Perish the thought pilgrim. Republicans not having seizures if Trump loses? Here's one scenario where a Biden win might be no big deal for Republicans. The Atlantic article referenced below notes that if Biden wins he would have a huge amount of heavy lifting to do in a post-Corona/Covid America. Like so:
"If Joe Biden wins the election in November, he will likely be sworn in—perhaps virtually—under the most challenging circumstances since Harry Truman became president in 1945. The country will probably be in the end stages of a brutal pandemic and faced with the worst economy since the Great Depression. The Treasury will be significantly depleted. Millions of people will have lost loved ones, their jobs, much of their net worth..
Biden’s first and toughest challenge will be to address the badly frayed governance compact, in which citizens expect and trust the government to deliver on essential services. .
Biden’s second herculean task will be resurrecting the national economy. By January 2021, the United States will likely have tried numerous unprecedented fiscal and Fed efforts to keep the faint pulse of the national economy going, but unemployment will still be in the double digits and entire industries will remain decimated. With the end finally in sight, the government will need to urgently figure out how to get as many businesses as possible up and running and people back to work. This effort would be challenging in the best of times, but the pandemic likely will have changed the very nature of work in America. A simple restart is not possible.
The third challenge is international. .. in 2021, a number of crucial problems must be addressed collectively. How can the vaccine be distributed globally, at a reasonable cost, and to those who need it most? How can governments work together to put in place an international architecture of surveillance, rapid response, and a scalable industrial base for crucial medical supplies so everyone is prepared for the next pandemic? As governments rebuild their national economies and focus on restoring their domestic industries, how do they do so in a way that also creates a healthy global economy that works to everyone’s benefit? And, as the world opens back up, how can countries deal with the geopolitical crises that will inevitably emerge from this period? .. This leads to the most vexing post-coronavirus challenge: how to manage the China dimension. China’s failure to be honest about COVID-19 increased the risks to the rest of the world, its pressure on the World Health Organization compromised a vital international institution when people needed it most, and its propaganda war to place the blame on the United States amounted to the throwing of a gauntlet in a superpower competition.."
And so on..
Given the magnitude of the task facing a winning Biden, Republicans could gain a number of possible bonuses, even as they simply kick back and use the next four years sniping and criticizing from the sidelines, exploiting setbacks and errors, and letting the Democrats take the heat (and associated blame) for a blasted post-Corona landscape. What might these bonuses be pilgrim?
1-- Mission accomplished- stop Hilary, rollback Obama. For one thing, Trump accomplished the biggest Republican desire of the past 12 years- blocking Hilary, who was poised to win. A second bonus is reversing Obamism, which yields a two-fer: a policy rollback, and pumping up the racist parts of the Republican base that never reconciled themselves to the fact of Obama, over and above any of the usual policy disagreements. This "race base" segment plays a key role in expanding and promoting a nasty atmosphere online in numerous forums and venues. An innocent, inconsequential YouTube video with black people these days for example might draw a raft of racial slurs by trolls. Sometimes the venue is more substantial than the usual drive-by anonymous lamers - witness the racist attacks against US fencing champion Nzinga Prescod recently in a public Zoom conference call recently. This is today's coarse online landscape, including fake news, bogus impersonators, and automated propaganda bots infesting social media. To be fair, Republican leaders rightly disavow such things, as do Dems on their end, but they get attention and traffic, and thus will continue.
2-- Sit back and snipe while Dems struggle. The Democrat winner would take office under a gloomy cloud and may not get much better for the next 4 years. What better position for Republicans? The Dems take all the anger and fallout- wile they sit back, snipe and exploit opportunities to attack.
3- The Covid checkmate. The post-Covid economy, with fiscal deficits and problems looming large, might in itself put a check on ambitious Dem social spending and initiatives. Free Medicare for example, looks a lot less doable if you have an even higher deficit and money problems to begin with. The same lack of funds will afflict other quixotic crusades such as reparations for native-born US blacks only, which were unrealistic to begin with even before the Corona appeared. Both Bernie Sanders and Obama and even M. Dyson oppose such by the way.
