of said scholars
and writers for proper rebuttal. These writers cloak their work in a
veneer of scientific objectivity, hence a detailed examination is
necessary. This discussion is not to be construed as "endorsement" of
such scholars or their writings, in any way.
here they are; and one could ask for no better illustration of the
thesis that those on the left-hand side of the bell curve are much more
in need of simple, clear rules of morality than are the cognitive elites
who run their society. "
-- Author John Derbyshire, 2000, on low IQ of the less virtuous.
says racialist former National review writer John Derbyshire. He is
partially right, but conveniently, (and hypocritically) misses the OTHER
side of the equation here. It is not only people on the left hand side
of the Bell Curve that need simple, clear rules of morality, but those
on his touted right hand side as well. This is one of the fundamental
weaknesses of Derbyshire and his "bio-diversity" ilk - their worship of
IQ, and their hypocritical calculus of virtue based on the almighty IQ.
intent of this page is not to bash any ethnic group or individual, but
to apply the methods of Derbyshire, JP Rushton, M. Levin, et al across
the board, something he and others shirk doing. What happens when biased
'hereditarianism' and 'biodiversity' notions are applied CONSISTENTLY
across the board, and put to the test? What happens to bold claims of
virtue and goodness then? Let us ask:
According to various biodiversity proponents, genocide
or mass murder is not "really" violence or crime..
side of the Bell Curve has produced the most vicious violence in human
history, such as the mass murders of the Holocaust? You got it-
supposedly more pure, more virtuous people on the "right" side of the
Bell Curve. While making up only about one-third of the world's
population, Europeans have perpetrated around 90% of the world's
genocides. On a more routine violence tally, body count "parity" is not
far behind as shown in the killing fields of Cambodia that "cleansed"
about one-fourth of the country's population.Asiatics racked up a body
count of 60 or so million murdered or starved by "the thought of
Chairman Mao", as well as the older depredations of Ghengis Khan and his
descendants in more ancient time. In the modern higher IQ era, cold
climate Caucasoid "role model" Josef Stalin and followers posted an
additional body count of 20 million or so, a shining example for all
time by those allegedly possessing Derbyshire's "higher" sense of
morality. In terms of the crime of genocide, assorted "biodiversity" and
"racial reality" types attempt to avoid uncomfortable reality by
claiming that genocide is not a crime. But in fact it is, and has been
so recognized by almost every major Western nation and international law
since 1948, under a conservative definition that specifically excludes
mere political violence. It was European nations that established the
definition. It is thus hilarious to see how European race proponents
attempt to wriggle away from the bloody facts on the ground, perpetrated
by Europeans, even allowing for the most conservative definition.
[b]A number of racist "biodiversity types attempt to cover up the record so it does not appear so bad by "converting" the vicious mass murderer rates of white "role models" to "daily" death rates. See, when you break down the number of mass murders to bodies killed per day, things don't look so bad! Problem whitwashed away and solved![/b] [i]
Unfortuntely for them, the bogus "daily murder rate conversion" ploy does not conceal the ugly facts. Trying to downplay Jewish Holocaust deaths by converting them to a "daily death rate" going back to 1933 is ludicrous sleight of hand. For one thing the mass killings known as the Holocaust did not begin in 1933 as credible historians show. It began in December 1941, giving the Nazis 3,5 years of good killing work or approximately 1300 days. Let's look at an actual scholarly book rather than doctored Wikipedia "stealth" text and references. As one credible scholarly source notes:
[i]"In autumn 1941, the first German Jews to be deported at the spearhead of the combing out process of European Jewery was dispatched to the Warthegau. The possibility of liquidating ghettoised Jews had by then been explicitly raised for the first time, in the summer of 1941, significantly by Nazi leaders in Warthegau. The first mobile gassing units to be deployed against Jews operated in the Warthegau in the closing months of 1941. And the systematic murder of the Jews began in early December 1941 in the first extermination- actually a 'gas van station' - established at CHelmno on the Ner..." [/i]
FROM: Ian Kershaw. 2008. Hitler, the Germans, and the Final Solution. p 60
[b]And its not only 6 million Jews but another 5 million Poles, Slavs, prisoners of war and other "sub-humans" [/b]who were systematically murdered. 11 million murdered souls over 3.5 years or 1300 days gives an impressive 8,461 bodies per day. And the systematic Holodomor and collectivization engineered by Stalin impacted wide swathes of Russia. Credible estimates put the toll over the Soviet Union at 10 million during just one year -1932/33 (Wädekin et al. 1982. Agrarian Policies in Communist Europe. pg 16) and this does not count other millions from mass deportations and executions) --working out to approximately 27,397 per day murdered in just that year. "converting" murder rates to "daily" stats cannot hide the horror, nor will such sleight of hand make the record of "role models" more palatable. 27,000 murdered per day far exceeds anything else in human history. NO amount of white "HBD" "daily conversion" or doctored Holocaust "start" dates can alter this reality.

And that reality is ugly. But see, among the "HBD" faithful it onveniently is downplayed in favor of the usual black-bashing. But lets take a look at what is being left out as to the activities of supposed high IQ "role models:" QUOTE:
"The people were still standing like columns of stone with no room to fall or lean. Even in death you could tell the families, all holding hands. It was difficult to separate them while emptying the room for the next batch. The bodies were tossed out, blue, wet with sweat and urine, the legs smeared with excrement and menstrual blood. Two dozen workers were busy checking mouths they opened with iron hooks.. dentists knocked out gold teeth, bridges and crowns with hammers."
-- Dan Cohn-Sherbok. 2008. God and the Holocaust. p.8
Concerned to hide their monstrous crimes, but still turn a profit, the murder machinery decided to dig up slaughtered Jews in mass graves and burn their bodies, but before that, gold teeth and rings were to be extracted from the heads and fingers of the dead: QUOTE:
".. at the Janowska death pits in Lvov hundreds of Jewish labourers were forced to dig up those who had been murdered and extract gold teeth and rings from the fingers of the dead. As a witness recounted: 'The fire crackles and sizzles Some of the bodies in the fire have had their hands extended. It looks as if they are pleading to be taken out. Many bodies are lying with open mouths. Could they be trying to say: ;we are your own mothers, fathers, who raised you and took care of you. Now you are burning us.' " -- Dan Cohn-Sherbok. 2008. God and the Holocaust. p.11 Murderous efficiency "He called the method of mass killing he invented Sardinenpackung. As Meier describes, it involved forcing victims to lie together face down and side and side and killing them with Genickschussen, then forcing the next group of victims who preceded them to form another layer, ignoring the victims; terror and horror in the interest of efficiently filling up the killing pit. Jeckeln's despicably cruel execution protocols destroys SS claims, during and after the warm that its executions were 'correct' military-style executions of partisans. Himmler's goal was mass murder.. By the end of August 1941, commanding the Kommandostab SS First Brigade in the western Ukraine, Jeckeln had personally supervised the murder of more than 44,000 human beings, the largest total of Jews murdered by any of Himmler's virulent legions that month."
-- Richard Rhodes. Masters of Death: The Ss-Einsatzgruppen .. 2002
"I went out to the woods alone. The Wehrmacht had already dug a grave. The children were brought along in a tractor-drawn wagon. I had nothing to do with this technical procedure. The Ukrainians were standing round trembling. The children were taken down from the tractor. They were lined up along the top of the grave and shot so that they fell into it. The Ukrainians did not aim at any particular part of the body. They fell into the grave. The wailing was indescribable. I shall never forget the scene throughout my life. I find it very hard to bear. I particularly remember a small fair-haired girl who took me by the hand. She too was shot later.. The grave was near some woods. IT was not near the firing range. The execution must have taken place in the afternoon at about three-thirty or four.. Many children were hit four or five times before they died."
-- Richard Rhodes. Masters of Death: The SS-Einsatzgruppen .. 2002 p. 135
It was in 1941 that the Germans overran large parts of the Slav territory and began to take many Soviet prisoners. Mass slaughter, civilian cleansing massacres and deportation started later that year. Soviet prisoners and civilians were treated differently from Western prisoners and targeted racially due to their
"Mongoloid tainted" heritage, and Slav background. Bohdan Wytwycky in "The Other Holocaust" and Richard Lukas in "The Forgotten Holocaust: Poles under German Rule" point out that the 3 million Polish civilian deaths and the 14 to 19 million Russian civilian deaths were-QUOTE:
[i]"a direct result of Nazi contempt for the 'subhuman Slavs. They note that the 'racially valuable' peoples of Western European countries were not treated nearly as badly. Moreover Nazi plans for the ethnic cleansing and German colonization of Poland and parts of the Soviet Union suggest that a victorious Germany might well have raised the level of genocide against the civilian populations of those areas to even more appalling
proportions." [/i]
--Niewyk and Nicosia 2000. Columbia Guide to the Holocaust
]"Of the estimated 7,000 men and 200 women guards who served at Auschwitz during the war, only 800 were ever prosecuted. The rest merely disappeared into private life, and very many must have been able to escape with valuables stolen from inmates.. Despicably, Polish villagers even killed some Jews after the end of the war in Europe when they returned to reclaim their property, as happened at the village of Jedwabne."[/i]
--SEE: The Storm of War: A New History of the Second World War. By Andrew Roberts. 2009
"Ordinary men" of the killing battalions celebrate their work.. circa 1942
[b]The little known "Order Police" Battalions, made up of ordinary German ffarmers, cooks, bakers, tradesmen etc were integral players in the mass murder of the Holocaust, and carroied out their killing work with zest, even inviting wives and girlfriends to witness the murder of adults and children. Despite numerous opportunities to opt out of such work, hard data shows most chose not to do so, and killed willingly, even zealously.[/b]
"..the role of the Order Police in the `Final Solution'. The study of this little known group of killers was pioneered a few years ago by Christopher Browning... Reserve Police Battalion 101 was by no means unusual when it was presented by its commanding officer with an offer not to kill. Indeed, research being conducted by the reviewer suggests that officers exercised a great deal of their own leeway in the carrying out of their orders (even if the order was explicit)... there were a significant number of men who were offered the chance not to kill Jews but who then chose to do so. Far beyond a mere account of the many actions that the men of the Order Police perpetrated (some of whom had their wives present during the actions), Goldhagen has drawn a picture of the lives of the men during their auswärtiger Einsatz: men who `went to night spots and bars, drank, sang, had sex, and talked. Like all people, they had opinions about the character of their lives and what they were doing' (p. 187). Previous research and my own study confirms this picture of men who enjoyed themselves knowing full well that they had and would commit further massacres in the name of the German people."
--Richard Tidyman, War Crimes Archivist at the Centre for Comparative Genocide Studies, Macquarie University, Sydney.
"Beginning in mid-July 1942 with the round-up of Jews
in the town of Jozefow near Bilgoraj, members of Police Battalion 101
were utilized for the mass shooting of Jewish civilians in towns throughout
the Lublin district. These included (in addition to Jozefow) Lomazy
(August 1942), Miedzyrzec (August 1942), Serokomla (September 1942),
Kock (September 1942), Parczew (October 1942), Konskowola (October 1942),
Miedzyrzec (a second action in October 1942) and Lukow (November 1942).
Police Battalion 101's participation in the Final
Solution culminated in the Erntefest [Harvest Festival] massacre
of November 3-4, 1943. In the course of this killing action, perhaps
the largest directed against Jews of the entire war, an estimated 42,000
Jewish prisoners at the Lublin district concentration camps of Majdanek,
Trawniki and Poniatowa were wiped out. It is estimated that during the
period between July 1942 and November 1943,
Police Battalion 101 was alone responsible for the shooting deaths of
more than 38,000 Jews and the deportation of 45,000 others...
Almost all battalion members survived the collapse
of the Third Reich and returned safely to Germany. In the immediate
postwar period only four members of the unit suffered legal consequences
for their actions in Poland. These policemen, who were arrested for
their part in the killing of 78 Poles in the town of Talcyn, were extradited
to Poland in 1947 and tried the following year. Two were sentenced to
death and two to prison. It was not until 1962, however, that Reserve
Police Battalion 101 as a whole came under investigation and legal prosecution
by the Office of the State Prosecutor in Hamburg. In 1967 fourteen members
of the unit were put on trial. Though most were convicted, only five
received prison terms (ranging from five to eight years), which were
subsequently reduced in the course of a lengthy appeals process."
Sources: Browning,
Christopher R., Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final
Solution in Poland, New York, Harper Collins, 1992, pp.xv-xvii; 3-9;
38-71; 88-114; 133-146; 191-192.
Efficient high IQ "role models" at work: quote:
"The idea was for the victim's chest to be thrust out so that the cardiac area was maximally accessible for the lethal injection, and for him or her to be unable to see what was happening....The person giving the injection--most often the SDG Josef Klehr--filled his syringe from the bottle and then thrust the needle directly into the heart of the seated prisoner and emptied the contents of the syringe. Thus, an average of two minutes and 22 seconds sufficed to murder one prisoner."