4-- Lucrative Biden bashing opportunities. Joe Biden is not a dumb guy, but he has a stutter and is prone to making public relations gaffes. The next four years would provide rich fodder for right-wing operatives and talking heads to attack and exploit. In addition, Biden would still be dogged by strident voices on the left whom he has to appease, not to mention other PR problems such as sexual harassment allegations. This makes his PR problems even more acute.
5-- Supremes lock-in. A Trump loss is hardly the end of the world since he has already locked in a more conservative Supreme Court majority that will be around for years after he is gone, possibly decades. This will act as a brake of sorts on some liberal/left agendas.
6-- White knight to rescue after 4 years. A harsh opening hand, and a gloomy seat at the table, can translate into a negative cloud over 4 years of a Biden Administration. But at the end of the gloomy period, Republicans have a ready-made hero. Up in yonder sky pilgrim! A bird? A plane? Nay, its sterling Mike Pence! In this scenario, with a disgruntled electorate still feeling the post-Covid gloom, Pence emerges to save the day. Gone the gaffes! Gone da gloom! Yon savior announces a firm plan and sunny, can-do optimism, not a litany of problems. "The base" rallies and the rest is history.
Impossible you say pilgrim? Not necessarily. Let's take a historical example- Jimmy Carter- not an exact parallel of course, but illustrating the way a difficult opening hand can help (I did not say it was the "only" factor) undermine a president.
Carter had a difficult opening hand, despite initial optimism of a change after the divisive years of Nixonism and Watergate. Divisive.. hmm.. interesting parallel.. He took office during a period of "stagflation", as the economy experienced a combination of high inflation and slow economic growth. He also faced the energy crisis and soaring oil prices inherited from the Nixon years. His budgetary policies were not wild "tax and spend liberalism" as hostile right-wing propagandists claim, but centered on taming inflation by reducing deficits and government spending. In November 1978, Carter signed the Revenue Act of 1978, an $18.7 billion tax cut. It was Carter's misfortune that the economic crisis he inherited continued to negatively impact his administration.
Carter had a much better Civil Rights Record that Ronald Reagan, who opposed every major piece of civil rights legislation: the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, an the Housing Act of 1968. If these measures had not passed, America's odious apartheid state would have remained substantially intact. Reagan also opposed California's Fair Housing law- the Rumford Act- and supported racially discriminatory housing covenants. As president, Reagan aligned his Justice Department on the side of segregation, supporting the fundamentalist Bob Jones University in its case seeking federal funds for institutions that discriminate on the basis of race. In 1983, when the supreme court decided against Bob Jones, Reagan, under fire from the right wing, hollowed out civil rights enforcement.
Assorted detractors focus on the Iran fiasco as if that were the only dimension of Carter's foreign policy. But in addition, Carter also greatly expanded military spending and in fact began a military buildup that others were to continue, and take credit for. He was tough on the Soviets' after their Afghanistan invasion, and initiated arming the mujadehim freedom fighters during his administration. And so, in spite of earnest effort, and a record positive in some respects, amid the pall of economic "malaise," and the gloom of a festering foreign policy problem -(Iran's hostages), a politician with a sunny smile and optimistic disposition, who spoke of a "city on a hill," emerged and walked away with an easy victory.
Is this an exact parallel? No there are important differences. Nevertheless the general pattern- gloomy economic opening hand and follow-on prospects, difficult foreign policy challenges, earnest effort with some positives, but in the end, not enough, when a cheery challenger showed up. Is this scenario possible? Maybe.. the next few months (and perhaps years), will tell the tale...

Would a Biden win be any big loss for Republicans?
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Additional gene flow data... :)
Race, IQ, and Wealth: What the facts tell us about a taboo subject By Ron Unz
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IQ claims and miscellaneous data
other links
1-- Huge post-Covid turmoil, distrust of government, and a frayed safety net
2-- A