-- Lifton, Robert Jay, The Nazi Doctors, 1986
Widespread rapes of even Soviet women by Soviet soldiers:
[i]"Researchers of the Russian archives and German hospital archives gave an estimate of about one million German woman raped in Berlin and its surrounding areas, and two million German women in the eastern parts of Germany (Weidner 2008- Treibutgut des Krieges: Zeugnisse von Flucht und Vertreibung der Deutschen, Kassel: Volksbund Duetscher Kriegsgraeberfuersorg e.V.))." [/i]
--FROM: The Will to Live 2010. By Erika Vora
"Beria and Stalin in Moscow knew perfectly well what was going on. In one report they were told that 'many Germans declare that all German women in East Prussia who stayed behind were raped by Red Army soldiers'. Numerous examples of gang rape were given - 'girls under eighteen and old women included'. In fact victims could be as young as twelve years old.'"
"..women and girls released from slave labour in Germany. Many of the girls were as young as sixteen when taken to the Reich; some were just fourteen. The widespread raping of women taken forcibly from the Soviet Union completely undermines any attempts at justifying Red Army behaviour on the grounds of revenge for German brutality in the Soviet Union. [/i]
-- Antony Beevor. 2003. The Fall of Berlin: 1945
Putative "role models" show high rates of violence. It just depends on the era studied.
As regards the 2011 black homicide rate, 17.51 per 100,000 is high, but often surpassed by whites- it just depends on the time period you want to study. The supposedly more self-restrained Dutch of Amsterdam posted a whopping 47 per 100,000 in the 16th century, higher than any rate ever recorded for New York City, Irish and all. (Epstein and Gang 2010. Migration and Culture, Vol 8) In Maryland the rate at which unrelated European adults killed was 29 per 100,000 adults per year in the mid 1600s. In white Virginia it was 37 per 100,000. The supposedly more virtuous Yankee peoples in colonial America in the Chesapeake posted a rate of 12 per 100,000.
In some decades of the 1800s, white San Francisco posted rates well above 17.5. In lily white Oregon which became a state with laws and a constitution banning blacks from living in the state, white "role models" posted a huge rate around 30 per 100,000. (Randolph Roth- Homicide Rates in the American West) Using modern FBI formulas, mostly white Los Angeles County in the 19th century ran up a body count of about 414 homicides per 100,000. (McKanna 2002. Race and Homicide in 19th Century California). Nor is the West unique. Studies show the heavily white Scotch-Irish Kentucky-Tennessee borderlands posting a rate of 24 per 100,000 starting in the 1850s. ( –Randolph Roth, 2009. American Homicide). In a study of homicides in white Russia, it was found that in 1998, the homicide victimization rate was 23.9 per 100,000. The 1999 homicide figures were substantially up over those for 1998.” –Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment, Vol 1. 2002 (David Levinson ed) p. 1426.

Testosterone - the long sought "smoking gun" of genetic "inferiority"?
A related tactic used by "hereditarian" types is the search for some sort of "biological" or "genetic" reason to explain violence in the lesser breeds. Testosterone is a favorite, but what they conveniently skip over are the examples above. Yes SOME studies show higher levels of testosterone in some blacks. Aha- here it is, the long sought after "smoking gun" proving 'cullud' genetic proclivities. Really? Well, using the same studies, how come white people, with their LOWER levels of testosterone commit the most vicious violence in human history, as documented above? HBDers conveniently disappear or change the subject when that is pointed out.
But aside from such white or Asian "hereditarian" hypocrisy, testosterone or any of the other desperately sought "smoking guns" or genetic "inferiority" are hardly the most significant factors in the mix of elements that have produced the black dysfunctions of today as regards marriage and family. Indeed there are a wide range of environmental factors at play that cause violence, and several studies show that testosterone, is at best, an indirect element. For example, some studies show that individuals who had previous fighting knowledge continue to be aggressive AFTER testosterone levels are REDUCED. (
L. Finley, Encyc of Juv Violence, 2006) The continued use of the "testosterone factor" as some sort of negative "marker" on black people is not only misguided but an example of naively mistaking correlation with causation. Furthermore HBD claims in this area are plain misleading. Some studies show aggression associated with LOW testosterone levels, when certain other medical conditions are involved. Even more damming, numerous other researchers have FAILED to replicate the claimed testosterone-violence link, whether in juvenile or adult populations (Alvarez and Bachman 2007). In fact the literature on the field is very mixed on the issue. (
Violence: the enduring problem. By Alex Alvarez, Ronet Bachman. 2007) Quote from a standard textbook:
"In fact, empirical research shows little if any direct linkage between testosterone and physical aggressiveness." (
Walsh and Beaver, 2008, Biosocial crimnology). So much for the "smoking gun"..
Which side of the Bell Curve leads in horiffic "spree" shootings and massacres of children? - a few examples..
26 killed- mostly little children- Sandy Hook Elementary School- Newton Masschusetts- 2012.
12 Killed- July 2012 Twelve people were killed and nearly 60 others wounded during a midnight showing on Friday of "The Dark Knight Rises." - JUly 2012 Police identified the suspect as James Holmes, 24, who is in custody.
77 children killed in Oslo -- July 22, 2011:
Confessed mass killer Anders Behring Breivik killed 77 in Norway in twin attacks: a bombing in downtown Oslo and a shooting massacre at a youth camp outside the capital. The self-styled anti-Muslim militant admitted both attacks.
16 killed in Erfurt, Germany -- April 26, 2002:
Robert Steinhaeuser, 19, who had been expelled from school killed 13 teachers, two former classmates and a policeman, before committing suicide.
13 killed at Littleton, Colo. -- April 20, 1999:
Students Eric Harris, 18, and Dylan Klebold, 17, opened fire at Columbine High School, killing 12 classmates and a teacher and wounding 26 others before killing themselves in the school's library.
and many more..
Note: These examples are meant to turn racists own reasoning back on them- not "endorse" said reasoning. What happens when their own logic is applied to would be "role models" of perfection? Hereditarian hypocrites are so quick to attribute black ghetto shootings to "evolution" or "low IQ", how come they conveniently skip over the "leadership" of northern European "role models" in "spree" killings, including the mass murder of children as in Newton and Oslo? Just askin.. You see, for many, it is OK to bash blacks, but how come the same reasoning is conveniently, never applied to putative northern European "role models" who pose as so much better and more virtuous than black people?
side of the curve is leading the charge to redefine and destroy
traditional marriage? You got it- the supposedly more virtuous folk on
the "right" side. It took people on the left side- the "NAMs" to
preserve traditional marriage in California, USA. Whites were overall, willing to
undermine it, and continue to do so nationwide. Derbyshire and other
HBDers are always lecturing black folk on monogamy, conveniently
skirting the fact that whites themselves are fast undermining and
destroying monogamy.
A related claim advanced by heriditarian proponents is the absence of monogamy among Africans until "outside"
influences like European colonialism brought it. But this is nonsense.
Polygamy was more common in Africa than in Europe, but monogamy also has
a long history in Africa even before Africans were forcibly
transported to the US, and before any significant influence from Europe.
Of the 31 captives of the famous Amistad slave ship for example, 15
were married, and only 1 was polygamous, and monogamy is common in
various parts of Africa.
See Slavery in North Carolina, 1748-1775. by Marvin L. Michael Kay, Lorin Lee Cary- pg 160.
Some HBDers also tout "Middle easterners" and Asians as "role models"
on this score but in fact, Asia has had polygamy for a long time
parallel with monogamy, along with things like multiple concubinage,
practiced in China. And it was not until 1945 that polygamy was finally
abolished in Japan.
And people like Jews practiced polygamy for
centuries as documented in the Bible and anthropological studies. For
Arabs and those who follow Islam, polygamy is permissible even today.
Indeed while monogamy has been more dominant in Europe, polygamy has
always been around until very recent times. Indeed, one of the things
Christianity did for Europe was to stamp out and discourage polygamy.
Ironically, there is also a long tradition of polygamy in white
(see After polygamy was made a sin: the social history of Christian polygamy- By John Cairncross),
and polygamy is documented as common in white Russia in various eras.
Ironically Christianity itself, based on the religion of a Semitic
people from the sub-tropical Middle East, not cold climate areas, was
adopted in white Europe, and thus provided the "rules of morality" that
helped suppress polygamy (among other things) by Europeans in many
regions as Cairncross notes. In the modern era, the revolving door
divorce cycle of many modern whites closely approaches patterns of
A related claim is of an era of idyllic white virtue
and goodness during the 1970s, a temporary time of paradise, before
disreputable "minorities" moved in to spoil things. Alas this claim
too, in its many variants, both hard and soft, is bogus. The supposed
"idyllic serenity" may have existed in SOME white areas, but within that
haze of supposed sweetness and light, white America was rapidly
degenerating in the 1970s, a continuation of trends from the 1960s, long
before any real "integration" of the suburbs by blacks. In fact white suburbs on into the1990s generally remained white, as whites moved to new locations when blacks desperate for housing "spilled over" into formerly reserved areas. White America
saw rising divorce rates, rising drug use, rising out of wedlock births,
rising feminism, rising homosexuality, etc. All this is well documented
by historians in books such as Bruce J. Schulman's 2002
"The seventies: the great shift in American culture, society.." Furthermore
the driving forces behind such changes were whites themselves. Black
"militancy" or crime for example has little to do with why rising
numbers of whites decided to divorce in the 1970s for example, hastening
the breakdown of white family structure, whatever the psychic
satisfactions of using the black "Other" as a convenient scapegoat.
3--What side of the Bell Curve leads in abortions?
HBDers would automatically point the finger at those perennial
scapegoats - the black and brown "NAMs" but they carefully avoid the
real story. The highest rates of abortion in the world are among white
women in Russia, where 2 babies are killed for each live birth according
to scholars Loveless and Holman (2007). (
Loveless and Holman 2007. The Family in the New Millennium).
Despite a significant reduction in the abortion to birth ratio since the mid-1990s, the countries of the former Soviet Union
maintain the highest rate of abortions in the world. In 2001, 1.31
million children were born in Russia, while 2.11 million abortions were
performed. In 2005, 1.6 million abortions were registered in Russia; 20% of these involved girls under the age of 18.Official statistics put the number at 989,000 in 2011,though Russian pro-life activists say that number is much higher.As of 2010, the abortion rate was 37.4 abortions per 1000 women aged 15-44 years, the highest of any country reported in UN data. Abortion statistics were considered state secrets in the Soviet Union until the end of the 1980s. During this period, the USSR had one of the highest abortion rates in
the world. The abortion rate in the USSR peaked in the mid 1960s, when between 5 to 7 million abortions were performed. Eastern Europeans kill children via abortions at the highest rates in the world.
Sources: Wites, Tomasz. "Abortions in Russia Before and After the Fall of the Soviet Union." Miscellanea Geographica. 11 (2004): 217-28;
World Abortion Policies 2013". United Nations. 2013)
The website below offers a
similar dismal picture, showing that 60% or more of white Russian women
have abortions. Derbyshire and his ilk are quick to trot out "genetic
deficiency" explanations on this score where black folk are concerned,
but hypocritically, start to hem and haw when their touted more virtuous
whites post statistics even worse than blacks. You suddenly hear a
mysterious silence then. They never consistently apply their own biased
methods to whites, and say that white "genetic deficiencies" cause such
4--What side of the Bell Curve leads in homosexuality, including its public celebration and embrace?
The allegedly more virtuous, "right" side of the Bell Curve folk. Some
studies (Rogers and Turner 1991) report higher rates of homosexual
activity among whites than blacks. Remafedi, Resnic Blum and Harris
(1992) also find same sex attraction some 3 times higher in Whites than
Blacks. Yet another study confirms white leadership in homosexuality. A
National AIDS Behavioral Survey study (NABS), reported by Binson et al
(1995) shows that 9.1% of white men, 3.1% of Black men, 2.7 percent of
Hispanic men, and 2.3 percent of Asian/other had had same-sex action. In
essence whites were 3 times more likely than blacks to be engaging in
homosexual acts. Indeed, the NABS study oversampled Black and Hispanic
men but still showed higher rates of white activity. In another study
based on vascular risk factors Krieger and Sidney (1997) reported white
women and men were more likely to have had homosexual or bisexual
contact than either black men or black women. In essence whites were
twice as likely to be engaged in homosexual behavior than blacks. Here
again, the supposedly more virtuous, mo betta "right" side of the Bell
Curve produces dismal "leadership" on the moral front
types often use IQ scores to disparage the morality of putative lesser
breeds, but such IQ scores show correlation with homosexuality,
according to some research. Indeed according to some studies,
homosexuals post higher IQs than straights.
(John P. De Cecco, Michael G. Shively (1984) Bisexual and homosexual identities: critical theoretical issues. Routledge). Alan Soble (1997)
Sex, love, and friendship: studies of the Society for the Philosophy of Sex. Rodopi. pp. 77)
lists several studies attesting to higher homosexual IQs, with most of
the subjects in said studies being white. (See also James Weinrich,
(1976). Human Reproductive Strategy. HARVARD UNIVERSITY DISSERTATION
. p. 203-15).
HBD heriditarian author Kanazawa also finds homosexuals to have higher IQ. Per Kanazawa- Quote:
"The Savanna-IQ Interaction Hypothesis, derived from the Savanna Principle and a theory of the evolution of general intelligence, suggests that more intelligent individuals are more likely to acquire and espouse evolutionarily novel preferences and values than less intelligent individuals, but general intelligence has no effect on the acquisition and espousal of evolutionarily familiar preferences and values. Ethnographies of traditional societies suggest that exclusively homosexual behaviour was probably rare in the ancestral environment, so the Hypothesis would predict that more intelligent individuals are more likely to identify themselves as homosexual and engage in homosexual behaviour. Analyses of three large, nationally representative samples (two of which are prospectively longitudinal) from two different nations confirm the prediction."
-- --Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2012. INTELLIGENCE AND HOMOSEXUALITY. Journal of Biosocial Science, 2012, Vol.44(5), pp.595-623
Since IQ is so important in so many ways, including
evolution, according to Derbyshire and assorted HBDers, a cynic using
their logic might well argue that homosexuality represents another,
"higher" step in white evolution. As noted above, there is some evidence
that whites have higher rates of homosexual behavior and attraction
than blacks.
Hence, using heriditarian logic, homosexuality and the
attendant higher IQs might represent an "evolutionary" advance of white
Northern European "role models" show extensive
homosexual activity stretching back to ancient times as scholars note.
Cold-climate Eastern Europeans not far behind.
fourth-century A.D. Roman writer Ammianus Marcellinus described
homosexual relationships between youth and adult warriors among the
Taifali, a Germanic tribe related to the Goths.. Marcellinus became
familiar with the Taifali when he was posted as a soldier in the region.
Their youth, Marcellinus write, remained in these homosexual
relationships until they became adults and had killed a boar or bear, a
typical initiatory ordeal. Similar homosexual customs were described by
the Roman historian Procopius in the sixth century A.D. among another
German tribe, the Heruli.. homosexuality in the form of
institutionalized pederasty of the sort described by Ammianis
Marcellinus and Procopius is understood to have been the rule within the
Germanic warrior societies.
similar societies of unmarried warriors existed in Norse and Celtic
society. The members of the Norse warrior societies also dedicated
themselves to their god, Odin, dressed likewise in skins of wolves or
bears and were said to fight with the furor f one possessed of the
spirits of those animals.. Like the Germanic peoples, Celtic society was
ruled by a warrior aristocracy supported by a farming peasantry.. While
references by classical writers to homosexual relationship between
Celtic warriors and youth are not detailed enough to be able to
establish an initiatory construct, the pederastic relations that they
described would almost certainly have occurred within the fianna,
the principal social venue of the Celtic warriors. Indeed, given the
close similarity of Celtic and Germanic tribal customs, and the well
documented esteem of the Celts for male homosexuality, it would have
been odd if the Celts did not practice a similar type of initiatory
ancient writers leave no doubt as to the Celtic warriors; enthusiasm
for homosexuality in general. According to Aristotle, the Celts held
homosexuality in high esteem and publicly honored homosexual relations.
Diodorus writes that despite the charm of Celtic women, the Celtic men:
"long instead for the embrace of one of their own sex, lying on animal
skins and tumbling around with a lover on either side. It is
particularly surprising that they attach no value to either dignity or
decency, offering their bodies to each other without further ado. This
was not regarded as at all harmful: on the contrary, if they were
rejected in their approaches, they felt insulted." Celtic youth
evidently shared the attitudes of their elders. The Greek writer Strabo,
described the young Celts of Gaul as "shamelessly generous with their
boyish charms."
lack if sexual inhibitions that the Celtic warriors displayed towards
each other amid such an atmosphere of masculine eroticism suggests that
homosexuality was not limited to pederastic relations, and that love
between comrades was also a part of Celtic warrior life. In fact, it is
warriors, not youth, whom Diodorus describes as "offering their bodies
to each other without further ado." Such a relationship between warrior
peers even appears in an Irish Celtic saga of the late first
--Neill, James (2009). The origins and role of same-sex relations in human societies. Mcfarland: pp 120-131
Data on other ancient Caucasoid peoples, supposed Indo-European "role models," reveals a unified pattern of homosexual behavior. In ancient Greece homosexuality played an important role.
little is known of the sexual practices of the Kassites, Hyksos or
Aryans, that is not the case with the Greeks. The extent of the
prevalence and social importance of homosexual behavior among the
ancient Greeks is so thoroughly documented that it is possible to get a
clear picture not only of the character of homosexual relationships in
Greeks society, but the important role homosexuality played in that
society.. the fragmentary glimpses we have of homosexual behavior among
the other Indo-European peoples can be recognized as revealing a unified
pattern of sexual customs and beliefs that seems to have prevailed
among all the Indo-European ancestors of modern Europeans."
--Neill, James (2009). The origins and role of same-sex relations in human societies. Mcfarland:
and homosexuality was common among the Spartans. Wives and male lovers
were shared between Spartan men. Pederasty or use of youth for
homosexual purposes was well established among the Spartans, Greeks and
[quotes from various scholars:]
boys between the ages of 6 and 16 were organized in 'packs' and 'herds'
and placed under the supervision of young adult Spartans. This
supervision was sometimes seen as surrogate fathering and one marker of
its activity ".. was the instutionalization of pederasty. After the age
of twelve, each Spartan teenager was expected to receive a young adult
warrior as his lover.. Punishment for various infractions such as
suffering silently under discipline was sometimes made on the youth's
older lover, for having failed to educate his beloved properly."
--From: The Spartans: the world of the warrior-heroes of ancient Greece, from utopia to crisis and collapse
Paul Cartledge, Overlook Press, 2003.pg 69-70
of Spartan society conduced less to heterosexuality than to
homosexuality. In his Laws, Plato wrote that homosexuality resulted from
the (male) dining groups and from male nudity in gymnasia. Records of
Sparta from the classical period seem to refer to homosexual boyfriends
at least as often as to wives. particularly revealing, are some
assertions by Xenophon on this subject."
--From: Sparta By Michael Whitby. 2002. Taylor and Francis: p. 93
too institutionalized homosexual relations between mature men and
adolescent boys, as well as between adult women and girls.. many aspects
of Spartan homosexuality and marriage customs point to tribal origins.
Participation was mandatory for all youth of good character. There were
ordeals- a common feature of tribal initiation.. Even after marriage,
men lived in men's houses, not with their wives. Wives and male lovers
were shared with age-mates."
---From: The construction of homosexuality. David F. Greenberg. University of Chicago Press. 1990. p.107
[b]Both homosexuality and pedophilia were institutionalized among the Greeks per scholars:
[quotes from various scholars:][/b]
FROM: [i]Homosexuality in the ancient world - Page 80. Wayne R. Dynes, Stephen Donaldson - 1992 - [/i]
quotes from Dynes and Donaldson:
short, I have no doubt that the evidence of Xenophon and Plutarch is
sufficient to establish the important conclusion that pederasty in
Sparta was institutionalised." In the "Politics of Spartan Pederasty" in
Homosexuality in the ancient world, pg 23, various documentation from
the Spartan era ranges from rock-cut graffiti, to bronze figurines of
decidedly masculine "girls", to depictions of anal copulation on
drinking cups, to terracotta votive masks depicting unbearded 'Youth'
and bearded adult 'Warriors' found in the sanctuary at Orthia.".
historian argue that Greek homosexual activity had ritual significance
in the form of the semen, being an agent representing martial excellence
or prowess, imparted to the receiving male in the process of sodomy.
The venue of the gymnasium also played a part.[/b]
quotes from Dynes and Donaldson:
there is the point insisted upon by Plato's Athenian Laws (1.636b; cg.
Theaer. 162b, 169ab), the role played by the gymnasia as hotbeds of
homosexuality. The Spartans put a premium on gymnastic exercise, and if
Thucydides (1.6.5) is to be believed, it was they who invented the
customs of exercising stark naked and rubbing down with olive oil. In
Sparta therefore the cult of the nude male body is likely to have been
pushed to the extremes, as it is known to have been in other less
gymnastic Greek cities.. None of these conditions favoring homosexuality
is wholly peculiar to Spartan society, but their presence in
combination suggests that the integration of institutionalised pederasty
into the Agoge, whenever precisely it occurred, will at any rate, not
have been awkward."
pg 27
[b]Yet others argue that the ties created by pederasty extended to the networks of influence and governance.[/b]
in other words, could have acted at Spartan in the age of Xenophon, as
it certainly did in fourth-century Crete, as a means of recruiting the
political elite,"
[b]Young females were also used in Spartan society as part of homosexual relations.[/b]
relates that in Sparta, the noble women loved the girls. Also the
academic philosopher Hagnon states: "Among the Spartans it was customary
(viz for adult women) to have intercourse with girls before their
marriage, as one did with boys."
pg 292
was commonly recognized and accepted in Greece, and suggest a common
pattern among Indo-European peoples. As one historian notes:[/b]
of the intriguing features of the Greeks is their active interest in
homosexuality... Yet the adherents of this solution [a ritual of
initiation] have not attempted an explanation pf this puzzling
phenomenon and they have ignored the existence of Indo-European
(henceforth: I-E) parallels." pg 49
pg 50:
bachelors had recourse to sodomy, a practice which was not reprobated
but was actually a custom of the country- and a custom in the true
sense, i.e., fully sanctioned by male society and universally
[b]Some ancient Greek scholars held that the Persians learned homosexuality from the Greeks[/b]
we pass straight on to the Persians. Our sources are divided as to
whether they practiced pederasty or not. The latter view will be the
more probably one, since the Zoroastrian writings tome and again
strongly forbade pederasty. It is perhaps indicative for this attitude
that Agesilaos, although strongly in love with the son of high-ranking
Persian, refrains from any physical contact. On the other hand, the son
of Pharnabazus is enamoured of a Greek boy, and the recurrence of the
prohibitions of pederasty suggests that the Persians did not succeed in
stopping the practice. Such discrepancy between theory and practice
could elucidate the remark of Herodotus that the Persians learned
pederasty from the Greeks."
pg 282
Quotes from: [i]Homosexuality in the ancient world - Page 80. Wayne R. Dynes, Stephen Donaldson-1992 - [/i]
Charles Freeman's "The Greek Achievement" (1999) holds that
homosexuality had an influential place in some Greek institutions.
According to Freeman: [quote]
"The symposia provided the arena for much of this sexual activity.
These were highly ritualized affairs whose origins lay in the banqueting
halls of aristocratic warriors. The men were garlanded and reclined one
or two to a couch around a central table.. there is little evidence
that symposia were normally used to discuss politics. Rather the
opposite; the longest conversation in Plato's Symposium is about the
nature of homosexual love."
(Freeman: pg 299, pg 283-304)
Other writers find similar patterns:
homosexuality was also a prominent feature of Classical Athens. It was
widely practiced and tolerated. Athenian law disenfranchised a citizen
who had prostituted his body to another male, but nothing was done to
males who engaged in homosexual love with male prostitutes or other
adult males for love or pleasure. The law did not eliminated male
prostitution but ensured that male prostitutes would be foreigners, not
Athenian citizens."
-- Western Civilization: To 1500, Volume 1. Jackson J. Spielvogel. 2009. Cenage.
ALL cultures have gay individuals and relationships, and some cultures
worked out practical "live and let live" arrangements for them, yet some
"hereditarian" and "Aryan" types applaud Nazi attempts to kill gays as a
way of "purging" the race. They deny the existence of gays in ancient
Europe, except as an anomaly brought about by corrupt "Semitic"
influences. As the above examples show however, the actual truth is far
5--What side of the Bell Curve leads in high rates of child molestation? Yes- the supposedly "better folk" on the "right" hand side.
post higher rates of child molestation than other groups according to
scholars Hattery and Smith 2007, depending on the baselines measured,
and said white child molesters serve LESS time for their crimes than
black crack cocaine offenders, according to some studies. QUOTE:
our analysis suggests that child molesters, who are primarily white
men, serve shorter average sentences than crack offenders who are
primarily African American men. Child molesters serve an average of 6
years and only 43% of their full sentences, whereas the average inmate
serving a sentence for possession of crack serves 11 years and 80% of
his or her sentence."
--(African American families, by Angela Hattery, Earl Smith, SAGE 2007. pp. 245)
and as one conservative police chief report states:
profiling has a legitimate and successful history when applied to
serial killers, rapists, hijackers, child molesters and arsonists.
Ironically, some criminal profiles show a racial relationship between
white males and serial killers, rapists, and child molesters."
Carl Milazzo (1999) Race Relations in Police Operations: A Legal and
Ethical Perspective. International Assn. of Chiefs of Police)
The police chief profiling report mentions several offenses, but when broken out separately, a pattern emerges of
whites as over-represented among child molesters. Kirk (1975) found
that black offenders were more likely to pick out adult females for
sexual assault at a rate three times more than white offenders (34% and
11% respectively), compared to white offenders who selected non-adults
Kirk's finding is supported by West and Templer's 1994 study of
incarcerated sex offenders, which found that a disproportionate number
of child molesters were white, compared to negro offenders.
(Kirk, S.A. (1975). The sex offenses of blacks and whites. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 4, 295-302)
(West, J and Templer D. (1994). Child molestation, rape and ethnicity. Psychological Reports, 75, 1326)
The heavy white pattern varies by state. For
example, a 1998 study in Florida was carried out on molesters over a 21
month period. Of these 88.4% were white, versus 7.9% black. Around
1998, Florida's populations stood at 78% white, and 14.6% black (Bureau
of the Census 2000). Whites were thus overrepresented among the child
molesters relative to general population, (88% molesters versus 78%
general population) versus blacks who were underrepresented 7.9% versus
14.6%) on molestation offenses.
-- Tingle, et al (1998) Childhood and Adolescent Characteristics of Pedophiles and Rapists.
alternative point of comparison is to compare criminals to criminals -
those actually in jail for crime - rather than non-offending persons in
the general population. In the 1990s in Florida, whites made up less
than 50% of the prison population.* Based on such patterns, whites are
thus overrepresented as a proportion of those in jail. The same pattern
repeats itself nationally.
(*Data Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear 1995 - State detail.)
The white pattern is also seen in some federal crime reports. Per the website below- quote:
to the Survey of Inmates of State Correctional Facilities by the U.S.
Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics, the following
statistics have been recorded concerning the characteristics of
offenders who violate and assault children
Those inmates who were convicted of committing violent acts against
children were more likely to have been white, a percentage of nearly
70%, than any other race.
* White inmates were nearly three times more likely to have victimized a child than black inmates."
Detailed data from Federal prison statistical reports also show the same pattern.
Under the "Other sexual Assault" category, which is primarily child
molestation, whites were six times more likely to go to state prison
than Blacks and twice as likely to go to prison for such offenses than
Hispanics. Under the category "Parole violators returned to State
prison" whites were twice as likely to be returned to prison for the
sexual offences than blacks.
--Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics. National Corrections Reporting Program, 1994.
NCRP9404 - New court commitments to State prison, 1994: Offense by sex, race and Hispanic origin
NCRP9405. Parole violators returned to State prison, 1994: Offense, by sex, race, and Hispanic origin
in 1994 the white prison population was less than 50%, (48,21% per the
Federal Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics- 1990) and yet whites
made up 77% of all child molesters in prison, almost 30 percent more
than their representation in the general prison population. Whites are
thus overrepresented as child molesters in proportion to their
incarceration rate.
"HBD" statistics do comparisons to "the general population" - but why
always make comparisons to a pool that includes innocent 86 year old
grandmothers, pregnant 24-year olds, or 3-year old children? Another
equally valid alternative comparison is to compare criminals to
criminals- and run the statistics that way. We are talking crime-
hence let's run comparisons among the criminal population as well. Hence
the 1994 data, and some of the other data above for
incarcerated persons shows some interesting patterns that are carefully dodged and avoided by assorted "biodiversity" types.
summary, while child molestation occurs in all ethnicities, available
data show that higher IQ folk display unimpressive moral "leadership" on
this score.
Note: No ethnic group is exempt from the above
but "biodiversity" proponents continually tout cold climate and or
northern European peoples, cold climate eastern Europeans and Asiatics
as sterling evolutionary role models, superior in virtue to lesser
breeds. A close examination of the actual data yields a much less
flattering reality.
6-- What side of the Bell Curve leads in divorce rates nationally? The right side again.
Within the top 10 of countries with the highest divorce rates in the
world, most are reportedly high IQ Western nations- such as the US,
Russia, the UK, Denmark, New Zealand, Australia, Canada and Finland.
Note the pattern, the bulk of the high divorce countries are the higher
IQ ones.
What side of the Bell Curve lectures often others on sexual morality
but their own conduct in such areas as out-of-wedlock births is rather
unimpressive? Yes, the "right" side again, the conduct of which has
hardly been "virtuous." It is a fact that for decades prior to the
1960s, black folk in the US posted higher marriage rates and lower
divorce rates than whites. Furthermore white OOW rates are hardly
sterling. Among the supposedly more virtuous northern Europeans for
example, like the white Irish, the OOW rate in some decades of the 19th
century exceeded 50% in heavily Irish areas of settlement in cities like
NYC, even though the Irish made up less than 26% of the population at
the time (Sowell 1981, 1983).
Supposedly virtuous white "Nordic" Europeans are no better.
In the 1850s, in Sweden's biggest city, Stockholm, for example, the
illegitimacy rate was close to 50%. As Burns and Scott (1994) show, by
the mid 19th century when reliable cross-national figures are widely
available, it was found than in illegitimacy, (Stockholm (with a 46%
rate in the 1850s) was second only to Vienna (49%) among European
capitals. Indeed this trend was a continuation since the early 1800s.
Nor was this solely a pattern for mid century 1800s. In ultra-white
Sweden at the start of the 20th century, barely half of Swedish women
married and around one-sixth of children were born out of wedlock. Nor
was this solely an urban Stockholm phenomenon. High illegitimacy rates
and declining marriage rates were also found in rural areas as well (
companion to nineteenth-century Europe, 1789-1914, By Stefan Berger,
Wiley 2006.) By contrast, as late as 1950 the US black illegitimacy rate
stood at 17%, well below that of the touted white Swedish "role models"
above, and for 50 years, black marriage rates were higher than that of
US whites (Sowell 2004- Black Rednecks, White Liberals), and better than
the Swedish pattern over several decades. The black illegitimacy rate
in 1965 was STILL lower than the 28% posted by US whites in 2000.
Closer into the 20th century, white Nordic "role models" are no paragons of virtue:
By the year 2000, out of wedlock births in Nordic Sweden had reached
53% of all births- a steep rise from a mere 10% illegitimacy rate in mid
century. (
A population history of the United States By Herbert S. Klein, Cambridge University Press. 2004. p. 216)
Nor are supposedly more virtuous white people of other "Nordic" nations
any better. In the early 1980s illegitimacy rates were on the order of
45% in Iceland and Sweden and 40% in Denmark. (
Report on Immigrant
populations and demographic development in the member states of the
Council of Europe. Rinus Penninx, Council of Europe. 1984.)
Could these European patterns reflect white "genetic predispositions?" Yes- if the same simplistic "hereditarianism" reasoning so glibly applied to blacks is used- even-steven. Reality is a bit more complicated of course- like the role of urbanization. Virtually every rural peasant group migrating to urban areas has shown increases in illegitimacy rates, among other things. But reality and facts is a bit too unflattering" for assorted "hereditarain" proponents..
Per one detailed, well-butressed academic study:
"Proletarianization did not, in the end, mean pauperization, marginalization and family dissolution, tendencies which were very much present in large European cities of the nineteenth century, in informal unions, births out of wedlock, and in abandoned infants. The latter were a major phenomenon of Catholic Europe, and of Moscow and St Petersburg, whose institutions at their nineteenth-century peak received 26,000 infants a year (Tilly et al. 1992: 18). In Lombardy in the first seven decades of the nineteenth century, about 400,000 children were abandoned, a good half of them in Milan (Hunecke 1994: 125)..."
"In most of the capital cities it became a major phenomenon, making several figures for the year 2000 pale by comparison. In Paris, `capital of the nineteenth century', a third of all births for the later part of the century were outside marriage, by the end of it a good quarter (Meyer 1980: 252; Walle 1980: 267n; Ratcliffe 1996: 338n). In 1850, half of all births in Habsburg Vienna were out of wedlock, and almost half (46 per cent) in Stockholm (Matovic 1980: 336). Munich had also half of its children born outside marriage in 1860, and the provincial capital of Carinthia (Klagenfurt) holds perhaps a European record for a community of some size, with 69 per cent extra-marital births in 1870-74 (Mitterauer 1983: 150n, 23).... where the social transformation had not settled, the figures were still very high. In 1898, 50 per cent of all births to Orthodox mothers in St Petersburg were out of wedlock (Mitterauer 1983)."
"It [illegitimacy] is sometimes, but not always, an outcome of industrialization and urbanization. In some countries, a high proportion of extra-marital births is above all an urban phenomenon: in France, Italy, Russia and, on the whole, in the Habsburg monarchy (Walle 1980; Mitterauer 1983: 29). In Sweden in 190110, extra-marital birth was primarily a capital-city custom, although with somewhat more than 300,000 inhabitants Stockholm was far from a metropolis. While the national proportion was 13 per cent of all births, in Stockholm it was 36 per cent.."
"At the beginning of the twenty-first century, unmarried cohabitation has become a major practice of Northwestern Europe (save Ireland), North America and Oceania. First of all, cohabitation has become the main form of first union of sex and household. In the UK about 60 per cent of all first marriages are preceded by unmarried cohabitation (Coleman 2000: 60). Interestingly, the current relative prevalence of cohabitation in the UK resembles the pattern of extra-marital births a century or more ago. In both cases it is higher in Wales than in England, in the East Midlands than in the West Midlands or London (Hollingsworth 1981; Office for National Statistics 2002). Among French women born in 1964-68 three-quarters had entered a union by the age of 24: 60 per cent as cohabitees, and 16 per cent had married without prior cohabitation. Out of a similar West German cohort 61 per cent had coupled by the age of 24, but only 18 per cent directly by marriage."
"More surprising perhaps is that the first Irish economic boom in modern history resulted in illegitimacy soaring, from 8.5 per cent in 1985 and 14.5 per cent in 1990 to 31.8 per cent in 2000, while elections and referenda have kept the Catholic prohibitions of abortion and divorce in operation... "
--Goran Therborn 2004. Between Sex and Power-Family in the world, 1900-2000 p24, 160-263

What side of the Bell Curve is much less than advertised re allegedly
superior virtue when scrutiny is applied? The right side. Indeed some of
the supposed paragons of Bell Curve goodness, northern Europeans, or
cold climate eastern Europeans are much less than advertised in terms of
reputed virtue and morality.
Let us begin by looking at
white Southerners in the USA- and let's give assorted "heriditarian"
proponents the benefit of the doubt by not using "liberal" scholars-
let's stick with conservative ones. What happens when even conservative
scholars like Thomas Sowell look at the data? We see that native white
southerners historically are among the most backward and violent people
in the American population. According to Sowell, in his 2005
Black Rednecks and White Liberals,
what many see as pathologies of contemporary black culture actually
derive from a dysfunctional historical white-southern "cracker"?
"The cultural
values and social patterns prevalent among Southern whites included an
aversion to work, proneness to violence, neglect of education, sexual
promiscuity, improvidence, drunkenness, lack of entrepreneurship,
reckless searches for excitement, a lively music and dance, and a style
of religious oratory marked by strident rhetoric, unbridled emotions,
and flamboyant imagery. This oratorical style carried over into the
political oratory of the region in both the Jim Crow era and the civil
rights era, and has continued on into our own times among black
politicians, preachers, and activists. Touchy pride, vanity, and
boastful self-dramatization were also part of this redneck culture among
people from regions of Britain where the civilization was the least
Several scholars support Sowell's observations. Grady McWhiney's
Cracker Culture
(1988) is a thorough historical study of the values and behavioral
patterns of white Southerners, and is backed by many other scholarly
studies which have turned up very similar patterns even when they
differed in some ways as to the causes. Scholar Hackett Fischer's
Albions Seed,(1989)
for example, eschews the Celtic theory advanced by McWhiney, but shows
many of the same cultural patterns for the whites, both in Britain and
the American South.
can "evil papists" be blamed. Most whites who settled the south were
Protestants. Now let's look at another northern European people- whom
all are supposed to hail as paragons of cold-climate virtue - the white
Irish. The Irish have long been marked by high levels of violence,
substance abuse, promiscuity, anti-intellectualism, etc. In the
crowded, fetid slums and streets of big cities such as New York or
Boston, there was break down, In New
York for example, some decades of the 19th century show white Irish
illegitimacy rates as high as 50% even though the Irish made up less
than 26% of the city's population. Likewise the fallout
of the Industrial Revolution in white Britain included horrific poverty,
dismal slums and widespread violence as the rural peasantry migrated to
the dismal venues of the city.
Supposedly more "restrained" northern European "role models" have done pretty well as far as violence and criminality.
At various times and places the white violence rate was well ahead of the blacks. The white Irish for example posted arrest rates well above their population representation- 50% in some years of NYC compared to an Irish population of about 24% of the city. If the comparison is to the Irish as a proportion of the total population the disparity is even more shocking. More than 5 times as many Irish were convicted in court than among the native population. Back then the "law and order" problem, was essentially a white Irish problem. In Philadelphia in the 1860s and thru the mid 1870s the indictment rate for crimes for the white Irish was almost twice that of other groups, even though the Irish made up less that 20% of the city's people- posting an indictment rate of 4.7 per 100,000 compared to the citywide average of 2.9 per 100,000. The murder rate among the white Irish exceeded that of blacks. In 1860 in Boston the white Irish accounted for 75% of arrestees and police detainees, though only making up about 40% of the population. Again if the comparison is to the Irish as a percentage of the national population the disparity looms wider. This pattern was all over where the Irish settled: from New York, to Philly, to Boston, to Chicago.
As conservative historian Michael Barone notes:
"The problem of law and order, as seen by local authorities in many northeastern cities, was specifically an Irish problem throughout these decades, with the newcomers earning a reputation for hard-drinking, aggressive, riotous behavior wherever they settled.”.. it is plain that crime rates among Irish-Americans were well above the national average.. the rate of indictment for murder in Philadelphia from 1860 to 1873 was 4.7 per 100,000 for those with Irish Catholic names, compared to the citywide average of 2.9, and that murder rates among Irish in the mid nineteenth century were higher than among blacks. More than half of all arrests in New York in 1859 were of Irish—double their proportion of the population—and more than five times as many Irish immigrants as native-born Americans were convicted in court. By 1860 the Irish accounted for three-quarters of Boston’s arrestees and police detainees. The Chicago Tribune in 1898 asserted that there were twice as many Irish lawbreakers as from “almost any other inhabitable land on earth.” Irish violence also manifested itself in urban riots."
--Michael Barone 2001. The New Americans, pg 44
If violent Irish group riots are added on top of the above the picture is even grimmer. Leaving aside from the worse Irish riots in US history- the Draft Riots- Irish gangs actually grew in size and ferocity afterwards. Groups like the Dead Rabbits or the Bowery Boys fought for days, deploying thousands, and requiring the National Guard or the militia to suppress them. Indeed, allegedly more ":restrained" whites posted the bloodiest street violence in US History. As one history notes:
New York Draft Riot has gone down in history as one of the nation's
bloodiest urban riots. Moreover, the behavior of the Irish during these
fateful days and the racism they exhibited reinforced their reputation
for violence." (Dolan, JP, The Irish Americans: A History. p. 49)
On the political scene, the Irish used thuggish violence and intimidation on a mass scale- with street riots, stabbings and shootings as squads of drunken Irishmen packing clubs, knives gun and razors went from precinct to precinct assaulting the opposition. Chicago was the scene of much of this election mayhem. People complain about intimidation by ACORN? ACORN ain't nothing really but a bunch of old ladies, compared to the Irish intimidation and murder squads of the past. (Source: Micahel Barone, 2001: The New Americans p 41-45)
other measures of social propriety, assorted whites were no paragons. One
survey of prostitutes in the 1800s in heavily Irish NYC for example
"revealed that 35 percent were Irish and 12 percent German." The Irish
also posted higher rates of female-headed families than other ethnic
groups in the same time period.
(Binder, F, and Reimers D. (1996) All
the Nations Under Heaven: An Ethnic and Racial History of New York
City. Columbia University Press.)
Much is made of
comparisons to blacks and assorted European immigrants, but as the
example of the Irish shows, blacks are not some unique, basket case.
They suffered and show the same patterns that often accompany rural
people being urbanized. As anyone who has a basic knowledge of black
history knows, WWII was to spark major changes and population movements
in Black America. The MAJORITY of Blacks became an urban people after World War II, (up to 1970) comparatively late in US history, in
contrast to the majority rural volk of previous decades. As becoming
urbanized, blacks fell prey to a common pattern that often afflicts
'country' people who are squeezed into the crowded slums, violent
streets and indifferent attitudes of cities - there is greater social
dysfunction as the old rural community bonds begin to break down. It
happened with whites from and in Ireland and Britain. It happened with
Chinese in the over-packed slums of numerous Chinatowns. It happened
with a host of other people in varying measures. But according to HBD
"experts", black people are these unique basket cases as far as such
problems go. Only they are permanently affected by such horrible
dysfunctions, you see, because' they are black. Never mind the white
people who have gone before, and who underwent the same pattern. They
are exempt, and covered with a magical mantle of white goodness and

Side note- vast job discrimination against the Irish? Some scholars question this as overblown. Things like "No Irish Need Apply" (NINA) signs did exist as did job discrimination. But does this mean a vast job freezeout against the Irish as happened to backs? Not at all. In general, evidence from the job market shows little significant long-term discrimination, Employers eagerly sought them out- the need for cheap labor over-riding the minority of employers that wanted no Irish.
QUOTE from Bayor and Meagher's "The New York Irish."
According to Plunz, A History of Housing, 131, such incidents illustrate the "geographical stratification of the city's population based on ethnic and economic characteristics." He gives as an example Jackson Heights' (Queens) policy against "Catholics, Jews or dogs." But in general the Irish rarely encountered discrimination in housing in New York during this period [pre 1850s]" p. 678
--Bayor and Meagher 1996. --The New York Irish pp. 678
Yet another history notes:
"There were some employers who absolutely refused to hire Irishmen, but in Waltham, at least, these constituted a distinct minority. For the town's industrial growth required the brawn of unskilled workingmen. And the Irish, most of them without skills and many without any prior exposure to the discipline of factory life, needed income. Hence, while the posted notices and newspaper advertisements which announced that "No Irish Need Apply" may have been the most overt and galling manifestations of discrimination, in Waltham they were also among the least consequential."
-- Guelman, H. M. 1973. No Irish need apply: Patterns of and responses to ethnic discrimination in the labor market. Volume: 14 Journal: Labor History
And when the Irish gained a bot of power they quickly used it to discriminate against others. QUOTE:
"As early as 1855 Irish men were the largest group of the cartmen of New York, including those that specialized in doing city work on sanitation, landfillm road projects and the like. To be a private cartman one required a license; to work for the municipal government in particular one needed good connections. Even before the massive influx of the famine Irish in 1843, the Democrat-dominated Common Council gave a large number of market licenses to Irish men, much to the chagrin of natve American entrepreneurs."
--FROM: Bayor and Meagher 1996, The New Y0rk Irish, 96-97
"As a consequence, the public sector employed a full one-third of first, second and third-generation Irish Americans in 1930 compared with just 6 percent in 1900. This patronage helped produce a heavy concentration of Irish in jobs on the fire and police departments and in municipally owned subways, streetcars, waterworks and port facilities. Many of the city's Irish middle class worked on the public payroll, especially in the public schools, and thousands of others labored in construction jobs tied to city expenditures. For second-generation Irish-American women, jobs as schoolteachers were the most sought-after career. Such patronage policies would help to bind the Irish working class and much of the middle class Tammany Hall for another generation."
--Bayor and Meagher 1996. The New York Irish, p. 313
the words of one Irish Archbishop, John Hughes, as to alleged northern
European "role models", but also note the circumstances: QUOTE:
who stay are predominantly the scattered debris of the Irish nation."
Lost in a land where many didn't want them, violent, without skills, the
Irish were in need of rescue. This was Hughes' flock, and he was
prepared to be their rescuer. New York's Irish truly formed an
underclass; every variety of social pathology flourished luxuriantly
among them. Family life had disintegrated. Thomas D'Arcy McGee, an
exiled Irish political radical, wrote in The Nation in 1850: "In Ireland
every son was a boy and daughter a girl till he or she was married.
They were considered subjects to their parents till they became parents
themselves. In America boys are men at sixteen...if (the) family tie is
snapped, our children become our opponents and sometimes our worst
enemies." McGee saw that the lack of stable family relationships was
fatally undermining the Irish community. The immigrants crowded into
neighborhoods like Sweeney's Shambles in the city's fourth ward and Five
Points in the sixth ward (called the "bloody sixth" for its violence),
which Charles Dickens toured in the forties and pronounced "loathsome,
drooping and decayed." In The New York Irish, Ronald Bayor and Timothy
Meagher report that besides rampant alcoholism, addiction to opium and
laudanum was epidemic in these neighborhoods in the 1840s and 1850s.
Many Irish immigrants communicated in their own profanity-filled street
slang called, "flash talk": a multi-day drinking spree was "going on a
bender," "cracking a can" was robbing a house. Literate English
practically disappeared from ordinary conversation. An estimated 50,000
Irish prostitutes, know in flash talk as "nymphs of the pave," worked
the city in 1850 and Five Points alone had as many as 17 brothels.
Illegitimacy reached stratospheric heights--and tens of thousands of
abandoned Irish kids roamed, or prowled, the city's streets. Violent
Irish gangs, with names like the Forty Thieves, the B'boys, the Roach
Guards, and Chichesters, brought havoc to their neighborhoods.
gangs fought one another and the nativists but primarily they robbed
houses and small businesses, and trafficked in stolen property. Over
half the people arrested in New York in the 1840s and 1850s were Irish,
so that police vans were dubbed, "paddy wagons" and episodes of mob
violence in the streets were called "donnybrooks," after a town in
Ireland. Death was everywhere. In 1854 one out of every 17 people in the
sixth ward died. In Sweeney's Shambles the rate was one out of five in a
22 month period. The death rate among Irish families in New York in the
1850s was 21 percent, while among non-Irish it was 3 percent. Life
expectancy for New York's Irish averaged under 40 years. Tuberculosis,
which Bishop Hughes called the "natural death of the Irish immigrants,"
was the leading cause of death, along with drink and violence. Inflamed
by this spectacle of social ruin, nativist sentiment grew and took a
nastier, racist turn, no longer attacking primarily the superstition and
priestcraft of the Catholic religion but rather the genetic inferiority
of the Irish people. Gifted diarist and former mayor George Templeton
Strong, for example, wrote that "the gorilla is superior to the Celtic
in muscle and hardly their inferior in a moral sense." In the same vein,
Harper's in 1851 describe the "Celtic physiognomy" as "simian-like,
with protruding teeth and short upturned noses." Celebrated cartoonist
Thomas Nast constantly depicted the Irish as closely related to apes,
while Orson and Lorenzo Fowler's New Illustrated Self-Instructor in
Phrenology and James Redfield's Outline of a New System of Physiognomy
gave such ideas the color of science.
By 1850 the New York City lunatic asylum on Blackwell's Island (now
Roosevelt Island) was filled with Irish, most of them probably
hallucinating alcoholics. Doctors of the day had a different view,
speculating that insanity grew from degeneracy and violation of the
moral law. Compounding the problem, according to Ralph Parsons,
superintendent of the asylum, the Irish were people of exceptionally bad
habits. They were, he said, of "a low order of intelligence, and very
many of them have imperfectly developed brains. When such persons become
insane, the prognosis if unfavorable." Hughes' solution for his
flock's social ills was to re-spiritualize them. He wanted to bring
about an inner, moral transformation in them, which he believed would
solve their social problems in the end. He put the ultimate blame on
their condition squarely on the historical oppression they had suffered
at the hands of the English, which he said has caused them "to pass away
from the faith of their ancestors," robbing them of the cultural
heritage that should have guided their behavior. But that was in the
past: now it was time for them to regain what they had lost. So he
bought abandoned Protestant church buildings in Irish wards, formed
parish churches, and sent in parish priests on a mission of urban
evangelization aimed at giving the immigrants a faith-based system of
-- Archbishop John Hughes, http://www.connorsgenealogy.com/NYIrishList/hughes.htm
Yet more commentary on reputed "role models"-- again applying the same methods of assorted "biodiversity proponents"..
woes of Ireland, or 'justice to Ireland,' is not the chapter we have to
write at present. It is a deep matter, an abyssmal one, which no
plummet of ours will sound. For the oppression has gone far farther than
into the economics of Ireland; inwards to her very heart and soul. The
Irish National character is degraded, disordered; till this recover
itself, nothing is yet recovered. Immethodic, headlong, violent,
mendecious: what can you make of the wretched Irishman? "A finer people
never lived," as the Irish lady said to us; "only they have two faults,
they do generally lie and steal: barring these"—! A people that knows
not to speak the truth, and to act the truth, such people has departed
from even the possibility of well-being. Such people works no longer on
Nature and Reality; works now on Fantasm, Simulation, Nonentity; the
result it arrives at is naturally not a thing but no-thing,—defect
even of potatoes. Scarcity, futility, confusion, distraction must be
perennial there. Such a people circulates not order but disorder,
through every vein of it;—and the cure, if it is to be a cure, must
begin at the heart: not in his condition only but in himself must the
Patient be all changed.
of miserable Irish darken all our towns. The wild Milesian features,
looking false ingenuity, restlessness, unreason, misery and mockery,
salute you on all highways and byways. The English coachman, as he
whirls past, lashes the Milesian with his whip, curses him with his
tongue; the Milesian is holding out his hat to beg. He is the sorest
evil this country has to strive with. In his rags and laughing savagery,
he is there to undertake all work that can be done by mere strength of
hand and back; for wages that will purchase him potatoes. He needs only
salt for condiment; he lodges to his mind in any pighutch or doghutch,
roosts in outhouses; and wears a suit of tatters, the getting off and on
of which is said to be a difficult operation, transacted only in
festivals and the high tides of the calendar. The Saxon man if he cannot
work on these terms, finds no work. He too may be ignorant; but he has
not sunk from decent manhood to squalid apehood: he cannot continue
there. American forests lie untilled across the ocean; the uncivilised
Irishman, not by his strength but by the opposite of strength, drives
out the Saxon native, takes possession in his room. There abides he, in
his squalor and unreason, in his falsity and drunken violence, as the
ready-made nucleus of degradation and disorder. Whosoever struggles,
swimming with difficulty, may now find an example how the human being
can exist not swimming but sunk. Let him sink; he is not the worst of
men; not worse than this man. We have quarantines against pestilence;
but there is no pestilence like that; and against it what quarantine is
possible? It is lamentable to look upon."
-- Thomas Carlyle, Chartism Chapter IV
Thomas Sowell (1981, 2004, 1983) notes that many problems identified
with blacks in modern society are hardly unique in terms of American
ethnic groups, nor in terms of a rural proletariat swept by disruption
as it became urbanized. Heavy patterns of pathology are for example
seen in the white peasant migrants to the dismal urban slums that sprung
up during the Industrial Revolution in Britain and elsewhere. He
maintains that US blacks only became a largely urban people after WWII,
when the booming war economy accelerated a third great migration north,
allowing millions of blacks to escape the harsh, oppressive conditions
of the South. While southern cities also saw some migration, it was this
massive wartime era move north that was much more significant, and the
arrival of the rural black proletariat into difficult urban conditions
broke down many of the social mores and community-generated controls,
such as church influence, that had helped maintain its stability in the
past. World War I also saw a spurt of urban migration in response to
economic demand, but this urbanization was not completed for most blacks
until the WWII era. A recent work by Ira Berlin (2010) entitled
"The making of African America: the four great migrations" (Viking: 2010)
confirms Sowell's data, showing that full, majority black urbanization
was accomplished only after the WW II era, making blacks relatively
recent mass entrants into urban economies that white ethnics had long
since operated in. The black urban migrants faced massive discrimination
but also social dislocation, with corresponding social problems.
(1981 - Ethnic America- see below) notes that social problems occurring
after such migrations are nothing new with other white ethnic groups,
who had the advantage of entering, acculturating and adjusting to the
urban economy in toto several decades earlier than blacks. The black
migrants faced race discrimination above and beyond other ethnic groups,
but fundamentally experienced the same social pathologies others did in
becoming urbanized. Difficulties with crime, schooling, substance abuse
etc. are thus not uniquely "black" problems but are well represented in
other urbanizing groups from peasant background. In
Ethnic America
(1981), for example, Sowell shows that white ethnic groups like the
Irish were marked by many of the same patterns as blacks who migrated
from rural backgrounds to the big urban centers, including high levels
of violence and substance abuse. As regards out-of-wedlock births, the
rate in some New York areas with heavy white Irish settlement was over
50%, comparable to what would develop in later black ghettos in the same
Sowell sums of some of these claims in his
Pink and Brown People and Other Controversial Essays (1981), warning against what he calls the fallacy of presentism:
- "Those
who cannot swallow pseudo-biology can turn to pseudo-history as the
basis for classification. Unique cultural characteristics are now
supposed to neatly divide the population. In this more modern version,
the ghetto today is a unique social phenomenon.. American ghettos have
always had crime, violence, overcrowding, filth, drunkenness, bad school
teaching, and worse learning. Nor are blacks historically unique even
in the degree of these things. Crime and violence were much worse in the
nineteenth-century slums, which were almost all white. The murder rate
in Boston in the middle of the nineteenth century was about three times
what it was in the middle of the twentieth century. All the black riots
of the 1960s put together did not kill half as many people as were
killed in one white riot in 1863.. Squalor, dirt, disease? Historically,
blacks are neither the first nor last in any of these categories. There
were far more immigrants packed into the slums (per room or per square
mile) than is the case with blacks today - not to mention the ten
thousand to thirty thousand children with no home at all in the
nineteenth-century New York...
- Even
in the area where many people get most emotional- educational and IQ
test results- blacks are doing nothing that various European minorities
did not do before them. As of about 1920, any number of European ethnic
groups had I.Q.'s the same or lower than the I.Q.'s of blacks today. As
recently as 1940, there were schools on the Lower East Side of New York
with academic performances lower than those of schools in Harlem. Much
of the paranoia that we talk ourselves into about race is a result of
provincialism about our own time as compared to other periods in
Sowell, T, 1981. Ethnic America
Sowell T. 2005, Black Rednecks, White liberals
Sowell T. 1983. The Economics and Politics of Race
Sowell T. 2004. Affirmative Action around the world
Berlin, I. 2010. The making of African America: the four great migrations
Michael Barone. 2006. The New Americans: How the Melting Pot Can Work Again.
European groups also show high rates of violence, criminality,
substance abuse and welfare dependency as conservative scholar Thomas
Sowell notes. [QUOTE:]
living patterns reflected not only the poverty of the Irish but also
their being used to squalid living conditions in mud huts in Ireland...
Sewage piled up in backyard privies until the municipal authorities
chose to collect it, or else it ran off in open trenches, fouling the
air and providing breeding grounds for dangerous diseases. The
importance of proper garbage disposal, to keep the neighborhood from
being overrun with rats, was one of many similar facts of urban life
that every rural group new to the city would have to learn over the
years, beginning with the Irish, and continuing through many others
until the present day. Cholera, which had been unknown before, swept
through Boston in 1849, concentrated almost exclusively in Irish
neighborhoods. In New York, cholera was also disproportionately observed
in Irish wards. In various cities, both tuberculosis and fire swept
regularly through the overcrowded tenements where the Irish lived, and
there was a high rate of insanity among the Irish immigrants.. The
incidence of tuberculosis in Boston varied closely with the proportion
of the Irish living in a neighborhood.
of alcoholism and fighting brought over from Ireland persisted in the
United States. Over half the people arrested in New York in the 1850s
were Irish.. Police vans became known as 'Paddy wagons" because the
prisoners in them were so often Irish. "The fighting Irish" was a phrase
that covered everything from individual brawls to mass melees (known as
"Donnybrooks" for a town in Ireland) to criminal gangs.. Irish
neighborhoods were tough neighborhoods in cities around the country. The
Irish Sixth Ward in New York was known as "the bloody ould Sixth."
Another Irish Neighborhood in New York was known as "Hell's Kitchen,"
and another as 'San Juan Hill" because of the battles fought there. In
Milwaukee, the Irish section was called the "Bloody Third".. Where the
Irish workers built the Illinois Central Railroad, people spoke of "a
murder a mile" as they laid track. The largest riot in American history
was by predominantly Irish rioters in New York in 1863..
the proportion of the black population who were laborers and house
servants in Boston in 1850 was much lower than among the Irish, and the
free blacks in mid-century Boston were in general economically better
off than the Irish. The Irish-women's work as domestic servants and
washerwomen was usually more steadily available than that of Irishmen- a
situation later to be repeated among blacks.
in Ireland itself, the poverty and improvidence of the Irish immigrants
to America often reduced them to living on charity when hard times
came. In early nineteenth-century Ireland, even before the famine, it
was common for whole families of the poor to go 'tramping about it for
months, bragging from parish to parish.' Recourse to public charity was a
well-established habit carried over to America. Expenditures for relief
to the poor in Boston more than doubled from 1845 to 1855, during the
heavy influx of the Irish, after such expenditures had been relatively
stable for years. In New York City in the same era, about 60 percent of
the people in almshouses had been born in Ireland. As late as 1906,
there were more Irish than Italian paupers, beggars and inmates of
almshouses, even though the Italians arrived a generation later and were
generally poorer at the turn of the century. radically different
attitudes toward accepting charity existed in Ireland and Italy, and
these attitudes apparently had more effect than their respective
objective economic conditions in America. There were similar cultural
differences in attitudes toward the abandonment of wives and children.
In the 1840s, 'it was almost automatically assumed than an orphan was
Irish," and as late as 1914, about half the Irish families on
Manhattan's west side were fatherless. No such pattern appeared among
the Italians.
the Irish immigrants (like other immigrants) had a disproportionate
representation of young people in the prime of life, the mortality rate
shot up after their arrival. Boston's mortality rate in 1850 was double
that of the rest of Massachusetts, even though there were relatively
fewer aged people in Boston. The difference was due to the extremely
high mortality rate in the Irish neighborhoods. Diseases that had become
rare in America now flourished again. In 1849, cholera spread through
Philadelphia to New York and to Boston- primarily in Irish
neighborhoods. There had not been a smallpox epidemic in Boston since
1792, but after 1845, it became a recurring plague, again primarily
among the Irish. The spread of the Irish into other neighborhoods, mean,
among other things, the spread of these and other diseases. The
residential flight of middle-class Americans from the Irish immigrants
was by no means all irrationality...
neighborhood changes have been dramatized by such expressions was
'white flight' but these patterns existed long before black-white
neighborhood changes were the issue. When the nineteenth-century Irish
immigrants flooded into New York and Boston, the native Americans fled.
With the first appearance of an Irish family in a neighborhood, 'the
exodus of non-Irish residents began. 'White flight' is a misleading
term, not only because of its historical narrowness, but also because
blacks too have fled when circumstances were reversed. Blacks fled a
whole series of neighborhoods in nineteenth-century New York, 'pursued'
by new Italian immigrants who moved in. The first blacks in Harlem were
fleeing from the tough Irish neighborhoods in mid-Manhattan, and avoided
going north of 145th Street for fear of encountering more Irish
there." [ENDQUOTE]
--FROM: Sowell, T. (1981). Ethnic America
In addition to northern Europeans like the Irish, white "role models" from southern Europe produced higher murder rates that blacks. Italian Americans entering the urban scene years murdered at twice the rate of blacks. Per one detailed scholarly study:
"And in Philadelphia, their [the blacks] rate of indictment for murder, in the antebellum years only moderately higher and lower than the Irish, rose raggedly just as the Irish sank, and it had reached 11.4 per 100,000 by the 1890s.
By that time however, those rates were exceeded by those of a third group, those born in Italy, whose story further underlines the point. Philadelphia’s “murder rates” for the early twentieth which for technical reasons measured not by indictments, up above and in Chapter 4, but by the comparatively lower rate of actual convictions, sentences to death or the penitentiary. Between 1901 and l907, this rate among non-Italian whites was just 1.3 per 100,000 annually, and among blacks 12.9. But the Italians.. killed each other and occasional bystanders often enough to reach the truly astonishing homicide conviction rate of 26.3 per 100,000."
--Roger Lane. 1997. Murder in America- A History, p 188
Even when climbing, the black rate in multiple decades
was still below that of Italians.
“Among Italian immigrants and their descendants, as they
were slowly absorbed into the urban revolution, the rate of imprisonment for murder
and manslaughter (eliminating auto and other accidental homicides) fell by
close to a factor of two and a half between 1901 and 1926, from about 17 to 7. Among excluded [from the urban
economy’s revolution] African Americans, the same rate, starting at lower than the
Italian at 10 climbed by more than a factor of one and a half to 16..”
Roger Lane. 1997. Murder in America- A History, p. 242
Another group of northern Europeans- those who settled the rural mountains of the south, show the same negative patterns:
"The “hillbillies” were described as a degenerate population “with the lowest standard of living and moral code (if any). . . and the most savage tactics when drunk, which is most of the time.” National publicity followed, with stories in Time, Look, and Harper’s, the latter under the headline “The Hillbillies Invade Chicago.” That article’s subhead gave away the racial slippage: “The city’s toughest integration problem has nothing to do with Negroes. . . . It involves a small army of white Protestant, Early American migrants from the South— who are usually proud, poor, primitive, and fast with a knife.” The message was clear and intentional: these people are “worse than the colored.”
"The parallels with blacks go beyond the opinions of others. A 1932 study of white children from small communities in the Blue Ridge Mountains found that these white children not only had IQ scores somewhat lower than the national average of 85 for black children, but also had IQ patterns similar to those of black children— such as doing their worst on abstract questions and having IQs closer to the U.S. national average of 100 in their early years, with a widening gap as they grew older."
--Thomas Sowell. 2015. Wealth, Poverty and Politics_ An International Perspective. p 33
Even welfare stats show the alleged virtue of touted "role models" is somewhat less that advertised. The standard bogeyman is of the lazy, undeserving minority. But putative white sufferahs have full access to the alleged "giveaways" and have profited by them. Let's take welfare for example. Data shows that in states with high white populations, welfare benefits are more generous compared to areas with high minority populations. Indeed, from 1960 to 1990 for example, states with larger black welfare populations offered significantly LOWER welfare benefits, than in states with larger white populations. In essence, relatively more affluent white welfare recipients saw greater amounts of aid given than blacks proportionately in said states (
See Gerald C. Wright. 1977. “Racism and Welfare Policy in America.” Social Science Quarterly 57(3): 718-30; Christopher Howard. 1999. “Field Essay: American Welfare State or States?.” Political Research Quarterly)
9- What side of the Bell
Curve historically leads in the murder of children- infanticide? The
supposedly more virtuous and moral right side, made up of 'Caucasoids'
and Asiatics.
Scholarly works such as Milner 2000
(Milner, Larry S. (2000). Hardness of Heart / Hardness of Life: The Stain of Human Infanticide')
and many others give many of the gory details of the activities of
these allegedly virtuous "role models." Asian societies like China for
example historically carried out massive amounts of sex selective
infanticide. In "Caucasoid" India, female infanticide of newborn girls
was systematic in many areas, including tossing children into the Ganges
River as a sacrificial offering. Among supposedly more moral and
virtuous Caucasoid Europeans, killing of children was common. In ancient
Sardinia, three thousand bones of young children, with evidence of
sacrificial rituals, have been found there. Among supposedly more
virtuous Caucasoid stocks in Southwest Asia or the "Middle East", child
sacrifices to their goddess Ishtar was routine, and among some
Caucasoid tribes of what is now Greece, every 10th child was killed as
sacrifice in difficult economic times. I
Caucasoid Carthage, child sacrifice according to Milner, "reached its
infamous zenith," with infants and young children burned in fire or
roasted alive in hot bronze. One archeological excavations yielded 20,000 charred remains of young children (packed in urns). The Bible mentions such sacrifice among the Caucasoid Phoenicians at a site called Topeth.
(Brown, Shelby (1991). Late Carthaginian Child Sacrifice and Sacrificial Monuments in their Mediterranean Context.)
Caucasoid Greece, the exposure of unwanted newborns was not uncommon,
especially among the noble Spartans. In Caucasoid Rome, infanticide was
common, despite laws on the books. Indeed Philo the Philosopher
speaks out against it, noting the casual nature with which it was
carried out by the Romans. Offenders were rarely prosecuted under Roman
law, and said law allowed killing of Caucasoid newborns if they were
visibly deformed.
(Naphtali, Lewis, ed (1985). "Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 744". Life in Egypt Under Roman Rule).
Indeed Rome was founded by near victims of infanticide- the legendary
Romulus and Remus. Among the ancient Caucasoid Germanic tribes, the
practice was not unknown, and unwanted children were liquidated in the
forests. Archeological data shows the burnt bones of children, disposed
of as child sacrifice in ancient Britain.
(Boswell, John (1988). The Kindness of Strangers. NY: Vintage Books).
Caucasoid Europe of the Middle Ages, one scholar (Langer 2000) notes
that infanticide "was practiced on gigantic scale with absolute
impunity, noticed by writers with most frigid indifference". At the end of the 12th century, notes Richard Trexler, Roman women threw their newborns into the Tiber river in daylight. (
William L. (1974). "Infanticide: a historical survey". History of
Childhood Quarterly 1 (3): 353–366. -- Trexler, Richard (1973).
"Infanticide in Florence: new sources and first results". History of Childhood quarterly 1: 99.)
Caucasoid Russia child sacrifice was offered to the pagan god Perun,
who was worshipped as the god of lightning and thunder, and in
Kamchatka, children were tossed to dogs to be eaten alive. (
in the era of NEP: explorations in Soviet society and culture - Page
201. 1991. Sheila Fitzpatrick, Alexander Rabinowitch, Richard Stites)
Again, in Caucasoid Ancient Greece killing children was par for the course. [b]In "the glory that was Greece"[/b]-QUOTE:
"Although the eldest child was normally raised regardless
of its sex, some historians have conjectured that as many as
20 percent of newborn Athenian girls were abandoned in places
like the local garbage dump. Slave dealers collected a few of
the exposed infants and turned them over to wet nurses to be
raised and sold as slaves. Most exposed infants, however, died,
and exposure quickly became infanticide." -p234
"The Spartan lifestyle exacerbated the population decline. Sparta
was the only Greek state in which male infanticide was institutionalized.." p147
-- Sarah B. Pomeroy. 1999. Ancient Greece: a political, social, and cultural history.
contrast with the supposedly more virtuous and moral Caucasoids and
Asiatics above, Africa has the lowest incidence of infanticide. As
scholar Milner notes: QUOTE:
"Africa has been reported to have a lower incidence of infanticide than all of the other continents."
--Milner, L.S. (2000). Hardness of Heart / Hardness of Life: the stain of infanticide. University Press. p. 160
did occur in Africa but to a much less extent that allegedly more
virtuous cold Caucasoid or Asiatic “role models.� Ancient Egypt,
which was fundamentally populated by peoples with tropical limb
proportions from south of the Sahara, is no exception (Zakrewski 2007,
Keita 1992, 2005, 2008, Raxter and Ruff 2008 et al). In Egyptian
households, at all social levels, children of both sexes were valued and
there is no evidence of infanticide.[14]
religion of the Ancient Egyptians forbade infanticide and during the
Greco-Roman period they rescued abandoned babies from manure heaps, a
common method of infanticide by Greeks or Romans, and were
allowed to either adopt them as foundlings or raise them as slaves,
often giving them names such as "copro -" to memorialise their
rescue.[15] Strabo considered it a peculiarity of the Egyptians that
every child must be reared.[16] Diodorus indicates infanticide was a
punishable offence.[17]
Yet other scholars note very high mortality rates even when abandoned children were taken in my monastery or church- with dismal conditions- quote:
"when infants left at the doors of the hospital 'in a poor and piteous state.. in great danger of being devoured by pigs and other beasts.. [and dying] for want of human milk.' Infants shared rooms with the sick and as many a s a dozen children sometimes slept in one bed. The children usually died within eight to fifteen days." --Abandoned children: foundlings and child welfare in nineteenth-century France. By Rachel Ginnis Fuchs
Nor is this pattern of child abuse confined to medieval Europe. It appears among white populations in urban America. In the 1800s there were tens of thousands of abandoned white children sleeping on open streets in places like New York or Boston (sowell 1981). The same pattern continued down to the present day- with white women leading all others in rates of abortion. Two out of three babies in white Russia for example are aborted by supposedly more caring white "role models." (Loveless and Holman 2006). -
And European fatherhood was hardly the more "caring" or "involved" picture "biodiversity" types would have us believe. In fact they were rather distant from their children: quote-
Medieval fatherhood however, did not mean participating continuously in the upbringing of a child. Mothers and servants commonly took the lead role in childrearing. .. But father/son companionship bonding is not a prominent theme in literary sources. Fathers may be proud of their sons, but they do not play a major role in their formation. It was a fact of patrilineal reproduction, rather than the relationship with a son, that contributed to medieval manhood."
-- From boys to men: formations of masculinity in late medieval Europe By Ruth Mazo Karras
^Hardly the picture of sterling European role model fathers "bonding" with their children, or involved in their lives.. In short, when “biodiversity” claims of supposed white virtue are put to the test, said claims reveal whites to be dubious exemplars of moral worth or virtue. In fact, the historical record often indicates the opposite. Note again- this analysis applies the claims of biodiversity" proponents back on themselves. If some are going to argue that they represent some sort of pristine level of humanity while demonizing others,
then they have to be prepared to undergo harsh scrutiny. Even, Steven..
14- "Egypt and the Egyptians", Emily Teeter, p. 97, Cambridge University Press, 1999,
15- "Eroticism and Infanticide at Ashkelon", Lawrence E. Stager, Biblical Archaeology Review, July/Aug 1991
16- "Folkways: A Study of Mores, Manners, Customs and Morals", W Sumner, p. 318, Cosmo 2007,
17- "Life in Ancient Egypt", Adolf Erman, Trans H. M. Tirard, p. 141, pub 1894, repub Kessinger 2003,
Which side of the Bell Curve leads in producing child pornography? The
supposedly more virtuous cold climate peoples of northern and eastern
Europe, with Asiatics not far behind. A 2010 UN study found that 85% of
all child pornography is produced in cold climate regions of Europe.
This confirms older analyses by US Customs which found the bulk of child
pornography originating in Europe, with Germany being one of the
prominent leaders. Studies in the 2000s point to an increasing growth
trend of more explicit child pornography.
pornography produced in Mexico, Philippines and Brazil has been
detected but clearly these sources do not predominate... 90% of the
commercial child pornography comes from "Eastern Bloc" countries in
Europe, and that as a location, Eastern Europe appears to be key to be
the organization of the trade."
--Globalization of
Crime: A Transnational Organized Crime Threat Assessment . United
Nations Office on Drus and Crime, Geneva: 2010
One US study in the 1980s found that [quote]
to the US Customs Service, "the traditional source countries are;
Sweden, Dennmark and the Netherlands. France, Japan, Thailand, and the
Philippines are considered new sources." and "85% of all imported child
pornography seized by Customs originated in The Netherlands, Denmark and
Sweden. Acccording to INTERPOL, Germany was the major producer, The
Netherlands and the United Kingdom were the major distribution centers,
and the United States was the largest market. "
-- Dept of
the Treasury, US Customs Service, Child Pornography and Protection
Unit, 1984: In The sexual exploitation of children (1999) Seth L.
Goldstein. CRC Press
A new more disturbing growth in child pornography fueled by eastern Europeans: - [QUOTE]
emergence of more explicit child pornography from Eastern Europe,
access to which involves payment, seem to represent a new and disturbing
growth in cmmerical exploitation of the market for child pornography."
--Child pornography: an Internet crime. By Maxwell Taylor, Ethel Quayle. Pyshcology Press, 2003
No ethnic group is exempt from evil, but "biodiversity" proponents
continually tout cold climate and or northern European peoples, cold
climate eastern Europeans, and cold-climate Asiatics as sterling
evolutionary role models, superior in virtue to lesser breeds. A close
examination of the actual data yields a much less flattering reality.
sum, HBD, "biodiversity" and "hereditarian" types like to lecture
others about the supposedly more virtuous folk on the right hand side of
the Bell Curve, but in fact, said allegedly more virtuous peoples are
themselves leaders, and extreme practitioners in many of the most
degrading examples of human corruption, filth, dissolution, and
plank of 'biodiversity' proponents' is that cold-climate peoples lived
in 'harsh' environments and this developed higher IQs and superior
morality. Alas, an examination of their evidence reveals that the
alleged cold-climate environmental "deprivation" of ancient cold-adapted
Europeans is dubious. If anything the environment was often favorable,
with reliable and predictable food and material resources. Despite this
however cold-climate Europeans never pioneered plant or animal
domestication even though the species to do this were in place, along
with the favorable East-West climatic axis they enjoyed. Indeed, a long
tradition of certain scholarship, continuing even today, suggests that
some cold-adapted peoples were passive, reaching cultural and even
genetic dead-ends.
quote 1- alleged "harsh" ancient European environment is bogus- conditions were actually favorable in many respects:
35,000 years ago, modern human populations apparently entered Western
Europe for the first time and found what one pre-historian has described
as 'a virtual Garden of Eden.' Southwest France and northern Spain
formed a rich environmental mosaic that supported a profusion of animal
and plant life. The diversity of animal life is reflected in carvings
and cave paintings of the Upper Paleolithic Period, spanning from 35,000
to 10,000 years ago. at various times, mammoth, rhinoceros, bison, wild
horses, wild oxen, red deer, reindeer, ibex and many other species
abounded... the Upper Paleolithic people of Western Europe probably
enjoyed a greater degree of social-complexity than is projected by the
simplistic hunter-gatherer model. "They had a rich diversity of
resources, and a high degree of stability and predictability of these
resources year to year."
-- Lewin, Roger (1988). In the Age of Mankind. Smithsonian. pp. 196-199
2- Famous Lascaux area of pre-historic France shows a favorable
environment, not much different from other hunting areas on other
continents, with plenty of climate variability, contradicting claims of
alleged "harsh" venues.
physical world inhabited by the painters and engravers of Lascaux was
unlike anything known today.. Sea levels plummeted more than 300 feet;
dry land connected not only North America and Asia but Britain and
continental Europe. Southern Europe was cold, dry and covered with rich
grasslands. In regions with some topographical re;lief, like southwest
France and northern Spain, vegetation was more varied; sheltered and
exposed localities created different micro-climates. Paleolithic animal
life in this area was abundant, much more like the plains of modern
Africa than anything seen in Europe today. Herds of horses, bison, and
aurochs roamed the grasslands, along with reindeer and ibex in the
To judge from
discoveries of pollen and seed at some sites, and from engravings at
others, peoples of Lascaux and their contemporaries ate blueberries,
raspberries, acorns, hazelnuts, and other tubers, nuts, berries and
The last Ice
Age was by no means a period of unrelieved cold, millennium after
millennium. Temperatures fluctuated, sometimes coming close to today's
balmy interglacial climes, and the animal and plant communities
fluctuated in concert with them. Warmer climes brought woodland and
forest where only open grassland had existed previously. At the same
time, the horses and bison- animals of the plains, were replaced with
red deer, wild boar and other confines of a forest habitat.. "
-- Lewin, Roger (1988). In the Age of Mankind. Smithsonian. pp. 144
3- Long before the coming of the Neolithic revolution from the Near
East via the Natufians and others, ancient cold-adapted Europeans had
more than enough opportunity to pioneer plant and animal domestication.
Wild species of the cow, horse, pig and goat were all well known. Wild
ancestors of important crops- such as wheat-like spelt variants,
and chick peas were also in place. What then took the alleged
cold-adapted "pace-setters" so long to advance human civilization?
as critics of the climate theory point out, the world has gone through
many climate fluctuations in the 100,000 years since modern humans
occupied the Old World. Opportunities for cultivation and animal
husbandry surely existed earlier than the Neolithic. Yet no evidence has
emerged that any plant or animal domestication occurred before this
time. More specifically, no potential climatic trigger can be identified
in many of those cases in which development of domestication can be
documented sufficiently to reveal information about local climatic
-- Lewin, Roger (1988). In the Age of Mankind. Smithsonian. pp. 193
4- Even colder northern climes show a rich resource base and
substantial material life. Such resources, particularly the water-based
ones of the ocean, river and lake, were relatively stable and
predictable, providing plenty of food - hardly the picture of alleged
cold-climate peoples "deprivation" in "unforgiving" glacial
environments, as alleged by JP Rushton, Michael Levin, Satoshi Kanazawa
et al.. Nor did the supposed "evolutionary" evidence of high IQ shine
forth. A long tradition of scholarship so the cold climate types of
northern Europe or cold eastern Europe as dead-enders.
appear in societies in which there are rich maritime or lakeside
resources from the far north to the Mediterranean. In the far northern
latitudes, where for four months of the year the sun does not set, the
icy cold but resource-rich northern sea was the focus of settlements
with pit houses, with people using elaborate seagoing vessels in their
specialised focus on marine foods, probably associated with seal hunting
(Bjerck 1995, Bjerck, this volume). Further south, other structured
settlements echo the theme of marine or lakeside focus. At Tagerup in
Sweden, large houses were constructed in a 'village; at the confluence
of two rivers with permanent structures such as jetties and moorings for
boats.. coastal and lakeside regions also provide evocative glimpses of
societies for whom the sea and water played an important economic and
symbolic role. We see richly symbolic pendants of amber and animal
teeth, wooden artefacts such as bows, decorated paddles, canoes, and
leisters in evidence from submerged sites in the Baltic.. Riverine
resources also appear to have been particularly influential in the
development of settlements such as Lepenski Vir and Vlasac in the Iron
Gates... we see an apparently 'sacred' site at Lepenski Vir, comprising
homes with plaster floors, carved figurines, and neonates interred under
the floors." [pg 8]
Iron gates contain some of the largest concentration of Mesolithic
burials in Europe. Burials have been recorded from at least eleven
sites, and four of these, Lepenski Vir, Padina, Schela Cladovei and
Vlasac each contained very large numbers of graves." [pg 241]
Grahame Clark, excavator of Star Carr and pioneer and champion of
Mesolithic studies in Britain, was forced to concede with evident
reluctance in 1952 that the archaeological evidence for the coastal
Mesolithic peoples of Northwest Europe hardly contradicted the notion of
'a low level of culture' (Clark 1952:63).. Extrapolating the origins of
social complexity to certain contexts in Mesolithic Europe marked a
powerful departure from ideas of small, marginalised groups apparently
'going nowhere'.. 'Complexity' was built on dense, productive, coastal
resources that were available all year." [pg 4]
(2000b:1) concluded that the discipline was still 'waiting for the
great leap forwards'. A long-standing story of Mesolithic
hunter-gatherers so immersed in their environments and nature, both
ecologically and ideologically as to be almost socially inert seems to
retain a strong hold on our imaginations." [pg 5]
-- G. N. Bailey (2008) Mesolithic Europe. Cambridge University Press. pp 8, 241, 4, 5
Cold climate evolution put to the test- the Neanderthals whose DNA shows up in today's Europeans
occurred primarily in Europe and show distinct cold-adapted body
proportions. Some of their DNA markers appear in modern Europeans
according to a recent 2010 study (Richard E. Green et al (2010). "A Draft Sequence of the Neanderthal Genome". Science 328 (5979): 710–722. )
Neanderthals, with clear markers to today's Europeans, are thus a test
case for alleged cold climate superiority. But in fact, these early
cold-climate Europeans are a genetic dead end, with static technology,
and brains that while as big as that of modern humans from Africa, lack
essential processing capabilities.
Furthermore the Neanderthals
failed to make the leap to more advanced technology beyond the stone age
Mousterian package, and failed to innovate plant and animal
domestication despite having numerous ancestors of sheep, goats, cows,
pigs and horses available to them, as well as wild grain variants that
could be used. As noted above, Europe in a colder earlier time
possessed environments with a number of rich resources, and variable
microclimates. The Neanderthals prospered there. So why couldn't this
cold climate European race, which has
DNA links appearing in modern Europeans, show the alleged IQ
superiority touted for its homeland, either via brain makeup or
technological/cultural achievement?
Quote 5:
Neanderthal brains, which should have been superior due to alleged
"activation" by the "challenges" of cold climate life, lag behind. They
ended up a static dead-end, with genes reflected in modern Europeans but
nevertheless failed to make crucial advances.
had brain sizes comparable to modern humans, but their brain cases were
elongated and not globular as in Homo sapiens[1,2]. It has, therefore,
been suggested that modern humans and Neanderthals reached large brain
sizes along different evolutionary pathways [2]. Here, we assess when
during development these adult differences emerge. This is critical for
understanding whether differences in the pattern of brain development
might underlie potential cognitive differences between these two closely
related groups. Previous comparisons of Neanderthal and modern human
cranial development have shown that many morphological characteristics
separating these two groups are already established at the time of birth
[3,4,5], and that the subsequent developmental patterns of the face are
similar, though not identical [6]. Here, we show that a globularization
phase seen in the neurocranial development of modern humans after birth
is absent from Neanderthals. "
-- Gunz et al (2010) . Brain development after birth differs between Neanderthals and modern human. Current Biology: 20, 21.
Other Notes
Tattersall I, Schwartz JH (June 1999). "Hominids and hybrids: the place
of Neanderthals in human evolution". Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences 96 (13): 7117–9.
Selection theory- more virtuous, high IQ cold climate people (the "K"
selected), became so due to alleged "novel challenges" of cold
environments, or due to mental adjustments due to "novel, unpredictable"
environments. Sounds fascinating, but if r/k selection theory is right
in its prediction of behavioral changes caused by "more novel" or
"unpredictable" challenges, then it also points to increasing moral
corruption and filth by the "k-selected".
In terms of
human history and culture child pornography and molestation are
certainly outside the norm. They occur in every culture but they are not
the norm. However, if r/k Selection Theory is applied, the alleged
virtue of whites and Asiatics is called into question. Both groups lead
the world in the consumption and production of child pornography or
child molestation. Likewise, few tropical nations embrace the marriage
of homosexuals on a par with heterosexual relations. Such a par is
certainly "novel" in human history. However, here again, r/k Selection
Theory may point to a pattern of deviancy being now embraced as normal-
it is the white Western nations for the most part that embrace
homosexual marriage. Mass killing of children for convenience is also
relatively novel in human history. Here again, white women lead all
others proportionately (as detailed above), with Asiatics weighing in on
the "volume" factor. Examples could go on and on. Proponents of a
racial r/k Selection Theory typically spin it to show "approved" groups
in a virtuous light, but in fact their same theory predicts continual
increases in white "k-selected" moral corruption and filth surpassing
anything known in supposedly more "predictable" warm-climate
Some current data on white America - losing vround?
Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/18/us/for-women-under-30-most-births-occur-outside-marriage.html?pagewanted=all
White Families Are in Trouble, Too
With More Absent Fathers and Poverty, It's Time for a New
Moynihan Report
Nicholas Eberstadt | Dallas
August 21, 2005
Forty years after the Moynihan report, the tragic saga of
the modern black family is common knowledge. But the tale of family breakdown
in modern America
is no longer a story delimited to a single ethnic minority. Today the family is
also in crisis for this country's ethnic majority: the so-called white American
The crisis in the white family has attracted curiously
little attention from commentators and policymakers. Yet by many of the
criteria of the Moynihan report, today's white American family looks to be at
least as troubled as the black family of the early 1960s.
Consider trends in out-of-wedlock births. By 2002, 28.5
percent of babies of white mothers were born outside marriage in this country.
Over the past generation, the white illegitimacy rate has exploded, quadrupling
since 1975, when the level was 7.1 percent. The overall illegitimacy rate for
whites is higher than it was for black mothers (23.6 percent) when the Moynihan
report sounded its alarm.
Moreover, with 75 percent-plus of their babies born outside
marriage, white teens now have much higher illegitimacy rates than the black
American teens of the early and mid-1960s. Indeed, in 2002, a white mother
younger than 30 was more likely to have an illegitimate child than a black
mother was in 1970.
White illegitimacy rates look somewhat lower if the
non-Hispanic white population is examined apart from Hispanic Americans. Even
so, in 2002, the illegitimacy rate for "white Anglos"--as
Euro-Americans are sometimes called--was 23 percent--virtually identical to
levels 40 years earlier for black mothers.
Today no state in the Union has an
Anglo illegitimacy ratio as low as 10 percent. Even in predominantly Mormon
Utah, every eighth non-Hispanic white infant is born out of wedlock.
What about family instability and fatherlessness? As of
2001, according to a U.S. Census Bureau study released earlier this month,
every fifth white child under 18 was living in a single-parent home. Roughly a
third of America's
white children, furthermore, were living in a home without both biological
parents--and 2 percent to 3 percent of white children lived with neither
biological parent. Here again, white American trends have reached Moynihan
report levels.
The "tangle of pathology" described in the
Moynihan report is also increasingly apparent in white America.
Welfare dependence, for example, is far more prevalent among white families
than is commonly appreciated. Notwithstanding the 1996 Welfare Reform Act, as
of 2002, roughly 29 percent of white children and nearly 24 percent of Anglo
children lived in families accepting at least one form of means-tested public
assistance. In other words, welfare program participation rates among white
children today are close to twice as high as they were among black children at
the time of the Moynihan report.
And despite a decade of dropping crime statistics,
criminality is leaving a growing mark on white youth. As of 2004, 1.6 percent
of all Anglo men in their 20s and 30s were behind bars--roughly twice the rate
as recently as 1980.
Prescient as it was, in retrospect we can see that the
Moynihan report was off the mark in one key respect. It suggested that family
breakdown was a distinctive problem for African-Americans due to their unique
and painful legacy of slavery and racial discrimination. The scars of American
racism, however, can hardly explain the disintegration of white families in America
over the past four decades--much less the growing instability of families in
affluent democracies on other continents.
At this writing, for example, the illegitimacy ratio has
topped 40 percent in both France
and Britain,
and more than 20 percent of Germany's
families with children are headed by single parents. And across the Pacific,
"Asian values" no longer confer blanket inoculation against family
decay: In 2003, South Korea
recorded 56 divorces for every 100 marriages.
Clearly, the crisis of the family is not just a "black thing.
-----END EXCERPT------------
noted above, this article is not intended to bash any particular group.
All human groups suffer from dark deeds and evil works. This page
repudiates racism in all forms, and racist supremacists in whatever form
or color. However there is a well financed academic industry, and a
widespread parallel population on the Internet that continues to
propagate the dubious one-sided picture of virtuous and moral
'Eurasians,' versus lesser breeds. This article seeks to redress the
balance. The above examples are only the tip of a grim iceberg for those
with allegedly more virtuous, cold climate behavior, or culture. It is
also a typical pattern that those who continually tout the gospel of
virtuous whites or East Asians against supposedly less virtuous "darker
breeds" invite hard scrutiny of their claims on the merits (not simply
via political or rhetorical responses). Such scrutiny in a large number of
cases, if not most cases, using the same empirical data of the white or Asian anointed,
reveals not only a much less flattering reality but the embrace of and
"leadership" of the allegedly more 'virtuous' in extremes of human filth,
violence and folly. It is a warning that all human groups have sinned, and the ugly facts confer little credit to the self-anointed.
Joint products of "racial evolution"...
Quotations from mainstream academic research on the Nile Valley peoples
Assorted data debunking
Evolution, brain size, and the national IQ of peoples ... -
Jelte Wicherts 2010
Why national IQs do not support evolutionary theories of
intelligence - WIcherts, Borsboom and Dolan 2010
Personality and Individual Differences 48 (2010) 91-96
----------------------------- -------------
Are intelligence tests measurement invariant over time? by
JM Wicherts - ?2004
--Dolan, Wicherts et
al 2004. Investigating the nature of the Flynn effect. Intelligence 32 (2004)
---------------- -------
Race and other misadventures: essays in honor of Ashley
Montagu... By Larry T. Reynolds, Leonard Lieberman
Race and intelligence: separating science from myth. By Jefferson
M. Fish. Routledge 2002. See Templeton's detailed article referenced above also
inside the book
---------------- -------
Oubre, A (2011) Race Genes and Ability: Rethinking Ethnic
Differences, vol 1 and 2. BTI Press
For summary see: http://www.skeptic.com/eskeptic/05-02-18/
---------------- -------
--S OY Keita, R A Kittles, et al. "Conceptualizing human
variation," Nature Genetics 36, S17 - S20 (2004)
---------------- -------
Alan Templeton. "The Genetic and Evolutionary
significnce oF Human Races." pp 31-56. IN: J. FiSh (2002) Race and
Intelligence: Separating scinnce from myth.
J. FiSh (2002) Race
and Intelligence: Separating science from myth.
-------------------------------- ---------------------
Oubre, A (2011) Race Genes and Ability: Rethinking Ethnic
Differences, vol 1 and 2. BTI Press
Krimsky, S, Sloan.K (2011) Race and the Genetic Revolution:
Science, Myth, and Culture
Wicherts and Johnson, 2009. Group differences in the
heritability of items and test scores
--Joseph Graves, 2006. What We Know and What We Don’t Know:
Human Genetic Variation and the Social Construction of Race
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